一对啄木鸟 西南联大书评

作者&投稿:瞿股 (若有异议请与网页底部的电邮联系)


The introduction of the author

A PAIR OF WOODPECKERS《一对啄木鸟》,byan anonymous contributor,in The Atlantic Monthly magazine,Vol.CLIl.No.5,pp.637,638,November.1933.


一篇有关啄木鸟的小短文。作者仔细观察了一对啄木鸟夫妇的日常后,写下的文章。简言之就是一只负责"hatch the eggs",另一只负责"bring back the bacon"养家糊口(这里的bacon在文章中具体应该指的是grubs)的日常故事。读完看后面的问题才发现编者提了一个问题:

How does the author make this little sketch a commentary on human married life?作者是如何用这篇小短文来评论人类的婚姻生活的呢?

带着这个问题再来读一遍文章就觉得顿时有趣好多。啄木鸟夫妇本来各司其职,正好最近天凉了虫子变少了,然后就多了很多矛盾。日常捉不到虫一方被数落、被数落→演变成互相斗嘴→一方服软又去捉虫……文中的词都用得很拟人化,这样一看就觉得蛮好玩的。一起来学一学文章中出现的一些词和句子吧~exuberant foliage 茂盛的树叶 /'fouli.Id3/√ exuberant /rg'zu:.ba.ant/ adj.

①(especially of people and their behaviour)very energetic(形容人尤指人或其行为)精力充沛的,热情洋溢的,兴高采烈的

eg. Young and exuberant, he symbolizes Italy's new vitality.

青春年少、意气风发,他代表了意大利朝气蓬勃的新生力量。②(of plants)strong and growing quickly


get/take possession of sth 占有,拥有√ 重点讲讲possession这个词/pe'ze【en/

√  n.①拥有,占有;具有②所有物,个人物品;财产③殖民地,托管地;属地

Eg.The possession of large amounts of money does not ensure happiness.

拥有大量金钱并不能保证一定会幸福。He was found in possession of explosives. 他被发现私藏爆炸物。

Please remember to take all your personal possessions with you when you leave the aircraft.

下飞机时请记得携带好所有个人物品。另外 self-possession  表示“镇定、沉着”→衍生一下动词possess 2种意思

to have or own something,or to have a particular quallty 拥有;具有

·I donT nossess a single DVD(= I donT have even one DVD). 我一张DVD光盘报没有。

·In the past the root of this plant was thought to nossess magical powers 过去这种植物的根被认为具有神奇的力量。

(of a wish or an idea) to take control over a person's mind,making that person behave in a very strange way (欲望或想法)影响,控制,支配

·[-to intinitive 1 Whatever possessedhim to wear that appalling jacket!他中了什么邪竟穿了那件怪异的夹克衫!recall sth 回想起

动词"回忆起;回想起;记得;使联想起;勾起(联想)"The old man recalled the city as it had been before the war. 这位老人回忆起战前这座城市的样子。

[+(that)] He recalled(that)he had sent the letter over a month ago. L+question word Can you recall what happened last night?

[+-ing verb] She recalled seeing him Qutside the shop on the night of the robbery.


来自 <https://dictionary cambridge org/dictionary/english-chinese-simplified/recall>The film recalls the events of First World War. 他的画作使人联想起一战的事情。

chatter v/n.①唠叨;喋喋不休②(指动物)叽叽喳喳,吱吱叫,咯咯叫

Eg.Like most fathers when under fire,his woodpeckership assumed an indifferent air, as if to say, "I don't mind your senseless chatter in the least"

像多数被数落了的爸爸们一样,雄性啄木鸟看起来跟平时一样淡定,如同在说:  "你就唠叨吧,反正我压根不当回事.

He could hear the chatter of birds in the trees overhead. 他可以听见鸟儿在头顶的树上叽喳喳的叫声。

demented adj.忧虑失常的;疯狂的;昏了头的(crazy or mad;deprived of reason)Eg. She was nearly demented with worry when her son didn't come home.


The female remained, still showing only thehead and neck from behind the stub,and eyed me in that breathless, frozen stillness socharacteristic of a frightened bird. Three automobiles roared past like huge demented beetles, but she did not stir.

