
作者&投稿:宓林 (若有异议请与网页底部的电邮联系)



I had a happy weekend.I did my home work in the morning on Saturday.In the afternoon,I played games with my friends in the park.on Sunday morning,I had a music lesson.I helped my mother clean the room and play basketball with my bother in the afternoon.What a full weekend!

1. 甲方同意由丙方于2009年2月起按照每月不低于美金5万元、至迟不超过13个月支付完毕乙方之应付款项。
1.(갑측)은(병측)의 2009년2월부터 매월마다 5만 달러,늦어도 13개월만에 (을측)의 지불할것이다.
2. 丙方自2009年2月起于每月 30 日前向乙方支付本条第一款所约定之款项。
2.(병측)은 2009년2월부터,매월30일전으로(을측)의 기본조건 제1항 약속한 비용을 지불한다.
3. 乙方自收受本条第二款约定之款项之日起 3 个工作日内向甲方支付该款项。
3.(을측)은 기본조건 제2항 약속한 비용을 3개 공작일안에 (갑측)의 비용을 지불해야한다.
四. 违约责任
만약 (병측)에서 위반할 경우에 제3조제1항,제2항약속함에 따라 (갑측)은 위약책임을 지는 동시에,책임지는 방식으로 위약금을 지불해야한다.그리고 위약금은 매달주기로한 비용은 은행이자의4배를 비줄해야한다.
五. 其他
1. 甲、乙、丙三方同意,自本协议书生效之日起,本协议书第一条及第二条所述之各合同自动终止,甲方与上海市对外贸易浦东有限公司、甲方与乙方、乙方与丙方之间的权利义务亦自动终止。
五. 기타
1.갑,을,병측 동의함에따라 자본합의서가 유효하는날부터, 본합의서는 제1조 및 제2조에 따라
자동으로 중지.(갑측)은 <상해시대외무역포동유한회사>,(갑측)과(을측),(병측)지간의 권력의무는 자동으로 중지.
2. 甲方与丙方同意,上海市对外贸易浦东有限公司与乙方对本协议书所约定之甲方与丙方之间的权利义务不承担任何形式的担保或保证,亦不承担包括但不限于付款等任何形式的责任。
2.(갑측)과(병측)의 동이하에,<상해시대외무역포동유한회사>는 (을측)은 본합의서의 약속이자 (갑측)과(병측)지간의 권력의무에 아무런 행사책임을 책임 안 질뿐더러,이한에 비용등 행사책임을 지지않는다.
3. 因履行本协议所产生的纠纷,应由甲方与丙方协商解决,若协商解决不成,任何一方有权向丙方所在地法院提起诉讼。
3.이합의서에 다툼이 일어나게 된다면,(갑측)과
(병측)에서 협상해결하고,협상 안될경우엔 어떤측에서 법정에 가서 소송할수 있다.
4. 本协议书自甲、乙、丙三方签字盖章之日起生效。
4.본합의서는 갑,을,병 싸인하고 인감 박는동시에 유효한다.
5. 本协议书一式三份,甲、乙、丙三方各执一
5.본합의서는 같은 양식 3통 갑,을,병,삼방 각각 한 통씩 가진다.

