
作者&投稿:南康 (若有异议请与网页底部的电邮联系)

The girl with a flower in her hand is my sister.
The girl (who has) a flower in her hand is my sister.
解释:把介词短语with a flower改为定语从句,加上引导词who(指人-the girl),with改为动词has。

1 the boy was John's brother who we saw yesterday或者
we saw the boy who was John's brother yesterday.
2 Harry is my classmate from whom I borrowed this book.或者
Harry is my classmate whom I borrowed this book from.或者
I borrowed this book from Harry who is my classmate.
3 The hotel which we are staying at is cheap and comfortable .或者
The hotel at which we are staying is cheap and comfortable.或者
We are staying at the hotel which is cheap and comfortable.

1 Now Amy realizes the sweet foods she loves eating are bad for her teeth.
2 He missed the fancy ball, which was a great pity.
3 Many girls, some of whom are not overweight, are going on a diet
4 My grandfather is a nice person whom i can easily talk to
5 Do you still remember the hotel where we stayed last summer vacation?

由于上述原因,非限定性定语从句在表达意思方面也有别于限定性定语从句。另外,非限定性定语从句在中文译文里,我们往往将其作为一个分句处理,而不把它作定语翻译。 例如:Earlier , the Babylonians had attempted to map the world , but they presented it in the form of a flattened disc rather...



可以看出合并后,which 替代了A句的宾语(a second-hand car)。假如把 of which 从合并句中去掉,就变成了 Recently I bought a second-hand car, the price was reasonable. 此时会被判为(断句),因为是两个完整的分句,但没有任何的连词把两个句子串在一起。要变为定语从句,通常会使用 ...


非限制性关系从句:非限制性关系从句主要起补充说明的作用,有时相当于一个并列分句或状语从句,可以表达原因、目的、结果、条件、让步等意义。例如:Dr Lee, who had read through the instructions carefully before doing his experiments, did not obtain satisfactory results.非限制性定语从句的关系词...

由于上述原因,非限定性定语从句在表达意思方面也有别于限定性定语从句。另外,非限定性定语从句在中文译文里,我们往往将其作为一个分句处理,而不把它作定语翻译。 例如:Earlier , the Babylonians had attempted to map the world , but they presented it in the form of a flattened disc rather...

这样一来,句子所传达的信息就变成了:"这位老人有一个儿子在部队工作,还有其他的儿子在干别的工作"。)那位老人有一个儿子,他在部队工作。二、定语从句用法详细讲解 定语从句是由关系代词和关系副词引导的从句,其作用是作定语修饰主句的某个成分,定语从句分为限定性和非限定性从句两种。状语从句分为时间状语从句,...

像这样分句较长的情况,把主句和分句拆为两句是比较好的方法。所以这里从“这个阶层”开始另起一句。 定语从句归纳及用法 3 定语从句在初中英语中的重要性主要体现在完形、阅读和写作中,因此,能否较好的掌握定语从句直接关系到你英语成绩的拔高。其实,定语从句并不难. 一. 定语从句的概念 在复合句中,修饰某一...

从形式上看,如果分句2是修饰commodity exchanges的,那么,前面每一个列举的项目都应该有一个说明的句子,才显得合乎逻辑,不过那样的话,就不应该采用这种结构了。如果要单独解释commodity exchanges,则应另起一个句子做解释说明,而不应该掺合到前面的句子中。

宜兴市15845132707: 英语的分句变成定语从句的复合句 -
红钢消肿: 1 Now Amy realizes the sweet foods she loves eating are bad for her teeth.2 He missed the fancy ball, which was a great pity.3 Many girls, some of whom are not overweight, are going on a diet4 My grandfather is a nice person whom i can easily talk...

宜兴市15845132707: 高一 英语 将两个分句合并成一个带有定语从句的复合句 请详细解答,谢谢! (19 17:34:45) -
红钢消肿: 1,The boy who we saw yesterday was John's brother.2,I borrowed this book from Harry who is my classmate.3,What hotel we are staying at is cheap and comfortable.

宜兴市15845132707: 英语将2个分句合并成一个带有定语从句的复合句1.I have bought a story book.There are a lot of pictures in it.2.This is the cinema.We take photographs with it.3.... -
红钢消肿:[答案] 1 I have bought a story book ,in which are a lot of pictures . 2 This is the cinema ,with which we take photographs . 3These books which you can get at any bookstore will give you all the information you need . 4We are moving towards the town in which I ...

宜兴市15845132707: 几道关于定于从句的英语题将两个分句合并成一个带有定语从句的复合句1.This is the camera.We take photographs with it.2.These books will give you all the ... -
红钢消肿:[答案] This is the camera which we take photographs with. You can get the books that will give you all the information you need at any bookstore. This is Mr Thomson whose class you will be taking next week. Sunday is a holiday on which people do not go to ...

宜兴市15845132707: 如何把两个分句合成一个定语从句 -
红钢消肿: 首先应该确定好被修饰的词,英语里的定语从句,应该跟在被它修饰的词(即先行词)的后面,除非是非限制性定语从句.换句话说,定语从句和先行词之间,不可以有其他句子成份,除了定语.这句话里说的除了定语的意思是指:一个名词,...

宜兴市15845132707: 怎样将两个简单句合并成带定语从句的复合句 -
红钢消肿:[答案] 做这类题你的分好那句修饰哪句中的哪个词,这个词一般在句子开头,说白了就是找到先行词.然后让做定语的句子紧跟先新词,然后将做定语的句子中与先行词重复的词用关系代词或副词代替,注意标点符号,关键是从句谓语的单复数要注意,还有...

宜兴市15845132707: 英语简单句并成带定语从句的复合句1.we meet the woman at the gate .do you know her?2.cheese is made from milk .it is liked by people in western countries. -
红钢消肿:[答案] 1. Do you know the woman that we meet at the gate ? 2. Cheese made from milk is liked by people in western countries. 希望对你有帮助 祝你学业进步!

宜兴市15845132707: 英语将2个分句合并成一个带有定语从句的复合句
红钢消肿: 1.You met George Smith at my house last week whom is a poet. 2.This is Mr.Thomson whom you will be taking his class next week. 3.The hotel which we are staying at is cheap and comfortable. 4.I borrowed this book from Harry who is my classmeet....

宜兴市15845132707: 英语将句子合并为含有定语从句的复合句
红钢消肿: 1. 找出两句中有相同含义的名词或代词 2. 把其中一句的名词或代词改为恰当的引导词. 3.把带有引导词的句子放在另一个句子相当的名词后. 1. who came to see me yesterday. The boy is Tom's brother.(后一句代词改为名词) The boy who/that...

宜兴市15845132707: 把下列两个简单句子变成含有定语从句的复合句 -
红钢消肿: 1.She`s the lady whom I served yesterday.2.Miss Lee is the teacher whose house caught fire last week.3.There are thousands of stars which are like our sun in the sky.4.I once lived in the house whose roof has fallen in.

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