Oxygen and Hydrogen Stable Isotopes

作者&投稿:独孤弦 (若有异议请与网页底部的电邮联系)
oxygen and hydrogen make water.这个句子是什么结构?~

主语:oxygen and hydrogen

C 试题分析:考查词组辨析:句意:我们都知道,水是由氢气和氧气组成的。 makes up组成,被动是be made up of,排除A, consistof组成,没有被动式,排除B, consists in在于,意思不对。选C。点评:动词短语是高考常考内容。可以按照以下方法学习:1.在每个部分找出自己最熟悉或者最理解的短语,并根据该短语助记总体意思;2.熟记动词本身所具有的全部意思;3.重点根据小品词在该项中的总体意思结合动词本身的意思,理解自己最不理解和不熟悉的短语4.脱离汉语,只看英语动词短语,并放到具体句子和场景中认识动词短语5.注意有些短语意义很接近, 这要结合例句和上下文掌握它们的用法。

The stable isotopes of oxygen and hydrogen,the tw o component atoms in the w ater molecule,are among the most revealing isotopes in hydrogeological studies.

16O is the most abundant oxygen isotope, accounting for 99. 76 % of all oxygen ( Table 17. 1 ) .18O is next most abundant at 0. 20 % . For hydrogen,1H is the most common,accounting for 99. 985 % of hydrogen abundance,w hile2H ( or deuterium ,D ) accounts for a mere 0. 015 % . δ18O is defined in section 17. 1 ,w hile δ2H or δD is defined as follow s:

Table 17. 1 The abundance of naturally occurring isotopes of hydrogen, carbon,nitrogen,oxygen and sulphur

In the cases of both18O and2H,the relevant standard is SMOW. This choice of standard reflects the fact that ocean w ater is the isotopically homogeneous point of origin of nearly all terrestrial w aters. Ocean w ater evaporates to form w ater vapour. This vapour has a tendency to be depleted in the heavier,less volatile isotopes,the degree of depletion being temperature,and thus latitude,dependent. The w ater vapour w ill eventually condense as rainfall or snow. The first precipitation to condense w ill have an isotopic composition similar to that of the vapour. How ever,the precipitation w ill have a tendency to remove progressively the heavier isotopes, leaving the vapour gradually more depleted as the air mass moves inland. In summary,the higher the latitude,the higher the altitude and the more distant from the ocean,the more depleted w ill be the rainfall in the heavy isotopes18O and2H. The various fractionation processes tend to operate proportionally on both oxygen and hydrogen,and meteoric w aters tend to obey the linear relation:

w hich w as first reported by Craig in 1961 after analyzing some 400 samples of w ater from rivers,lakes and precipitation from all over the w orld.

On a plot of δ2H versus δ18O,this results in a straight line named the meteoric water line. Equatorial,coastal precipitation plots tow ards the top right of the line. Points tow ards the low er left indicate precipitation in high latitude or continental areas. Thus the climatic or palaeogeographical conditions of recharge of groundw aters can be assessed by plotting them on the diagram. Deviation from the meteoric w ater line w ill occur if the groundw aters have been affected by any of the follow ing factors ( Figure 17. 1) .

Figure 17. 1 Diagram illustrating possible shifts aw ay from the w orld meteoric w ater line for δ2H versus δ18O plots The arrow s indicate shifts aw ay from a typical meteorically derived groundw ater ( M G ) lying on the w orld meteoric w ater line. Ellipses show positions of hydrothermal w aters from Larderello ,Salton Sea,Steamboat springs and Yellow stone,illustrating a shift to the right relative to the meteoric w ater line

· Mixing with non-meteoric waters,e. g. diagenetic water.

· Evaporation of surface waters and very shallow groundwaters.

· Mineral exchange reactions,which may be important in high temperature geothermal systems. In geothermal w aters,for example,there w ill be a shift tow ards a higher δ18O composition,due to exchange w ith oxygen in isotopically heavier silicates. A similar shift in hydrogen is not observed due to the relative paucity of hydrogen in most minerals.

Hydrogen and oxygen isotopes have been applied in the studies of thermal water at Bath ( Figure 17. 2) and mineral waters at Harrogate in the UK. In both cases the waters were found to plot on the meteoric water line in a similar position to present-day rainfall. This indicates a nonexotic origin for the waters,i. e. recharge under similar climatic conditions to today's. The groundwaters are thus presumed to be younger than the last ice age,i. e. less than 10000 years old.

Figure 17. 2 The use of δ2H versus δ18O plots to discern the palaeogeographic conditions of recharge of the thermal mineral w aters of Bath and Hotw ells in the UK The isotopic data indicate that the w aters have been recharged under climatic conditions similar to today's,in contrast to some other UK groundw aters,w hose light isotopic signature indicates recharge under more glacially dominated conditions ( Late Pleistocene)

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卢玛丹香: 主谓宾结构 主语:oxygen and hydrogen 谓语:make 宾语:water

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