此时,雌鸟留在树干后,只露出头和颈,盯着我,屏住气息,纹丝不动,俨然一幅惊弓之鸟状。三辆汽车呼啸而过,犹如发疯的巨型甲虫,而她还是丝毫未动。elaborate curtsy 周到的礼节incubating eggs 孵蛋

√ 看到incubate觉得非常眼熟,比较熟悉的是他的另一个意思作动词表示“潜伏”

incubation period表示“潜伏期”下面摘录了一段原文中的段落,觉得很能反映出作者的意趣。

I soon discovered why she was not sitting on those eggs. As in all well-regulated families, each member of the partnership hadassumed certain duties. She was to hatch the eggs, and he, in vulgar phrase, was to "bring home the bacon." Apparently he was not fulfilling his part of the agreement. 

He had scarcely disappeared into the forest when she began a rapid, high-keyed chatter, evidentlybegging for more grubs. She kept this up for several minutes, occasionally opening her mouth wide,as if gasping for breath. 

When, in spite of her coaxing, the male did not return,she changed her tactics.Pitching her voice on a much lower key, she kept up a staccato calling that reverberated through the forest.

/rr'v3:ba.ert//ste ka.tou/



scold him as a fishwife像泼妇一样斥责起自己的丈夫其实文章中描述啄木鸟妻子责备丈夫的用词都蛮形象的。比如

Somewhat abashed, the male withdrew toa dead branch on the other side of the stub;but she sensed the fact that he was loafing there,and craning her head round as far as she could without falling out of the nest, resumed her recriminations.


recrimination n.相互指责;反诉;反责→recriminatory adj.反责的;反诉的又比如下面这一段

Raising her voice to something like a scream, she turned loose upon him a torrent of abuse before she swallowed it, and as soon as itwas down resumed her tongue-lashing. 冲他一通数落后,她才开始享受觅来的食物。然后虫子刚刚下肚,就又继续对他喋喋不休。

tongue-lashing noun[C]-intormat


If you give someone a tongue-lashingyou speak angrily to that person about something that they have done wrong. (对犯错者的)怒斥,训斥

· He got a real tongue lashing after the game. 赛后他受到了严厉的指责。


prevailing storms

√ 这里的 prevailing怎么理解让我有点疑惑。prevailing形容词 最常用的意思是"盛行的;现有的;通行的"Eg.the prevailing attitude


字典上还查到一个意思,觉得很贴切prevailing wind

a wind that usually blows in a particular direction 某地常刮的风,盛行风

·The town is kept cool by the prevailing westerly winds. 由于西风盛行,这个城镇很凉爽。文中的例句是

I noticed that the opening was slightly V-shaped at the bottom, that it faced away from the prevailing storms but toward the sun.


如果要单拎出来的,大概可以理解为 盛行暴风? 类似的意思本身动词prevail也有两个常用意思“①盛行②占优势,占上风”Eg. This attitude still prevails among the middle classes. 这种观点在中产阶级中仍然很普遍。

I am sure that common sense will prevail in the end. 我相信常识最终会获胜。

And did reason prevail over (= becomea more powerful influence than) emotion?理智战胜了情感吗?

衍生出的形容词prevalent adj流行的,盛行的,普遍的

卫辉市15876975026: 《精神的雕像》读后感 -
葛爸意鲁: [《精神的雕像》读后感]2010年01月15日读了《精神的雕像》一书,觉得西南联大可以称之为奇迹,《精神的雕像》读后感.正如蜘蛛不会飞翔,但它照样把网结在空中,奇迹由执着者创造. 从来没有一个群体,能像联大人这样在我心上投上...

