
作者&投稿:訾达 (若有异议请与网页底部的电邮联系)

below(如果说是上图,则用the picture above)
split (split有分开的意思),还有一个词组:seperate sth into

上海地铁一号线 Shanghai Subway Line 1
地铁站 Subway Station
冲上去 rush up
脱口而出 blurt out

1.surprise sb 令某人惊奇
例子: It surprised me that he can pass this exam.
2.ask for 请求,寻找
例子: I ask marry for help.(我找玛丽运球帮助)
Let me ask for sure.
3.find out 发现
例子: I find out my daughter is missing.(我发现我妹妹丢了)
4.get on with 与...相处
例子: I can't get on well with my new classmates.(我不能很好的与我的新同学相处)
5.borrow from 向...借
例子: You can borrow this dictionary from the library. (你可以向图书馆借这本字典)

1.surprise sb 令某人惊奇
2.ask for 叫...
3.find out 发现
4.get on with 与...相处
5.borrow from 向某人借


1 on the average 一般来说 he spends on the average two hours a day on reading.2 step by step 逐步的 he learn the rules of game step by step.3 get through 完成 we got through all the work.4 drop out of school 失学 she drop put of school.5 get up 起床 I get ...

1、Life is a sail trip full of chances and challenges.人生的航行充满了机遇与挑战。2、Life is a lane but it is a rotative course.生命是单行道,但是一个循环的过程。3、A man has choice to begin love, but not to end it. ---Bohn 一个人开始去爱上谁的时候,他可以有所选择,...

9.我不是很喜欢英语 I don't like English very much.10.她非常喜欢语文 She likes linguistics very much.11.你有一点喜欢宠物 You do like pet a little.12.他是个高瘦脸的男孩 He is a tall boy with a thin face boy.13.他是一个学生还是一个老师 Is he a student or a teacher?14...

名词形容词 介词短语 分词等) 例:I find him friendly. I found him working in the garden.We found him in bed. He found the window closed.7. 常见的系动词有: ①是:am 、is、 are ②保持:keep、 stay ③ 转变:become、 get、 turn ④ ……起来 feel、 look、 ...

16.睡个好觉 have a good sleep 17.好主意 good idea 18.一会见 see you latter,see you soon 19.玩电脑游戏 play computer games 20.借我的书 lend my books 21.几个朋友 sevral friends 22.英语练习册 English exercise book 23.当然可以 of course,sure 24.按时到校 get to school on ...

2011-09-30 英语常用短语 946 2017-01-24 小学常用的英语短语有哪些 105 2010-07-23 指路的最常用的英语短语 82 2014-01-23 日常生活中最常用的英语短语是 56 2014-10-29 英语一些常用短语 2 2014-08-10 10个常用英语短语 2013-12-06 跪求:50个以上日常常用的英语短语。 7 2014-08-19 英语...

例句:In each cave they constructed five simple beds.他们在每间窑洞里做了5个简单的床。反义词 complex,英 ['kɒmpleks],美 [kəm'pleks]adj. 复杂的;合成的;复合的 n. 综合体;复合体;[医]综合症状;[心]情结 副词: complexly 名词: complexness complex用作形容词的基本...

他的第二个建议比第一个好不了多少。He was little(= not much) more than a child when his father died.他父亲去世时,他差不多还是个孩子。在正式的英语中,little可用在某些动词如 expect,know,sus-pect,think等之前:He little expected to find himself in prison.他几乎没有料到...

1.英语不难学.Learning English is not difficult\/easy.2.教室里有30位学生.There are thirty students in the classroom.3.世界上有许多人使用汉语.There are many people in the world who use Chinese.4.我能帮助你干那件事吗?Can I help you on that?5.我在中学时就开始学英语.那时我不太...

1.由set 构成的短语 set about开始,着手\/set aside挑出,拨出,留出;拒绝\/set back推迟,延缓,阻碍\/set down卸下,放下,记入\/set fire to点燃\/set forth阐明,陈述\/set free释放\/set off出发,动射 ,引起,使发生\/set out陈列,显示;动身,起程;制定\/set out to打算,着手\/set up创立,...

青铜峡市13318552973: 问几个英语短语1,负责 3个词2,挑选 2个词3,索价 2个词4,拆除 2个词5,不分胜负 4个词6,支持某人的观点 3个词 -
暴拜安坤:[答案] 1.be in charge of 2.pick out 3.ask price 4.tear down 5.come out even 6.agree with sb. PS:不分胜负我只知道三个词的

青铜峡市13318552973: 问几个英语短语:1.对某事知道得很多2.以.命名3.不小心,错误地4.看见/听见某人做某事 -
暴拜安坤:[答案] 1.know much about sth. 2.be named after 3.by mistake 4.see sb. do sth./see sb. doing sth. hear sb. do sth./hear sb. doing sth.

青铜峡市13318552973: 问几个英文短语,会英语的帮帮忙咯请问:1随便.(语气很平和,就是点菜什么的,我想说什么都可以的语境)2你随便吧.(有点生气,放任他的意思 语境)... -
暴拜安坤:[答案] 1.Everything is OK或者Everything will be ok!意思是什么都可以,随便,语气平和.(help yourself一般是主人对客人说的,意思是别拘谨.这里完全不符合语境)2.as you wish!有点生气,随便你!3.whatever you want 或者wh...

青铜峡市13318552973: 问几个很简单的英语怎么说1.我咬了一口巧克力.2.我把纸揉成了团.3.我压碎了一粒药4 我用刀子在塑料上挂了很多口子这几句用语都怎么说.特别是动词 -
暴拜安坤:[答案] I had a bite of chocolate. I crumpled a piece of paper into a ball. I crushed a tablet / pill. I made a lot of cuts on the plastic using a knife.

青铜峡市13318552973: 问几个很简单的英文短语解释TAKEMEAWAYCARRYTHEW
暴拜安坤: TAKE ME AWAY 把我带走 CARRY THE WAY 怀孕了,怀着孩子(参考:in a family way, 怀孕) CARRY ON MY WAY 继续我行我素

青铜峡市13318552973: 三个简单的英语短语问题 -
暴拜安坤: 去上学最简单的是 go to school 去学校 go to the school, the 可以用别的代替,比如my, Tom's 去医院 go to hospital 去医院工作同理, go to the hospoital 毕业 graduate 放学 after school

青铜峡市13318552973: 问3个超简单的英语短语~! -
暴拜安坤: look it up look for it第三个好像都不通

青铜峡市13318552973: 关于英语,简单的短语,英语老师进 -
暴拜安坤: be angry with后只能接表示人的名词或代词,表示“生(某人的)气”其后还可以带一个for构成的短语来说明生气的原因.He was angry with himself for breaking the glass.他因打破了玻璃而生自己的气.Don't be angry with that girl. 别生那...

青铜峡市13318552973: 问几个英语短语.
暴拜安坤: 吃口香糖chew bubble gum 独自一人keep me alone 坐飞机飞行travel by air 怀念过去miss the past 日常生活daily life 直接回家go straight home 在过去几年里in the last few years 改变主意change mind 尽管despite of

青铜峡市13318552973: 问几个英语短语呀
暴拜安坤: ask sb something need to do something finish doing something

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