
作者&投稿:宾梁 (若有异议请与网页底部的电邮联系)



  1、Monica: Live together? There have been no signs for that.


  Chandler: Me asking is kind of a sign.


  2、Chandler: I love you!


  Monica: I love you!


  Chandler: Are you hugging the door right now.



  Monica: No.


  Chandler: Yeah-yeah, me neither.

  “咳、咳……我也没有。” 钱德勒好可爱呀。

  3、Joey: (To Monica) Okay! Look-look-look, uh, if you’re gonna be moving in with him I feel it’s my responsibility to tell you the truth about him! Okay? He’s a terrible roommate! Terrible! He uh, forgets to umm… Oh-oh he always, he always umm—Oh, who am I kidding! He’s the best roommate ever! (Hugs Chandler.)


  4、Ross: I’ve known you both a long time, and I’ve never seen either of you one/millionth as happy as you’ve been since you’ve got together. Do you really want to throw that all away over a room? That is so silly. Now wh-what is more important, love or silliness?


  5、Joey: This is how much we pay for electric?!!!

  Chandler: Uh, yeah.

  (Joey runs over and shuts off the lights.)


  6、Joey: Well, what’s it called?

  Chandler: Cups.

  钱德勒为了给乔伊一些钱又不伤他自尊,创造了一个全新的cups游戏。(规则以反 拖拉机 为基础,准则是乔伊有什么牌,什么牌就是大的)

  7、Ross: Oh y'know what, girls don't like it when I start talking about science. Uh, they don't like it when you correct their grammar.

  Chandler: And they don't like it when you explain why your jokes are funny.

  Ross: They don't like it when you keep asking them if they like you.

  罗斯和钱德勒传授给乔伊的“拒妞大法”,包括谈论科学,纠正语法,反复问对方爱不爱你,详细解释自己的笑话为什么好笑,当然,钱德勒那句“Ba dum bumb cheshhh!”更为经典。女人缘稍差的兄弟们,看好了,不过要记得反其道而行之,比如谈论文学,混淆语法,绝对不说我爱你,详细解释自己的笑话为什么无聊,做到这些,你就可以跟我一样光棍一辈子了。

  8、Phoebe: That's okay Rachel. I'm not judging you; that's just who you are. Me. I'm more free y'know? I run like I did when I was a kid, cause that's the only way it's fun.


  9、Monica: Mmmm!

  瑞秋在 感恩节 做了个无比难吃的怪东西,大家为了怕伤她的心,都极力做出很享受的样子。

  10、Monica: 5 6 7 8!


  11、Joey: No! Year! Happy No Year!







  12、Chandler: I don’t wanna know what Monica got me. Y’know? I mean, look, I’m sure she worked really hard at getting you a present, and wanting to surprise me,I wanna see the look on Monica’s face when I give her my present, and I’m sure she wants to see the look on my face when I get mine.


  13、Chandler: Look at us, we’re a couple of couples!


  14、Chandler: If you need money, will you please-please just let me loan you some money?


  说来惭愧, 毕业 以后,小可一直十分窘迫,在此谢谢帮助过我的那些钱德勒,并期待自己的big break,来回报大伙儿。

  15、Rachel: Yes, we are very sorry to tell you this, but you, Phoebe, are flaky.



  1、Chandler: All right, there’s a nuclear holocaust, I’m the last man on Earth. Would you go out with me?



  2、Joey: That’s right I stepped up! She’s my friend and she needed help! And if I had too, I’d pee on anyone of you!


  3、Ross: I didn’t know what I was taking full responsibility for! Okay?! I didn’t finish the whole letter!

  罗斯真的有些小气,作为男生承担这些责任又怎么了?过去听他讲“on the break”觉得好玩,现在越来越觉得这时的他可恨了。

  4、Mrs. Geller: And the next time you cater for me, there will be nothing but ice in the freezer.


  5、Chandler: Oh, I just wanted to say, "Hey!"



