"I think the revolution is still immortal……"这句话是谁说的?

作者&投稿:张旺 (若有异议请与网页底部的电邮联系)
do you think,because i am poor,obscure,plain,and little,这句话对谁说的~

原文:Do you think , because I am poor , obscure , plain,and little, I am soulless and heartless? You think wrong! I have as much soul as you snd full as much heart!
And if God had gifted me with some beauty and much wealth, I shoud have made itas hard for you to leave me, as it is now for me to leave you ."


《immortals》 大白歌 fall out boys
They say we are what we are 人说我们早已注定
But we don't have to
be. 但这可不一定
I'm bad behavior but I do it in the best way. 虽然我爱打闹可我用在正道
be the watcher (watcher) of the eternal flame. 永恒的生命之火我来守卫
I'll be the guard
dog of all your fever dreams. 你一切热烈梦想让我来护卫

Oooooooh 哦……
I am the sand in the bottom half of the hourglass (glass,
glass) 我已经开始了通向梦想的时间
Oooooooh, 哦……
I try to picture me without you but I
can't 我的自画像跳不出你的轮廓

'Cause we could be immortals, immortals 因为我们能够不朽,不朽
Just not for long, for
long. 不用等那么长久
And live with me forever now, 从现在起永远和我
You pull the blackout
curtains down 一同开启新生活
Just not for long, for long. 不用等那么长久

Because we could be immooooooo- immortals, 因为我们能够……不朽
immortals, 能够……不朽
Immooooooo- immortals, 能够……不朽
immortals. 能够……不朽

Sometimes the only pay-off for having any faith 有时候相信什么的唯一收获
Is when it's
tested again and again everyday. 是受到一次又一次的考验每一天
I'm still comparing your past
to my future. 你的脚步还是我前进的方向
It might be your wound but they're my
sutures. 也许你受过的伤能为我疗伤

Oooooooh 哦……
I am the sand in the bottom half of the hourglass (glass,
glass) 我已经开始了通向梦想的时间
Oooooooh, 哦……
I try to picture me without you but I
can't 我的自画像跳不出你的轮廓

'Cause we could be immortals, immortals 因为我们能够不朽,不朽
Just not for long, for
long. 不用等那么长久
And live with me forever now, 从现在起永远和我
You pull the blackout
curtains down 一同开启新生活
Just not for long, for long. 不用等那么长久

We could be immooooooo- immortals, 因为我们能够……不朽
immortals, 能够……不朽

Immortals, 不朽,
And live with me forever now, 从现在起永远和我
Pull the blackout
curtains down, 一同开启新生活

We could be immortals, immortals 我们能够不朽,不朽
Just not for long, for
long. 不用等那么长久
We could be immooooooo- immortals, 我们能够……不朽
immortals, 能够……不朽
Immooooooo- immortals, 能够……不朽
immortals, 能够……不朽



切,1928年出生于阿根迁的罗萨里奥市,少年时代曾与当地名门闺秀奇奇娜相知相恋。随后,他进入布宜诺斯艾利斯国立大学医学系。大学毕业后,在墨西哥行医期间,切的生活发生了转变--因为他结识了古巴革命者菲德尔·卡斯特罗。 1956年11月25日,切作为卡斯特罗率领的82名起义者中的一员,乘"格拉玛"号游艇远征古巴。经过2年多奋战,起义军终于夺取了古巴全国政权,切·格瓦拉先后被任命为国家银行行长、工业部部长、古巴社会主义革命统一党政治局委员和书记处书记。他出席联合国大会,并出访世界各国,成为当时全世界关注的新闻人物。在访问中国期间,会见了毛泽东、周恩来、邓小平、陈毅和彭真等领导人。然而,就在切成为风云人物之际,他却突然从政坛神秘地消失了--此时是1965年4月。

不久,卡斯特罗在古巴共产党中央委员会成立大会上,宣读了切写给他的告别信。切在信中要求辞去全部党政职务,放弃古巴国籍。为了反抗美帝国主义和拉丁美洲各国的独裁统治,他决定在拉美大陆重新发动古巴式的革命。他选择了波利维亚,率领几十名游击队员与美国支持的政府军展开了旷日持久的武装斗争。 临刑前,波利维亚军官问他在想什么。切答道:"我在想革命是不朽的。"

招远市15953805490: 英语作文:请以I think the most ....invention is.., -
贾瞿清凉: I think the most useful invention is internet I think the most useful invention in the world so far is something about internet. It is through the internet that we can acquire any information we need, and the internet help us know more about the world. ...

招远市15953805490: i think the bird flies but the sea birds fly语法结构 -
贾瞿清凉: i think the bird flies but the sea birds fly,我认为鸟飞翔,实际是海鸟飞翔. 第一层以but引导的转折关系的句子, 第二层,the bird flies作句子i think the bird flies的宾语为宾语从句.

招远市15953805490: I think the most important is the way to communicate with others 有没有错误 从语法 句子结构方面看 -
贾瞿清凉: 有.这个句子写的太奇怪了.I think the most important thing is the way we communicate with others

招远市15953805490: 请问i think the bird flies but the sea birds fly这句话该怎么理解呢?为什么要这 -
贾瞿清凉: I think the bird flies but the sea birds fly, is that no courage of the sea, years later I discovered, not the bird flies past, but not the other side of the sea, and had no wait...我以为小鸟飞不过沧海,是以为小鸟没有飞过沧海的勇气,十年以后我才发现,不是小鸟飞不过去,而是沧海的那一头,早已没有了等待……

招远市15953805490: I think the telephone is the second - - - A.helpful B.more helpful C.most helpful D.the most h... -
贾瞿清凉: 选C.second后面接最高级.常见句式 It is the second + 最高级 +n.

招远市15953805490: I think the most intheresting animal in the zoois the dolphin -
贾瞿清凉: 我认为动物园中最有趣的动物是海豚

招远市15953805490: I,think,the,desk,radio,the,is,on 连词成句 -
贾瞿清凉: 第一时间为你提供正确答案:I think the radio is on the desk.************************************************************************** ^__^真心祝你学习进步,如果你对这个答案有什么疑问,请追问,另外如果你觉得我的回答对你有所帮助,请千万别忘记采纳哟!**************************************************************************

招远市15953805490: 英语翻译 i think the real key is to find the love that you have for yourself.有人说意思 -
贾瞿清凉: 我认为,(人生中)最重要的事情是找到自己心中所爱(真爱).你自己的理解是错的.the real key,重要的事情,that 后面的you have for yourself 是做为定语修饰 the love 的,这是定语从句.

招远市15953805490: i think the charge 什么意思
贾瞿清凉: 应该是i take the charge我负责.

招远市15953805490: "i think the world of you"的中文意思 -
贾瞿清凉: 很高兴为你解答: "i think the world of you"的中文意思 我在想你的世界是什么样的 good luck!

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