1.파티 파티는 C 아니라 2009 년 2 월 미국 달러가 아닌 사용자에 오만위안과 이하의 달, 늦어도 13 개월 파티 B의 완료를 지불하기로 합의 Payables
2.은 기본조건 제2항 약속한 비용을 3개 공작일안에 (갑측)의 비용을 지불해야한다
3.파티 C 이후 매월 첫 번째 단락은이 문서의 파티 B 조 지불 결제에 합의 이후 30 일 2009년 2월
4.계약의 위반에 대한 책임
파티 C이 계약하는 경우 기술 자료 III에, 우리의 합의는 두 번째 문단의 첫 번째 단락, 파티, 죽이지 손해 한달 동안 같은 기간 은행 예금에 대한이자의 지급 금액을 넘는 손해의 청산 결제에 대한 책임을지지하는 계약 위반, 계약의 위반에 대한 책임을 부담한다의 위반 4 회
1.는 A, B는 C 노사정 그 계약의 효력 발생일 이후에, 계약에 처음 두와 계약, 파티 A와 푸동 상하이 대외 무역 유한 공사, 파티 A와 B의 자동 종료에 회부에 동의 측면, 파티 파티 B와 C는 권리와 의무를 자동으로 종료 사이에있다
2. 파티 파티 A와 C는 파티와 C의 권리와 의무 당사국 간의 협정에 어떤 형태의 보증 또는 보장하지 않습니다 착수하여, 푸동, 상하이 주식 회사와 B는이 계약에 동의하는가 외국 무역을 포함 가정도 아니지만 책임 등 어떤 형태의 지급을 제한했다.
3. 본 계약에서 발생하는 분쟁의 방전으로 인해 협의를 통해 파티와 파티 C를하지 않을 경우 협상 합의, 당사자 파티 C는 법원의 위치에 대한 권리를 가진다 해결되어야한다
4.는 A, B는 C 이후 3 자간 계약을 체결하고 강제로 항목의 날짜로부터 밀폐
5.에 합의 삼통,는 A, B, C가 3 국 무장.

1 party a agrees by the c in February 2009 up no less than us $5 per month according to the latest yuan, no more than 13 months after party b pay the payment.
2 party c since February 2009 to pay to party b monthly 30 days prior to the first paragraph of the agreement.
3 party b from accepting the second paragraph of the payment date agreed in three days after party a shall pay the money.
4. Responsibility of breach of contract
C if the violation of this agreement by article 3, paragraph, shall be stipulated to party a to undertake responsibility of breach of contract, the way to undertake responsibility of breach penalty for monthly pay liquidated damages payable, the same amount of bank deposit interest is four times.
5. Other
1 party a and b, c, since this agreement tripartite agree to the effective date of this agreement, the first and two described the contract, party a shall be automatically terminated with Shanghai foreign trade pudong Co., LTD, party a and party b and party b and c the rights and obligations between the automatic termination also.
2 party a and c, Shanghai foreign trade agreement with party b in pudong Co., LTD which this agreement of party a and c agreed between the rights and obligations does not assume any form of guarantee or guarantee, nor bear including but not limited to any form of payment, etc.
3 for performance of this agreement shall be produced by party a, party c negotiation, and if no settlement can be reached through consultation, either party shall be entitled to c local court.
4 this agreement from armour, second, third tripartite signature of the date.
5 this agreement in triplicate and armour, second, third three copies.

好啊,好久不见了!起初,我忙于商务3旅行,而后我回家时我的笔记本电脑又被病毒击溃了。它在路上还是好好的,但是我回家打开它的时候好象在下载什么未知的驱动程序。然后死机了。我今天早上才从IT高手那把它拿回来--但我又得上班了。Good and productive trip - but also good to be home again. ...

高手帮我把一些中文句子翻译成英语!!急!! 英语高手来!!!
1.我们有一只幸福的家庭.We have a happy family.2.我认为每个中国乒乓球运动员都是最棒的.I think the Chinese table tennis players are the best in the world.3.我会一点做饭.I can manage some basic cooking.4.我没有工作经验.I have no working experience.5.我要支付3500欧元.I'll ...

翻译:木兰辞 叹息声一声连着一声,木兰姑娘当门在织布。织机停下来机杼不再作响,只听见姑娘在叹息。问问姑娘你这样叹息是在思念什么呢?(木兰回答道)姑娘我并没有思念什么。昨夜我看见征兵文书,知道君王在大量征募兵士,那么多卷征兵文书,每一卷上都有父亲的名字。父亲没有长大成人的儿子,我木兰没...

Thank you for your support, the feedback and our performance appraisal is the link of liberty, I want to ask, the last time we submit the data, do not know how the situation now? Also want to ask whether can have a new list, your list on our index whether can finish....

