
作者&投稿:芷田 (若有异议请与网页底部的电邮联系)


The purchasing power purchasing (or said PPP) unifies a country currency in the commodity market to in value and the foreign value, thought use similar quantity the currency, exchanges under the balanced exchange rate, all should have the same purchasing power in any country. Looked from the static state and the dynamic angle that, may divide into the purchasing the absolute purchasing and the relative purchasing. “The absolute purchasing” the theory is refers to both countries currency the balanced nominal exchange rate to be equal to but the standard a basket commodity in our country and the foreign ratio of price, pays attention to here is both countries relative price level the non-price index ratio, its foundation is a price law:
= (1) expressed the t time direct costing method nominal exchange rate, with expresses our country and the foreign country separately in the t time general price level. Then the relative purchasing attributes to two national in this section of times price level change exchange rate for a period of time change. It thought the price and the exchange rate can change in maintenance various countries currency home and in the overseas purchasing power invariable situation.

T expression base period, o expresses the standard time. With expressed separately the standard time was opposite in base period our country and the foreign price index, (3) type has manifested between both countries the exchange rate change and the price index relations. Also had reflected if our country inflation rate is higher than foreign relatively the inflation rate, then the exchange rate rise, the standard currency depreciates; If our country inflation rate is lower than foreign relatively the inflation rate, then the exchange rate drops, the standard currency revalues. The relative purchasing has reflected between the exchange rate change percentage and the inflation difference relations correctly.
Two. Price index meaning and in computation relative purchasing significance.
The price index also calls the commodity price index. It may reflect the different time commodity price change directly the degree. The general price index formula is:
Price index =sum (current period /sum (base period represents commodity unit price * weight) on behalf of commodity unit price * weight) the various countries' government to the price level measurement existence difference. Has these difference reason is the life expends the way in the different national people to be different. When in the various countries' commodity basket the different commodity relative price has the change, possibly can cause the relative price fair price to be unable to undergo the different official price index the examination. If the Japanese purchases the sushi is opposite in US are many, when computation price index can give the sushi big weight, has the sweeping change when the sushi price Japan's price changes can be bigger than US's change. (Has not accounted for great weight in US's commodity basket commodity to occur with sushi similar price changes)

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在动物王国里,没有人不认识小猫库库,他可是吃鱼高手。 一天,库库到河边散步,发现河里的小鱼们正在暗暗骂道:该死的库库吃了我们的亲人,真想赏它一个耳光...小明在路上看见一位老奶奶匆匆忙忙地走着。小明急忙跑过去对老奶奶说:“您慢走”,老奶奶停下脚步,疑惑地望着他。 小明又说:“我帮你背吧”!老奶奶说...

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肃宁县13516695090: 请英语高手帮忙翻译,小女不胜感激请不要用翻译器 -
戚狮氨麻: 话不能这么说显得太过矫情,建议改为 希望你能原谅我的过错,原谅我.喝醉之后,我都忘了自己是谁,我感到十分自责,我怎的希望我们还能见面,请原谅我.翻译:I hope that you can concern what i make,forgive me please .when i was drunk,i forgive who i am.i feel so blame,and i really want meet you again,pardon me,pardon my mistake.

肃宁县13516695090: 各位英文高手请进~~帮一下忙啦!各位帅哥靓妹请进!因有一篇英语短文不知该怎样翻译,所以请各位英文高手帮忙,如能搞定,小妹我必当感激不尽!全文... -
戚狮氨麻:[答案] 大家好:我叫XXX,XXX是我的英文名,你可以叫我XXX,我是来自于XXX小学的.在小学里,我喜欢每一门学习的科目.我知道在初中,我会学到许多科目.我会努力学好每一科,并且我一直努力学习英语.我的爱好很广泛.我最喜欢听歌和...

肃宁县13516695090: 请英文高手帮忙啊~~~请帮我翻译一下这几句话,不胜感激!1. Limits of liability not less than: Commercial General Liability - general aggregate $2,000,000, ... -
戚狮氨麻:[答案] 应该是责任保险条款吧:1、责任险保额不得低于:一般商业责任险(也有译作:综合商业责任险)-保险总额$2,000,000,产品完全运作险(也有译作:产品完成业务险)- 保险总额$2000000人身及广告责任险$1,000,000每次事...

肃宁县13516695090: 请英文高手帮忙翻译小女不胜感激请不要用翻译器 谢谢 -
戚狮氨麻: Honey, I'm very sorry, I just saw your message as I had been very busy with my work. I am pleased that you still have me in your mind, thank you. I haven't been back to Shanghai yet and am still in Shenzhen. Recently I have received a new order which...

肃宁县13516695090: 请英文高手帮忙翻译小女不胜感激请不要用翻译器 谢了晚上我到家大概要到十点半.然后我需要去吃点晚饭.比较的晚.你有空吗?如果不行我们明天也可以见面... -
戚狮氨麻:[答案] i'll be at home round ten thirty,then i need to get my supper.it might be a little late,is it ok for you?or we can meet tomorrow

肃宁县13516695090: 请英语高手进来帮忙 不胜感激
戚狮氨麻: 可以啊!因为cool是形容词,所以不会翻译为life的cool.如果是名词,就不可以啦,例如Marry is sister(她是姐姐.)如果写成Marry"s sister(既可以翻译为她是姐姐,也可以说成她的姐姐,但是如果放在短文里,就要联系上下文来翻译了).

肃宁县13516695090: 各位英语达人,帮小妹翻译一封邮件,不胜感激啊
戚狮氨麻: I want to Arizona State University Admissions Office for an email consultation Master of Accounting application conditions. As follows:Dear School Admissions Office: I am a China University of Geosciences (Wuhan) of self-examination. I want to ...

肃宁县13516695090: 请英文高手帮下忙,翻译一下,不胜感激 -
戚狮氨麻: 朋友:我很感激您能够用英文信件和我交流.谢谢.您的价格合理,但是我妻子改变了主意,不打算立即搬家到美国.我们本打算立即到美国去,但她现在决定在北京做一份咨询工作,所以她会继续待在北京至少4-5个月.我很抱歉我匆忙将房屋闲置的信息在市场上公开,以至于给您(和其他人)带来的不便.当我们一切就绪,准备售房的时候,我一定会在第一时间与您联系.如果到那时您还有兴趣购房,我们会很快将售房事宜办妥.再一次对您和您家人造成的不便表示歉意.祝好 Jas

肃宁县13516695090: 请英文高手帮忙翻译小女不胜感激请不要用翻译器谢谢 -
戚狮氨麻: 因为你从不让我去你家.我怀疑你是不是有女朋友了.我很好奇.Since you never invite me to your home. I wonder if you have a girlfriend. I am very curious.

肃宁县13516695090: 急求中文翻译一份英语作文!!求英语能人帮忙!!今晚就要了!!小女子不胜感激了!!内容是:我有一个... -
戚狮氨麻: I have to attend a meeting out of town, so I arrange someone to pick you up and send you to the hotel...

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