
作者&投稿:凌古 (若有异议请与网页底部的电邮联系)

My future
Sometimes I think about my future.But I am always a little scared.Because I do not know what I will be,in the future. Now,I know,my ambition is to be a famous musician.
Because I want to give people a lot of fun.Music makes people happy.When you are sad,music can help you.When you are bored music can help you.When you are nervous,music can help you ...
When I was a little girl,I liked music very much.I also liked to play the violin and the piano.Now I still like it ,It is fun to learn music.It is a good way of relaxing.I do not need the music in fashion very much.I Do not need all the people like it,either.
I know,it is not easy to be a good musician.But I will work hard to be.I think I can !Music is my friend.I hope my future will be happly.Wish everyone has a bright future!

Everybody has a dream. Do you want to know what I want to be in the future?Well, I want to be a singer. Because I love singing very much .

I think that I can sing on the stage. I will move to New York and be a singer there。And I will sing my favorite English songs there . Although it is a tired job, I still love it . Because when I sad, I can sing songs to be happy and I will become very popular . That`s so interesting and exciting .

For my dream, I will sing every day and sing well. I hope that day come quickly , I can`t wait! How about you? What`s your dream ?




To be a painter
Everyone has his own dream,as for me ,I really want to be a painter.
With different colors,a painter can make a fantastic world,he can draw what he likes,what he dreams.What's more ,it is really a job that gives me much free time for myself and much space for my imagination!And I really enjoy the joy brought by art!The most important thing is that I love drawing.
So,this is my dream,I want to color it with my own colors

“将来你一定要还给我,当你成为出色海盗的时候!\\"十年后,路飞真的出海了。他的目标是——海贼王!而那顶草帽,也成了路飞最珍爱的宝物。罗洛亚·卓洛 —— Zoro [职业] 三刀流的剑客,令海盗闻风丧胆的海盗猎人。[特征] 绿色头发,缠腰布,佩三把刀,打斗时会戴黑色头巾(就是平常扎在左臂...

20年后的我1 20年以后的我,已经拥有了一套豪华的别墅,这座别墅里的设计非常先进,里面也有很多设施,比如:花园,游泳池,健身房,高尔夫球场等,我平常总是在健身房里健身,要不就又变成以前的大胖子,到了晚上我总是在花园里散步,呼吸新鲜空气;在炎热的夏天我可以在游泳池内游泳;到了秋天,天气凉爽,我可以打高尔夫球...

20年后的家乡优秀作文4 每当看见红红的花、绿绿的草、青青的山、蓝蓝的天、白白的云……我就情不自禁地想:我要是一名画家该有多好!突然,一个念头在我脑海中闪过:二十年后的我会是什么样的呢?我不禁浮想联翩: 二十年后,我也许会成为一名画家。我画出了祖国的山山水水,一草一木。我用神笔画出了万里长城...


不~1.您想想 你会变得更有主见,魄力,自由,独立 2.只要您心想是正确 不要乱乱胡思乱想 就能成为一个有能力的人 3.父母亲的爱不许要表现出来给您看的 只要您能了解他们的苦心 (他们努力奋斗为的是您以后读大学的钱 )4.同学欺负难免有的啦 ... 我以前常常也会受到欺负 只有越战越强 把别人的...

帮助的人:0 我也去答题访问个人页 关注 展开全部 原名:黑羽快斗 英文名:KAITO KUROBA 职业:学生...这个怪盗1412号还的确是一个行踪成谜的人物呢,他最先出没的时间是在18年前的巴黎市,但是在那之后

口水。。。看了这个后喜欢看男主残疾的文了。。 【我用所有报答爱】(完) 作者:闲闲令 (现代,言情) 我是在什么时候 让你闯入我的世界为所欲为 直到已无路可退。 【指间欢颜】作者:晴空蓝兮 无意中,遇见一场爱情。 她,为了暗恋十年的男子,从城东搬到城西。他,富家少爷,有名的画家,却在几年前的一场车祸...

二十年后的我,将摇身一变,从小学生变成一位画家?商人?音乐家……嘿嘿,不知道吧!我将成为一名护士。 二十年后的我,将毕业于北京大学医药系,毕业分配在全国最好的医院——仁和医院,我将是全医院中最好的护士,专为病人解除疑难杂症。 可是,有一次,当我目睹了一位肝癌晚期的病人去世,他的亲戚好友们痛不欲生...