  6、Chandler: That I haven't stopped thinking about her since the moment I met her. That I'm so fantastically, over-the-top, wanna-slit-my-own-throat in love with her, that for every minute of every hour of every day I can't believe my own damn bad luck that you met her first!!


  7、Chandler: Oh, it wasn't a big deal. I just went to a couple of bookstores, talked to a couple of dealers... called a couple of the author's grandchildren.

  钱德勒跑了许多家书店,问了许多书商,又给原作者的后人打了许多电话,才买到了很稀有的书作为生日礼物,但乔伊只买了一支能看时间的笔,所以,钱德勒只好跟乔伊互换了礼物。 越来越爱钱德勒!

  8、Ross: No the-the sad thing is, if you had told him how you felt before you kissed her, knowing Joey, he probably just would've just stepped aside.



  9、Joey: When that guy was robbing us, and I was locked in the entertainment unit for like six hours, you know what I was doing in there all that time? I was thinking about how I let you down!


  10、Monica: Fine! Judge all you want to but, married a lesbian, left a man at the altar, fell in love with a gay ice dancer, threw a girl’s wooden leg in a fire, livin’ in a box!!


  11、Rachel: Don’t say that I have no sentiment! This is a movie stub from our first date! This is an eggshell from the first time you made me breakfast in bed! This is from the museum from the first time we… were together. Okay, maybe I exchange gifts sometimes, but I keep the things that matter!


  12、KATHY: you not being able to talk may make this easier. Listen umm… Listen I don’t wanna be someone who comes between two best friends. I just, I can’t stand seeing what this is doing to you guys, and I don’t wanna be the cause of that. So, I don’t think we can see each other anymore. I’m gonna go to my mom’s in Chicago, I’m gonna stay there for awhile. I think this could’ve be something really amazing, but y’know this is probably for the best. Y’know? I’m gonna miss you. Good-bye


  13、Phoebe: Yeah. That’s what you really want. Yeah, I don’t want to be the reason you’re unhappy, that would just make me unhappy, and I really don’t want to be the reason I’m unhappy.


  14、Phoebe Sr: I gave up two babies, and I only wish I had someone there that had given up babies, that could tell me how terrible it is to give up babies. I just think that, it would be something you will regret every single day for the rest of your life.


  15、Monica: 1, a 2, a 1-2-3, 3, 5, a 4, a 3-2, 2, a 2-4-6, 2-4-6, 4, (Rachel starts getting worked up) 2, 2, 4-7, 5-7, 6-7, 7, …7..…7…7-7-7-7-7-7-7-7-7-7-7-7…(mouths 7)!


  16、Ross: I’m having my lunch at this table, here in the middle. I’m having lunch right here, with my good friend Joey, if he’ll sit with me.


  17、Phoebe: No, I’m really okay with this. Y’know why? ‘Cause look at them, and I made that, so… I know it’s gonna be like a million times harder to give up a baby but, oh my God, it’s gonna feel like a million times better, right?


  18、Kathy: Acting! Chandler, this is my job! I’m-I’m playing a part in a play! How can you not trust me?!

  Chandler: Well, you can understand, given how we started.



  19、Joey: Well, suppose until the baby’s born I laid off it. No extra animals would die, you-you’d just be eating my animals.


  20、Rachel: Ross, that girl just spent the entire evening talking to your friends, asking to hear stories about you, looking through Monica’s photo albums, I mean you don’t do that if you’re just in it for two weeks.


  21、Rachel: It’s okay. Sometimes, things don’t work out the way you’d thought they would.



  22、Phoebe: So, did shopping make you feel any better about Ross?


  Rachel: Manhattan does not have enough stores.


  23、Monica: Ross, how long have you been planning this wedding?


  Ross: I don’t know. A month?


