
作者&投稿:胥关 (若有异议请与网页底部的电邮联系)


Here are the secret virgin forest and the last emprior's palace. Here are the first car and the first movie made in China came into being.
What's more(或者Furthermore),there is a very special nightlife. All that is for you. What are you waiting!

The secret virgin forest is here, the last emprior's palace is here, the first car produced in China(首字母大写) is here, the first movie made in China is here. And (also可不能领导句子)there is a (单数名词前要加冠词)very special nightlife. The all is for you. What are you waiting(后面有宾语就加with 没有就不加)!

虽然只是短短几句话,为了达到翻译的“信 达 雅”,我可是煞费苦心,用了好长时间哦。有什么别的要求可以提出,我重改。

第三行less前面加上making,make (less) use of 是固定搭配 (少)使用的意思。


How compelling and provoktive the image is! As vividly presented in the instructive cartoon above,______描述图画内容_______。

It goes without saying what the author tried to convey in the picture was indeed profound. Firstly(一般这样用比较有层次性), such a phenomenon has a rounded social concern as traditional ways of thinking have changed dramatically. Secondly, recognizing a problem is the first step to take in finding a solution. It is hard to imagine what our society would be like years later if the disturbing trends went on. Additionally ,we often ignore the aforementioned problem, and to solve it, one must adopt a driect approach which addresses all relevant issues. Examples to prove this point of view are abundent,the most persuasive ons being the ___举例____.

Considering the aforementioned reasons, we may came to the conclusion that it is high time such terrible stories were reduced, if not ended. Only when such things were solved can we maintain a happy ,healthy and harmonious scociety as we desire.


英文 求改正错误
这是给你修给好的版本。Here’s the weather forecast of China. We’ll divide the country into four regions.We’ll begin with the North-East region. In the morning it is minus 10 degrees with the possibility of snowing. In the afternoon it will be cloudy, but you can expect ...


sized channel interference.Intelligent cell can be both a macrocell, and a microcell. By using intelligent cellular concept network design, the system capacity and performance can be significantly improved.你的段落里有很多语法错误,都改过来了。。还有一点要注意,论文里要多用被动语态。。

改错题一般应保持句子原意不变,即不能改变文章所要表达的意思,包括其语气和上下文的逻辑关系,只能对短文中的用词错误、语法错误、逻辑错误进行改正。六、小心局部通顺陷阱 有时孤立地分析某个句子,可能结构正确、语义通顺,但如果放到整个语篇中考虑,就会发现该句中存在不合逻辑的地方,因此一定要警惕...

这样的难点错误,解决方法是,能改则改,不能改确定哪个词错,骗2个0。5分 总的评注:做改错题一定要具有一双“慧眼”。重要的不是自己会运用一个语法点或知识点,而是能够识别出错误的用法,以审查的眼光去面对每一个改错题。这就需要掌握必要的答题步骤和技巧。答题步骤:1、一般来说,做题时千万...

1.由于安装时没有仔细检查,开工后突然故障,造成了生产上的损失.由于 改成因为 (用词不当)2.这些从技校来的小伙子很就熟练了操作的技术。练就了很熟练的操作技术 (语序错误)3.对人对事都不能主观,偏见。不能 改成 不要 (用词不当)4.他的工作很模范。模范改成规范 (用词不当)5...

(5)若经过以上步骤还无法判断错误所在,则应暂时放弃该行,而继续往下做,待做完全文,对全文有更深入、更完整的理解的基础上进行检验时再作判断。宜从介词及一些简单而易被忽视的语法角度的“细微处”多加考虑。二、 错误有多词、少词和错词三种, 具体答题方法如下:改正 将文中错词用斜线(\/)...

java 程序运行错误怎么办?

所以作为一名英语教师应学会灵活地、科学地纠正错误。一、容忍学生存在语言错误 语法知识对于小学生来说是一个难点,因此学生在刚接触这个新的知识点的时候频频出错是正常现象,要允许、容忍学生出错。教师可以从学生的错误中发现自己的教学中哪些环节出了问题,有利于对症下药,将自己的课堂教学进行及时地调...