二十年后的我,将摇身一变,从小学生变成一位画家?商人?音乐家……嘿嘿,不知道吧!我将成为一名护士。 二十年后的我,将毕业于北京大学医药系,毕业分配在全国最好的医院——仁和医院,我将是全医院中最好的护士,专为病人解除疑难杂症。 可是,有一次,当我目睹了一位肝癌晚期的病人去世,他的亲戚好友们痛不欲生...

相信许多人会觉得作文很难写吧,以下是我收集整理的20年后的我作文,欢迎阅读与收藏。 20年后的我作文1 20年后的我已经32岁了,我的专业是足球,我也爱好篮球。 我小时候在足球界最喜欢的是贝克汉姆,他是世界级球星。他无论走到世界各地,都有人找他签名,贝克汉姆还有一个外号。现在我已经成为贝克汉姆那样了。 在...

阳原县15897464360: 成为一个画家的英语作文差不多四分钟在线等急啊<br/>哪位帮忙答
资耿硫酸: 给你参考一下:To Be A PainterEveryone has his own dream,as for me ,I really want to be a painter. With different colors,a painter can make a fantastic world,he can draw ...

阳原县15897464360: 20年后,你的未来是什么?想成为一名?什么写英语作文 -
资耿硫酸:[答案] 黑暗中迷茫过那过眼云烟的蓝,转侧的是红,纷蓝的色彩,颜色的碰撞,但却带着雾气的迷蒙,这是每个人眼中的未来,有... 可是却是一个拥有,美好心灵的人,未来的我也许是个画家,可是却可以用自己最与众不同的眼眸看尽人世的温情,未来的...

阳原县15897464360: 长大后想当艺术家的英语作文80词 -
资耿硫酸: I want to be a writer I want to be a writer when I grow up . Then I can write down many interesting storise . Many people could read my stories and feel happy . At that time , I will feel very happy too .It is nice to make everyone happy !

阳原县15897464360: 我想成为一名画家英语作文250到300字左右 -
资耿硫酸: Sometimes I think about my future.But I am always a little scared.Because I do not know what I will be,in the future. Now,I know,my ambition is to be a famous musician.Because I want to give people a lot of fun.Music makes people happy.When you ...

阳原县15897464360: my dream关于画家的梦想英语作文 -
资耿硫酸: 作文如下: I have a dream. I want to be an artist because I like drawing pictures. I think it's really interesting and relaxing .If I achieve my dream ,I will go to Korea and have a picture show. I want to show my picture to everyone. So I am working hard ...

阳原县15897464360: 写英语作文.作文内容主要是谈谈自己的理想画家,内容包括将来你打算做什么为什么及怎么去实现自己的理想 -
资耿硫酸: My Dream Everyone has his own dream.Some want to be doctors.Others hope to be scientists.My dream is to become a teacher.Teachers can not teach us many things at school,but they do th eir best to teach us how to learn.Thanks to them,we ...

阳原县15897464360: "20年后我的职业是 - "英语作文80词 -
资耿硫酸: Life in the future Nobody can tell what would be the life like after one hundred years or, at least the ordinary people like us can not do that. However from level of development of today's technology and science, one thing that everyone can be sure ...

阳原县15897464360: 请以I have a dream为主题写初一英语作文,60字,最好是成为画家. -
资耿硫酸: I have a dream I have a dream that I want to be a painter. Because I like drawing pictures.And if I can be a painter , I can draw many things . I can draw whatever I like . For example, I can draw my mother .I like seeing her laughing face. I can draw ...

阳原县15897464360: 八年级英语上册英语作文,我的梦想,内容大概是我想当一名画家,别人都夸我. -
资耿硫酸: My dream is to be a painter. Because it can let many people see my paintings, let a lot of people every day happy, happy every day! So I wanted to be a painter. Do you know why I wanted to be a painter? Then let you know about it! When I was four ...

阳原县15897464360: 八年级英语上册英语作文,我的梦想,内容大概是我想当一名画家,别人都夸我. -
资耿硫酸:[答案] My dream is to be a painter.Because it can let many people see my paintings,let a lot of people every day happy,happy every day!So I wanted to be a painter.Do you know why I wanted to be a painter?The...

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