our dialy life(日常生活英语作文,不要短的)

作者&投稿:仇由富 (若有异议请与网页底部的电邮联系)
英语作文 5句话的那种,麻烦帮我看看有什么错误的地方!!~

!In our dialy life,some friends and neighbors whom we get along well with make us amused.They are concerned about us and we often talk face to face and help each other.Maybe we are fond of making friends because of it ,but sometimes we do not understand entirely how to do it.In order to take part in different activities ,we choose different friends as our partners.We may have many friends ,but there is only a best friend who can share our sufferings and even go through together in our lifes.We should help them entirely in our power because the best friend may be someone whom we fall in love with.满意答案Floccinaucin12级2010-08-29改过之后的: In our daily life,some friends and neighbors who we get along well with make us amused.They are concerned about us and we often talk face to face and help each other.Maybe we are fond of making friends because of it ,but sometimes we do not understand entirely what to do with it.(这个才是处理的意思)In order to take part in different activities ,we choose different friends as our partners.We may have many friends ,but there is only one best friend who can share our sufferings with and even go through together in our lifes with.We should help them entirely in our power because the best friend may be someone who we fall in love with.你上初几啊,怎么文章写得那么没水平啊,反正我只能给你改出几处明显点的错误 追问: 其实不是处理的意思,是怎样不知道怎样去交朋友的意思,我本想用do it 代替交朋友这件事的。如果只这个意思可以吗?but there is only one best friend who can share our sufferings with and even go through together in our lifes with.这里with后的人是不是可以省略啊?那可不可以but there is only one best friend whom we can share our sufferings with and even go through together in our lifes with 啊?这作文几乎是直译过来的,真的很没水准吗? 回答: 你这篇文章除了缺少句子成分外就是表达的极其汉语化,就跟按汉语一个一个翻译似的。我给你改的都是些最基本的语法错误,如果你有些英语功底就不应该出现这样的错误。然后就是这篇作文一看就是个刚学英语没多久的人写的。 追问: 考试中的5句作文,有时内容较多,一般我都差不多直译,汉语化的确是个问题。可不可以帮我重新写一篇,下面是中文,写成5句作文,谢谢;1.在日常生活中,与我们相处融洽的朋友和邻居使我们更加愉快2。他们关心和帮助我们,我们经常面对面的和他们交谈3.我们喜欢交很多朋友,但我们可能不完全懂得交朋友的方式4.为了参加不同的活动,我们选择不同的朋友作为我们的搭档5.我们可能有很多朋友,但最好的朋友可能只有一个,他/她能够分享我们的经历与甘苦,甚至与我们一起度过难关6.我们最好的朋友可能就是我们彼此相爱的人7.我们也应该全力以赴的帮助最好的朋友 回答: 不行,没那个心思。

NUMEROLOGY IN OUR DAILY LIFE. 76. rate or flag this page. By ratnaveera ... We
can never change our Fate Number or Life Path Number (i.e.) our fate.Even at these very low rates of population growth, the numbers are ... "Math in
Daily Life" is inspired by programs from For All Practical PurposesJoin us as we explore how math can help us in our daily lives. In this exhibit,
you'll look at the language of numbers through common situations

I get up at half past six in the morning.Then I eat breakfast which my mum cooked.At seven o"clock.I go to school by bike.I have 4 lessons in the morning.At half past eleven.I have lunch at school.I have 5 lessons in the afternoon.after class.I go home with classmate.In the evening.after I finish my homework.I go to bed early.It is a busy day.but I am happy

I get up at 8AM every moring . I brush my teeth and wash my face .
next I have my breadfast.when i'm finished,i'm ready to school.
when I arrive at scholl,I derectly go to classroom and take a few minutes rest.then I start my classes.When the whole classes is finished, then I go home
now ,it's 6PM,i'm home,I 然后随便写做作业啊 看电视啊 吃饭啊 洗完啊 都


I get up at 6:30.Then,I brush my teeth.Next,I eat my breakfast.I usually eat hamburgers,eggs and salad for breakfast.What a funny time to eat breakfast!At around 7:25 I go to school.At 8:10 school starts.I eat lunch at aruound 12:15.At 13:25 I go to school.After school,I have Chinese history club for 1 hours.Oh,it's really inteesting!I go home at 17:50.Then,I do my homework.At 19:00 I eat dinner.At 20:30 I watch TV.At 21:00 I take a shower.Then I go to bed.

