
作者&投稿:御肥 (若有异议请与网页底部的电邮联系)





Alice falls asleep in a wood and dreams she sees a white rabbit,which she follows down a rabbit hole and through an underground passage.The rabbit leaves Alice in the hallway of many doors.On a table she finds a golden key,but finds the only door the key will open is too small for her to get through.She finds a bottle on the table labelled 'Drink Me'.She does,and it causes her to shrink until she is small enough to get through the door.However she is then too short to reach the key,which she left on the table.Finding a cake labelled 'Eat Me' she tries it,and grows again to a huge size,grabs the key,and then fans herself smaller using a fan left by the white rabbit.Now very small,she goes through the door into a garden,where she sees a big dog,and then enters the rabbit's house,where again she grows large,but by using the rabbit's fan she disappears.
Alice reappears before the house of the Duchess and goes into the kitchen,where she rescues a baby from a cook,who is throwing cutlery.But the baby turns into a pig in her hands.Moving on,she is given directions to the Mad Hatter's house by a Cheshire Cat,and arrives dur ing a tea party,which she joins.However,the behaviour of the Mad Hatter,the March Hare and the Doormouse offends her,and she leaves to stumble across the procession of the Queen of Hearts,who offers to play croquet with her.Alice offends the Queen,who calls her executioner,but Alice boxes his ears and runs away,which causes her to wake and realise it was all a dream

你知道一个小女孩的梦有多荒诞无稽吗?在一个很热的下午,爱丽丝看到了一只拿着怀表,穿着背心的兔子从她面前匆匆忙忙跑过,她感到十分好奇,便跟了上去,之后便在梦中开始了她得奇幻之旅:\r\n\r\n  她得梦十分荒谬而又有趣,竟梦到了扑克王国,王后,将军等。她得梦十分离奇而又美丽,一些本不能说话和走动,没有思想的扑克竟变得活灵活现……\r\n\r\n  多么可爱的一个小女孩呀!她天真活泼可爱,充满好奇心,她富有同情心,懂的明辨是非。一个小女孩的一场梦,一场虚拟的梦,一场永远都不会变成现实的梦,如今,却是广大读者最喜欢的一本书,一个故事!\r\n\r\n来源查字典作文网

1. 英语作文 爱丽丝漫游奇遇记 1862年7月,卡洛尔先生带着一个名叫爱丽丝的小女孩游览泰晤士河。在旅途中,卡罗尔给爱丽丝讲了一个奇妙的故事,他一边讲一边想,结果就讲出了这本世界经典童话---《爱丽丝漫游奇遇记》。 那是一个那是一个暖暖的下午,爱丽丝发现一只穿着小背心、会说话的小白兔,爱丽丝很好奇就一路...



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英语作文 爱丽丝漫游奇遇记

《爱丽丝漫游奇境记》是英国作家刘易斯·卡罗尔于1865年创作的童话故事。以下是对您提供的文本内容的修改和润色,以提升内容质量并纠正错误:1. 原文:这一周,我读了一本书—《爱丽丝漫游奇境记》。修改:这周,我阅读了《爱丽丝漫游奇境记》这本书。2. 原文:梦中,她梦到了一只奇怪的的兔子,跳...

《Alice in Wonderland 》is the famous work of Lewis Carroll,a British novelist。Alice is a little girl who came into a mysterious realm from a bunny hole。There she met many living creatures who can speak and moving cards like human beings.Finally,she finds that is merely a ...

3. 爱丽丝漫游奇境英语作文续写六十字 续写《爱丽丝梦游仙境》 I was reading Alice Adventures In A Wonderland and suddenly a strong sunlight came out of my book. I closed my eyes because the light was so bright but when I opened my eyes again, I was in book! Everything looks just like t...


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恭缪奥扎:[答案] A Great Book I had read a lot of books .

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恭缪奥扎: A Great BookI had read a lot of books . <<Alice's Adventures in Wonderland》written by Charles Lutwidge Dodgson has a deep influence to me . I learned a lot from it.when Alice travel in the wonderland,she met a lot of trouble. but she didn't want ...

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恭缪奥扎:[答案] 续写《爱丽丝梦游仙境》I was reading Alice Adventures In A Wonderland and suddenly a strong sunlight came out of my book.I closed my eyes because the light was so bright but when I opened my eyes again...

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恭缪奥扎: A Man to Remember Perhaps the most vital person I have ever met is an Italian professor of philosophy who teaches at the University of Pisa.Although I last met this man eight years ago,I have not forgotten his special qualities.First of all,I was ...

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恭缪奥扎: I due to Clare a English programmes will,we will take "Alice in wonderland" in hengdian.Hero,just as its name implies is to Alice,and then the white queen,red queen,mad hatter,the march hare,the mock turtle,the dormouse,Cheshire cat,the dodo,...

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恭缪奥扎: This is a story book,inside story of tall tales,bizarre and ridiculous; This is a but hundreds of pages of the book,showing just a little girl a long afternoon to meet a variety of impossible animals and humans; It is also a book even seem very ordinary ...

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恭缪奥扎: The story write a girl called asleep, suddenly saw a white rabbit run past wearing clothes. Alice followed the rabbit fall into a black hole, or for a long time before they fell to a pile of withered leaves. She walked into a hall, surrounded by many doors. ...

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