
作者&投稿:廖秋 (若有异议请与网页底部的电邮联系)

If can meet a let I from the heart, called the pig girl, if she likes me, then I can get married!

Stop and take a look at where we live. Everything is quietly changing. Of course, it also includes our own. All this, past, future and coming will also be the past. Which of these things can last forever? Contemplation of things is a reflection of the feelings of the heart. I have no intention to express my feelings and subjective feelings, nor to impress others. I just stopped and looked at their real situation in time and space.

养猪行业经久不衰,猪肉是世界上消费最广泛的红肉。养猪业在今年迎来“开门红”,生猪 价格出现大幅度上涨,市场需求也一直未饱和。总的来说,养猪前景一片光明!

1, the risk of swine disease. The impact of this disease on the pig farm has two kinds: First, the impact of pig disease during the breeding process, including: large-scale epidemic will lead to a large number of pigs died, bringing direct economic losses, purification process Will reduce the production efficiency of pig farms, increase production costs, thereby reducing efficiency, the internal epidemic will reduce the supply of pig farms, resulting in reduced income, the effectiveness of decline. Second, the outbreak of large-scale swine outbreaks or the impact of security incidents, including: pig farm outbreak of large-scale disease to the farm to bring huge epidemic prevention pressure, and increase in the epidemic prevention investment, resulting in increased operating costs, and pigs Field outbreak of the disease, will lead to consumer psychological panic, reduce the purchase of pigs, pig farm to bring losses.
2, shortage of funds. In the process of raising pigs, due to immature pigs are only capital expenditure, and no capital inflows, and finally in the first batch of pig development before, make ends meet, bring huge economic pressure.
3, the environment, natural disasters, security risks. Environmental risk is the natural environment changes or sudden changes in the public environment, resulting in pig farm property loss or the expected business objectives of the possibility of falling. Natural disaster risk is the possibility of deterioration of the natural environment, such as earthquakes, floods, fires and so on. The risk of safety is the possibility of loss of significant personnel or property of the pig farm due to the indifference of people's safety.
4, pig development after no market or pork prices fell. After the pig has no market will lead to poor sales of pigs, and finally lead to not return to this. Pork prices lead to pig sales, may not return this, it may be profitable little.
First, the construction of the plant, the first contact to buy two tons of cement, steel and 450 square meters of plastic tile, wire and other construction materials. And asked 10 workers to start construction of the plant, built plant site, the plant floor plan submitted to the Pengshui County People's Government veterinary authorities in order to obtain "animal epidemic prevention conditions certificate", the audit process about 5 days. During this period, began to contact the supply of piglets, has been linked in the county a local called Huiji pig farms 50 pigs, the first to pay, pay 10,000 yuan deposit, to be pig to build the end of the balance The 5, days after the certificate approved down, and then immediately to the county Trade and Industry Bureau to apply for business license. Waiting for the business license review process, you can keep the pig farm breeder 2 good, until the business license approved down, immediately contact the seller will be 50 piglets sent to my factory, and began to raise pigs. Every morning, at night to the county restaurants to pull the water with feed pig, noon to release the pig, take stocking mode, so that pigs get exercise, let the meat more dynamic. Until 120 days later, pig development. In the late pig began to my county major farmers market restaurant contact buyers, understand the pork market, observe what time to sell the best. In the process, you can contact the seller of piglets, ready to buy the next batch of piglets.
to sum up:
Pig industry is enduring, pork is the world's most widely consumed red meat. Pig industry in this year ushered in "good start", hog prices rose sharply, the market demand has not been saturated. In general, the pig's prospects are bright!

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公司的名字位于充满动感的新Logo设计之上,给人一种充满活力的公司总体形象。其椭圆形的Logo形状象征着穿过空间移动的世界,传达着一个与众不同的创新与变革的形象。第一个字母“S” 以及最后一个字母“G”,部分地突破椭圆的束缚,将外界与内部结为一体,显示三星力争成为与世界一体,服务社会的愿望。

...it, and it represents good value.各位大神帮忙了。。
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洛扎县15718799162: 求各位大神英语翻译下面这段话!!!!! -
戊易匹维: Nescafe company, founded in 1867 by Henry Nestor Lai, headquartered in Switzerland Geneva Lake in Vevey, has more than 500 factories in the world, as the world's largest food manufacturers. The company originated in Switzerland, the first is ...

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戊易匹维: I just do some part-time jobs during summer and winter holiday and of course it's an experience but not a normal work. Get to know something in society and try to learn something about the future and my job. I think it brings me some knowledge and I wish it will help me.

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戊易匹维:[答案] 3.Is this book very expensive?4.I only want to know which country she studied in.5.I don't think Mary can win the game.6.Sometimes this mother doesn't know what her son need.7.I'm sorry I'm late.8.She...

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戊易匹维: This article from the "head /...

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戊易匹维: The SeaWhat do you know about the sea? Some people know about it, but others don't. The sea looks beautiful on a fine sunny day, the sea is very big. In the world, there is more sea than land. Do you know Hainan Island? It's really very nice. ...

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戊易匹维: 楼上的翻译,管理自己的形象用第三人称复数显然不对. 1 In order to complete my dream. I am trying to learn English and managing my own image. 2 Of course. I also have disadvantages, for example, facing strangers I will be nervous, and could not say fluent words, but this is not a big problem.

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戊易匹维: You always say sorry to me , but never try to make it up. You always apologize to me, but never wanna change yourself You always say sorry but never change. You always make an apology to me , but not a little bit is ever changed. You are not willing ...

洛扎县15718799162: 请各位大神用英文帮忙翻译下列句子
戊易匹维: 她创作了大量高质量并受世人追捧的小说,常被翻译成法、荷、西、日等多国文字 英文翻译:She created a large number of high quality and by the world popular novels, often translated into French, Dutch, Japanese and other countries, the Western text

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