急求翻译.英文高手进 高分悬赏!

作者&投稿:帛哄 (若有异议请与网页底部的电邮联系)



With the development of our national tourism industry, people are gradually paying more attention to tourism. In recent years, open policies and economic boom created an excellent condition for such development. Tourism has become one of the largest and most robust developing industry in the world economy. This essay sums up the Chinese tourism industry's characteristics and analyzes the future trends with qualified data.


Along with the development of tourism in our country, more and more attention by tourism! In recent years, the open policy and economic development for the development of tourism created favorable conditions. The tourism industry has become a global economy in the most robust development momentum and scale of one of the biggest industries in China. This paper summarizes the characteristics of tourism, according to the data analysis of the future trends of the tourism industry.


Along with the development of tourism in our country, more and more attention by tourism! In recent years, the open policy and economic development for the development of tourism created favorable conditions. The tourism industry has become a global economy in the most robust development momentum and scale of one of the biggest industries in China. This paper summarizes the characteristics of tourism, according to the data analysis of the future trends of the tourism industry.!!!

The world is always changing. Nothing is absolute. There are many people who can bring you happiness, but few who can make you hurt and cry indeed.

你要记住哦,这个世界上没有人值得你为他哭,即使有那样的一个人值得你为他而流泪,你也不要哭泣。Please bear in your mind, there is no one in the world who deserves you to cry for him. Even there is a person worth your tears, please still do not cry.真正值得你去哭的那个人...

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1) Food & Beverage Services 1 guests arrived in the restaurant, citing bit of courtesy to the member of warm greetings to the guests. Of regular and VIP guests to call the family name or title.2-bit member of primers lead guests, and guests earlier synchronization, the event ...

从前有一只青蛙,它一直坐在井里,沉醉在头顶一方蓝天的美景中。There was once a frog, it has been sitting in the well, basking in the beauty of the blue sky overhead side.忽然有一天,一只黄色的十分可爱的小鸟从远方飞来,落在井沿上。 Suddenly one day, a very cute yellow birds ...


英文高手进 求翻译
In 1981, Chris Gardner was a struggling salesman in little needed medical bone density scanners while his wife toiled in double shifts to support the family including their young son, Christopher.1981年,克里斯·加德纳是一个挣扎求生的推销员,售卖很少需求的骨密度医疗扫描器。他的妻子双班...

You have your own pride,and what I can do is to help you guard the pride.

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沃梦三七: He found it difficult to adapt to a new culture The harder you study, the more opportunities you will have in the future Many supermarkets by providing a free gift to attract customers The children would walk there rather than take a bus The new ...

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沃梦三七: No first-class libraries, can not be absolutely first-class university." University Library is a symbol, it is a symbol of the University, it is important to the University of guardian spirit. The best universities to study the local library, the library is not only the ...

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