您在上海期间可否给我几分钟审视我一下?As far as I know, this fall, you will present yourself at the opening ceremony of the Special Olympics. Would you please give me minutes to evaluate me during your stay in Shanghai?接下来的那段我已经翻译了,就不再重复了。

英语大神们帮我把下面的中文翻译为英文吧!急急急!谢谢! 大家好!我叫...
Everybody is good! My name is li hua, I am a high school student from China, I can communicate with foreign friends is very convenient, I saw you on the Internet of international organization will be held in Singapore summer camp for middle school students, is the purpose of ...

急急急 请求专业人士帮我翻译!!
Let it rain...Let it pour what we have is worth fighting for.就让雨下吧。。。下大吧(倾泻)我们所拥有的是值得为之抗争的 You konw I believe that we were meant to be.你知道我相信我们是注定的。是我一句一句翻译的,楼主审视一下吧 希望对楼主有帮助~...


急急急 帮我翻译一篇 英文。谢谢了
凌辱你们的要为他祷告, 有人打你这边脸, 连那边脸也由他打, 有人夺你的外衣, 连里衣也由他拿去。凡求你的, 就给他, 有人夺你的东西去, 不用再要回来。你愿意人怎样待你们, 你们也要怎样待人。(路加6.33-37)注:后面这段话是圣经原文,译文出自中文和合本圣经,希望对你有帮助。

I know you are angry with me!I shouldn’t entrust you cell phone to them three.Ithink this phone is so important to you and your family .I was so angry with them ,especially jianfu lin thatI gave you cell phone to them immediately when they needed the phone to play games...

宣武区17586319807: 请帮我翻译一句话!急急急!!!
司秦薄荷: I'm sorry,i'm busy now ,i'll reply you as soon as possible.

宣武区17586319807: 请帮我翻译成英文
司秦薄荷: me show you

宣武区17586319807: 帮我翻译成英语,急急急!!! -
司秦薄荷: Yangzhou is a beautiful city.It's neither big nor small.All streets are wide and clean.There are trees and flowers on both sides of the streets.There is many middle schools,museum, cinema,showplace,bookstores,hospitals,suppermarkets,shops and ...

宣武区17586319807: 谁帮我翻译一下?急急急,
司秦薄荷: 1. Now that you have come, why not to participate in our work. 2. Because it was raining hard, we had to cancel the games. 3. While you're at it, you'd better stay.

宣武区17586319807: 急急,请帮我翻译成英文,谢谢了
司秦薄荷:Received your mail, will have free time will go to add your msn, we will stare tighten this product the production, in order to avoid had likely the previous same situation, avoided the second quality item as far as possible!

宣武区17586319807: 帮我翻译成英文,急急急急急!!!!!!!!! -
司秦薄荷: I got up at 7 o'clock in the morning. Having finished my breakfast,I began to play ping-pong, badmiton and basketball. I watched TV when it was 11 o'clock. And I had my lunch at 12. I took a rest at 1pm and started to read books and study at 2pm. I ...

宣武区17586319807: 请帮我翻译成英语 急急!!
司秦薄荷: The British famous writer Jane Austen's most famous 《pride and prejudice》 tells us a love story about bravely breaking through the concept of family status in the society of emphasizing on the material base of marriage. It gave a shock to the ...

宣武区17586319807: 急!急!请帮我用英语翻译一段话
司秦薄荷: Potatoes, doyou remember? Last year we knew this day . Every year i though we will together miss .. But why now leave only me ? missing you so much!

宣武区17586319807: 请帮我翻译一句话!
司秦薄荷: XX, We have not get the chance to be together long, but by any means, we were classmates in primary school, we were even teammates at some point! I hope you will make great accomplishments in the coming year. I believe that no pain, no gain. Let's start hard work! I'm looking forward to your good news.

宣武区17586319807: 请帮我翻译~~急急 -
司秦薄荷: 1. 甲方同意由丙方于2009年2月起按照每月不低于美金5万元、至迟不超过13个月支付完毕乙方之应付款项. 1.(갑측)은(병측)의 2009년2월부5...

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