北关区17681032518: 《高分》 帮忙改下语法错误 回答好的有加分 -
军勉丹佐: 第一节第二句,改成 Small farmer's impoverishment and the decay which the writer really describes these which to be hired the farmers and seeks the work. 别...

北关区17681032518: 关键字语法错误,高分求解!!!
军勉丹佐: 有好几种可能,也不太好做判断!!! 第一引号问题,引号格式错误 第二key是保留字,所以你把key全部改成key1,当然所以的文件都要做相应的改动!你可以用dreamweaver批理修改! 第三语法错误,因为有些语法在acc数据库中能用但在...

北关区17681032518: 高分 求 高考英语改错常见词语! -
军勉丹佐: 1)a an the 包括名词加s去s的单复数(十题中必有至少一题)2)be的互改(时态问题) were was is are3)见到to要注意后面形式(十题中必有至少一题)4)adj和adv 看到形容词和副词千万注意他们的互改!看到比较级最高级千万注意!(十题...

北关区17681032518: 商务英语修改一下语法和句型.高分帮忙修改一下语法和错误地用词还有句型.谢谢了,改得好,并且有分析的话,加分!Dear Ms. DoughtyThank you for your ... -
军勉丹佐:[答案] Dear Ms.Doughty Thank you for your interest in our housing projects.Although this (project) will cost a (bit) more (X),you and ... about this housing project,you are welcome to contact us or just drop by our office any time. Sincerely, 括号内是修改了的地方...

北关区17681032518: 高分求改错,括号中的部分为错误 请改正并说明错因 (如:主谓不一致,时态错误,固定搭配错误等)Firstly,technologies extricate people from tiring and ... -
军勉丹佐:[答案] Firstly,technologies extricate people from tiring and complicated work,such as.此处省略... 【 In sum这个一般放文章末段】 ,... (of【in spite of 和 despite 别误用了】the【demerits一般指人的过失,建议改成disadvantages 或者mistakes】of 【modern-...

北关区17681032518: 英语演讲稿求改英语演讲稿一篇,求修正语法错误+美化润色,原意不能变.有好的加悬赏分.My favorite movie is Everybody's fine.It told us a story about a ... -
军勉丹佐:[答案] My favorite movie is Everybody's fine.It told us a story about a father travelled between different cities in the USA to see his children.The old man lived in the countryside and his children lived in different cities.His wife has gone,so he missed his children...

北关区17681032518: 求改正语法错误According to this sentence,I can see how a good boy that Junior is.I really admire to him beccause he have a pure heart,whatever what make ... -
军勉丹佐:[答案] 只能在原有的基础上稍加修改:From this sentence,I can see how a good boy that Junior is.I really admire him because he has a pure heart,which makes him save money for poor people.As he says,"...made me feel pretty good about myself”,I think ...

北关区17681032518: 英语语法错误,求改正we have nothing in Chinese medicine echoes ,one disease many diagnosis,one diagnosis manydiseases.我想表达的意思是我们不会... -
军勉丹佐:[答案] we have nothing same in Chinese medicine echoes ;one disease may lead to many diagnosis,and one diagnosis may lead to many diseases.

北关区17681032518: 如何修改程序的语法错误? -
军勉丹佐: 在程序开发的过程中,调试是一个不可缺少的重要环节.“三分编程七分调试”,说明程序调试的工作量要比编程大得多.C程序的错误可以分为两种:语法错误和逻辑错误(1)语法错误,这是C语言初学者出现最多的错误,比如,分号“;”...

北关区17681032518: 高分求改翻译中的语法错误,请私信,基本上都翻译出来了,很简单的合同.本协议受中华人民共和国法律管辖,协议双方在履行本协议或对本协议的条款... -
军勉丹佐:[答案] 受法律管辖governed by... 全文修改如下: This Agreement shall be governed by the laws of the People's Republic of China. In the event of any dispute between the parties hereto in the performance of this Agreement or with respect to the terms hereof, ...

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