Will there be many studens here? 变肯定句

作者&投稿:历奔 (若有异议请与网页底部的电邮联系)
there will be many pupils改为疑问句是什么句~

Will there be many studens?

首先,两者都是there be的应用,there be any并非正常语法,这应该是由there be some转化成疑问,就是be there any这个状态了,至于many就没有any这种说法,可以由there be many直接转变为be there many。
其次,既然都是there be用法,那么重点就在any(some) 及many上了,any表示一些并且修饰可数名词或者不可数名词,many表示许多,很多并且修饰可数名词。

肯定句:There will be many studens here.

there be many students here.望采纳谢谢

临漳县19364397718: 英语,什么时候用【There be】的(be)不变形? -
苑试莎尔: there be句型中,当句子中的主语是单数或者不可数名词时,用there is; 当句子中的主语是可数名词的复数形式时,用there are.

临漳县19364397718: will there be...句型怎么回答?并告知为什么. -
苑试莎尔:[答案] 回答,肯定,yes,there will. 否定,No,there won't.

临漳县19364397718: Will there be 是用什么回答,为什么, -
苑试莎尔:[答案] Yes,there will No,there won't

临漳县19364397718: 用will的疑问句Will there be+......为什么不是Will be there,为什么不可以呢请大家说一个让我信服的理由will在这个句子上是个助动词 -
苑试莎尔:[答案] 这是一个固定用法. 至于 Will be there是没有听说过的.

临漳县19364397718: 用英语will造10句句子要10句哦 -
苑试莎尔:[答案] 1.用于表示简单将来式) 将,要,会 I will let you know about it as soon as we come to any conclusion.我们一得出结论,我就会让你知道.Will you be free tomorrow afternoon?你明天下午有空吗?They say that it will rain tomorrow.他们说明天将会下雨....

临漳县19364397718: 用will there be 造5组句子一个问句一个回答 -
苑试莎尔:[答案] Will there be world peace?Yes,there will.Will there be less pollution?No,there won't.Will there be one country?Yes,there will.Will there be any homework?Yes,there won't.Will there be fewer trees?No,th...

临漳县19364397718: 用there will be造句,并变成疑问句,否定句. -
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临漳县19364397718: 英语问题;
苑试莎尔: 答案是: 1.will there be 2.he will 3.will be like ☞ ♧手工翻译☀尊重劳动☀欢迎提问☀感谢采纳♧ ☜

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