  Monica: Emily has probably been planning it since she was five! Ever since the first time she took a pillowcase and hung it off the back of her head. That’s what we did! We dreamed about the perfect wedding, and the perfect place, w. But the most important part is that we had the perfect guy who understood just how important all that other stuff was.


  24、Rachel: Y’know what? No. It’s not over until someone says, "I do."


  25、Minister: Take thee, Emily...

  Ross: Take thee, Rachel...

湘阴县18648483883: 《老友记》中钱德勒有哪些经典笑话 -
苗良司坦: 一男同事性格腼腆就是常说的娘,然后我们一群女生老叫他娘炮、他为了改变这一称呼于是开始留胡子想让自己爷们儿一点……后来他就多了一称呼:长胡子的娘炮 ^-^

湘阴县18648483883: 求老友记钱德勒的搞笑用语? -
苗良司坦: chandler每集都有俏皮话啊……两百多集怎么可能理的清楚= =.说实话他从第一季第一集的第一句台词(hey joey be nice,so did he have a hump?A hump and hairpiece?)就开始搞笑了…… 你不如直接去找一下全剧的笔记和剧本.

湘阴县18648483883: 老友记中二十句经典台词 -
苗良司坦: teeny tiny possibility....phoebe和ross的对话中的关于进化论的争论...

湘阴县18648483883: 《老友记》中有哪些经典的对白或者桥段 -
苗良司坦: 老友记里面经典的对白和桥段多了,等我给你贴张图:当时Rose有一个重要的学术研讨会要开,他要发言.而瑞秋因为摔倒得去医院.Rose没有告诉瑞秋他要开会的事情,在瑞秋说,等等,你不陪我去医院吗?的时候,Rose那一句Of course I am.很催泪.因为那时候他们已经分手了.

湘阴县18648483883: 《老友记》里都有哪些经典台词 -
苗良司坦: We are on a break!How you doing?You can eat and eat, but nothing will ever fill the void. Welcome to the real world, it sucks, but you are gona love it.So,no one told you life was gonna be this way. Your job's a joke,you're broke,your love life's D.O.A. ...

湘阴县18648483883: 谁方便提供一下老友记中钱德.宾的幽默语录啊~ -
苗良司坦: 我还记得一些:·罗斯刚把猴子(YIMA?)介绍给大家的时候,钱得·勒从卫生间跑出来:"呕!看那,猴子屁股上长了个罗斯"(当时猴子坐在罗斯的肩膀上) ·莫尼卡说和男朋友约会:NO KISS,NO SEX! 钱得·勒:"呕,这听起来好象是在跟我约会!" ·乔伊跟钱得·勒说他不小心让瑞秋误会他向她求婚了,钱得勒:"什么?你竟然赶在罗斯前面向瑞秋求婚,罗斯一定会杀了你的,罗斯最喜欢求婚了!" 很多,记不太清了!你到上面那些人给你提供的地址里面看吧,很好看的片子!

湘阴县18648483883: Friends(老友记)中的经典对白 -
苗良司坦: Chandler: You make me happier than I ever thought I could be. And if you'll let me, I will spend the rest of my life trying to make you feel the same way.

湘阴县18648483883: friendS老友记中的经典片段 -
苗良司坦: 老友第五季21集,几个人玩儿扔球的游戏,莫妮卡提到钱德勒是漏球手的那个片段,你们可以排的蒙太奇一些,那个还蛮好玩儿,别的站着的场景一时想不起来,好像菲比结婚那集也挺逗的,冰天雪地里他们几个各有动作,希望能都你有帮助

湘阴县18648483883: 爆笑,《老友记》表情帝乔伊都有哪些经典台词 -
苗良司坦: http://www.sohu.com/a/116978092_108806 这个链接点进去就是他的经典台词,还配图

湘阴县18648483883: 求老友记经典语录… -
苗良司坦: 你去老友记的贴吧看看吧.http://tieba.baidu.com/f?kz=174706597这个链接是贴吧里的精华贴,“收集经典对白”

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