卫辉市15876975026: 啄木鸟的特点 -
葛爸意鲁: 啄木鸟的外貌与特点:嘴坚、舌长、尾巴硬,生活在森林,喜欢在大树上啄木捉虫; 啄木鸟是著名的森林医生它们吃的有甲虫、毛虫、天牛、蜘蛛、蚂蚁等害虫.一对啄木鸟往往能“保卫”几十亩面积的树木免受害虫侵袭.啄木鸟的身体构造,完全适应于捕捉钻进树里的害虫.一般的鸟类都足生四趾,三趾朝前,一趾向后;而啄木鸟的四趾平均分配,前后个两趾,各趾均有锐爪,能在树上垂直攀爬;它的尾巴构造也不同一般,呈楔形,羽轴硬而富有弹性.在树上攀爬和用嘴敲击时,尾巴是个坚强的支柱.象听诊器一样的钢嘴,通过敲树作声,能准确的巡捕到蛀虫. 啄木鸟的舌头工作非常特殊.它的长舌能伸出口外达14厘米.舌尖上能分泌粘液,并且还生有锋利的倒钩,连钩带粘,害虫休想逃脱.

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葛爸意鲁: 小明说 鸟类是人类的好朋友 且听我分解:每天早晨,鸟醒得最早.它在树上一边捉虫,一边歌唱.每当我们醒来,听到鸟的歌声,便会想起孟浩然的“春眠不觉晓,处处闻啼鸟”的诗句,顿觉神清气爽.鸟是大自热的歌手,是大自然的音乐家...

卫辉市15876975026: 怎样表达对啄木鸟的喜爱之情? -
葛爸意鲁: 写作思路:不要平铺直叙地进行,要注意及时地、不断地变化描写的角度,使描写更加具体,给读者主体化之感.做到条理清楚、自然、明白,不杂乱,要倾注自己的思想感情. 一身五彩缤纷的羽毛,一对小小的眼睛,一张又尖又长的嘴巴,再...

卫辉市15876975026: 《联大长征》读后感 -
葛爸意鲁:[答案] [《联大长征》读后感]2010年12月21日,收到饶君寄来的《联大长征》,刚拿到书的时候就被书精美的封面吸引住了,映入眼帘的是一幅联大内迁的路线图,图上标记的箭头,犹如一个个坚实的足迹,记录着这段教育史上的奇迹和佳话,《联大长征...

卫辉市15876975026: 阅读下面的文字,完成1—3题.(共8分)历史不可复制 精神却能传承记者(以下简称记):持续8年对西南联大的关注,你眼中的西南联大是什么样的?张... -
葛爸意鲁:[答案] 1.①西南联大的历史价值观,包括体制、大学管理、教授治校以及全面的人文精神等.②西南联大形成了崇尚自由活泼的个性、激发学生创造性的学风.③西南联大师生传承5000年文化的文化精神.(2分) 2.提问:应该以一种什么样的视角去研究西...

卫辉市15876975026: 啄木鸟有 怎样的特点 象征什么写少点 -
葛爸意鲁:[答案] 啄木鸟的外貌与特点:嘴坚、舌长、尾巴硬,生活在森林,喜欢在大树上啄木捉虫; 啄木鸟是著名的森林医生它们吃的有甲虫、毛虫、天牛、蜘蛛、蚂蚁等害虫.一对啄木鸟往往能“保卫”几十亩面积的树木免受害虫侵袭.啄木鸟的身体构造,完全适...

卫辉市15876975026: 啄木鸟的特点(关于啄木鸟的特点的基本详情介绍)
葛爸意鲁: 1、鸟纲鴷形目啄木鸟科鸟类的通称.2、它是常见的留鸟,在中国分布较广的种类有绿啄木鸟和斑啄木鸟.3、啄木鸟是著名的森林鸟,除消灭树皮下的害虫如天牛幼虫等以外,其凿木的痕迹可作为森林卫生采伐的指示剂.4、它们觅食天牛、吉丁虫、透翅蛾、蝽虫等有害虫,每天能吃掉1500条左右.5、由于啄木鸟食量大和活动范围广,在13.3公顷的森林中,若有一对啄木鸟栖息,一个冬天就可啄食吉丁虫90%以上.

卫辉市15876975026: 为什么说啄木鸟是森林医生?
葛爸意鲁: 啄木鸟主要以害虫为食物,它能把树干中的害虫掏出来吃掉,一只啄木鸟每天能吃掉1000到1400条害虫和虫卵.一对啄木鸟能保护一平方公里森林免受蛀虫的侵害.相信...

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