When I began my middle school life, I became more and more busy. Let me tell you about it.
I get up at six o'clock, that's early.I'm always sleepy.Then I brush my teeth and eat breakfast.I usually have eggs and a glass of milk. I go to school at six thirty, it takes me about thirty minutes to get to school. School starts at eight o'clock. I have four classes in the morning and four in the afternoon. My favorite class in schol is music,because it's relaxing, and our teacher is very nice. I have music on Thursday,what a pity! School ends at four thirty, I usually play sports after school, my favorite sport is basketball, I'm good at it. I get home around five thirty, I rest for alittle time, then I have dinner.After dinner I do my homework, I hace lots of homework to do everyday. When I finish my homework I get very tired, and it's usually very late, so I can't watch TV. I take a shower and then go to sleep at ten.
I have a busy life,but I'm happy everyday.

新郑市13264247054: 以"Numbers in our daily life"<"日常生活中的数字">英语作文 -
井天希捷: NUMEROLOGY IN OUR DAILY LIFE. 76. rate or flag this page. By ratnaveera ... We can never change our Fate Number or Life Path Number (i.e.) our fate.Even at these very low rates of population growth, the numbers are ... "Math in Daily Life" ...

新郑市13264247054: 在我们的日常生活中用英文翻译是In our daily lives还是In our daily life? -
井天希捷: in our daily life, life 作为生活讲时是不可数的,当其表示生命时可作为可数名词.

新郑市13264247054: “在我们的日常生活中”是in our daily life还是in our daily lives?单数复数? -
井天希捷:[答案] in our daily life life 意思是生命时才用复数

新郑市13264247054: “在我们的日常生活中”是in our daily life还是in our daily lives? -
井天希捷: 用in our daily life life做生活讲,不可数! 如果这里是指生命中不同的事件、遭遇,就用lives, 个人认为,具体语境具体分析,两种用法都可以!无其他疑问,望及时采纳

新郑市13264247054: “在我们日常生活中”用英语怎么表达in our daily life,还是in our daily lives,还是in our daily living -
井天希捷:[答案] 第一个吧! 还有一个:in our regular life 怎样呢

新郑市13264247054: 求Numbers in our daily life 的英语作文要简单 -
井天希捷:[答案] Numbers is very widespread and important in our daily life.Such as the bus number,the taxi number,the telephone number,the post code,the identidy numbers,also the test scores,the student number,and so...

新郑市13264247054: 以My daily life为题写一篇60词左右的短文 -
井天希捷: 初中版 MY daily life As a student,my duty is study. I spend most of my time on study.There is my family life and my school life.Parents and teachers requirement us to study hard for our briliant future.We should know about their mind..If you have ...

新郑市13264247054: 以My Daily Life为主题写一编60词左右的短文,讲清楚你每天的主要活动及时间. -
井天希捷: Hello,now I want to share my daily life moments with you,let's getstarted.Firstly,I pretty enjoy running in the morning,by doing that I leave all my stress behind me for a while. After this, I wil go to school,and have my breakfast on my way.I chat a lot with ...

新郑市13264247054: “因特网在我们的日常生活中正扮演着越来越重要的作用”怎么翻译成英语? -
井天希捷: 因特网在我们的日常生活中正扮演着越来越重要的作用 The internet plays more and more important role in our daily life. 希望采纳

新郑市13264247054: in our daily life还是on our daily life在我们的日常生活中是 in our daily life 还是 on our daily life? -
井天希捷:[答案] in our daily life Apart from industrial use,plastics have found wide application in our daily life. 除了工业用途之外,塑料还在日常生活中得到了广泛的应用 Computers find wide application in our daily life as well as in science. 计算机不仅用于科学领域,...

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