
作者&投稿:尉迟饲 (若有异议请与网页底部的电邮联系)

Four seasons, literary attainment. Our journey, though, we hard thorns, stormy, also want to challenge - such as helpful as resolute. Black and blue, pieces, because we understand life at least challenge is spent, at least we know only challenge to success in life. Composition If the time flow, like the sunshine, under trees, we grow slowly and gradually mature. In the past years like a river, and the floods, open the gates to me, so that the first challenge scene again clearly emerge in front of me, like it happened yesterday It is just the fifth grade, I mind "ambition" can't wait to get a good result, so I try to change their learning methods, listening for each class will be clearly. However, the examination is always not satisfied, the first test scores, but my grades go down. "No doubt, it is not my work!" I think so, and I was not more effort, to work overtime everyday to make up missed lesson, also always works night, with the last rays of sunshine company, and the first rays of the morning, class is waving monkish sorts, only the "heart" learning for learning exam, even only for a time. This way of life, I can run down, but I always believed that there would be a return, paid work a harvest, I'll win the final victory. God always seemed to be against me, and the second test, I still failed. Instant, days, ash, Flowers, thanks, Tea, cold, Heart, cold! Just like a broken wing plane is helpful, could not fly. When he saw the first YouYouRan expression, relaxed, I -- vacant. There are innumerable mark in heart spun: why, whyOh, I understand, I want a more than others, but neglect to surpass others to surmount oneself, challenge yourself. Brake, days, fine, Flowers, colourful, The rain stopped, People,! Once again I thought up ahead of the dawn, the victory finally move in the exam, I finally made outstanding achievements.At that moment, I experienced the bitterness of challenge and pleasant sensation, never lose through difficulties finally saw the sun.Like light the lamp of snowy day, challenge the deepest heart bloom in the eyes, in anticipation, naturally flush out sincere, confidence and fortitude. But at the moment, the challenge successfully boundless snowflakes into pieces, moist heart at, DiaoKu trees on the green dots, expect the spring.Facing the challenge, resolute, strong.The challenge, smiling, will every minute and second, ooze sweat and expectations,The challenge, like to break the young eagle soar, blue sky!Students will shout "hero" move to the classroom, I want to say congratulations, just discover throat has no noise.四季更替,春华秋实。漫漫人生路,我们艰苦跋涉,纵然荆棘丛生,风雨交加,也要如雏鹰般挑战自我--刚毅走出。遍体鳞伤也好,体无完肤也罢,因为至少我们明白人生是在无限挑战中度过的,至少我们明白人生只有挑战自我才能成功。 时光如流,像树木沐浴阳光,砥砺风雨,我们慢慢成长,逐步成熟。闯进岁月的河流,往事像开了闸的洪水,向我奔涌而来,于是,那一次挑战自我的场面再一次清晰地浮现在我的面前,宛若昨天刚发生的一般 那是刚上五年级时,我便胸怀“雄心壮志”迫不及待的想拿个好成绩,于是我努力改变自己的学习方法,上课认真听讲争取每一道题都清清楚楚。然而,考试总是那么的不如人意,第一次考试分数下来,我却成绩平平。“没有疑问,肯定是我不够用功!”我这样想,于是我更下功夫了,每天不但要加班加点得补课,还总是披星戴月,跟最后一缕阳光作伴,与第一缕曙光招手,课堂上更是心无杂念,只有“学习学习学习”“考好考好考好”,连仅有的一点玩的时间也没有了。这样的生活,把我整个人简直累垮了,但我始终坚信,有付出就会有回报,一份耕耘一份收获,我会赢得最后的胜利的。老天爷似乎总在和我作对,第二次考试,我始终还是--失败了。一瞬间,天,灰了;花,谢了;茶,凉了;心,冷了!宛若一只刚刚起飞的雏鹰折断了翅膀,再也飞不起来了。当看到第一名脸上那轻松自得,悠悠然的表情时,我--茫然了。心中有无数个问号在打转:为什么,为什么? 噢,我明白了,我只想着超越别人,却忽视了要想超越别人却要先超越自己,挑战自己。刹时,天,晴了;花,艳了;雨,停了;人,乐了!我再一次爬了起来,想着胜利的曙光前进 前进 ~终于,我终于在考试中取得了骄人的成绩。 那一刻,我体验了挑战自我的辛酸与快感,永远不能磨灭,经过重重困难终于见到阳光的欣慰。 如一盏雪夜之灯,挑战绽放于心灵最深处,在期待的目光里,自然地流溢出真诚、自信和刚毅。而挑战成功的那一刻,漫天雪花会化成滴滴春水,滋润心田;凋枯树木会泛起绿色点点,期待春天。 挑战自我,刚毅面对,坚强迎接; 挑战自我,微笑投入,将每一分每一秒,都渗进汗水与期望; 挑战自我,像欲冲破蓝天的雏鹰,展翅高飞!

如何面对挑战英语作文:When I grow up, I have more and more challenges to myself, but less and less courage to face challenges.He who knows himself is English, and he who wins himself is male.
This sentence is true. The people who really understand themselves are really intelligent people, and the people who can constantly challenge themselves and overcome themselves are heroes among people.

Comfortable environment. I'm used to taking photos, reading articles and watching videos every day. But I also have things I've been running away from because of fear.
I was afraid to know that my tennis level was lower than many people, so I avoided playing the game.
I was afraid to know that my English writing and speaking were really backward, so I avoided leaving the template for practice. These are small things, but they are cowardly and short-sighted.

He who knows himself is English, and he who wins himself is male. Do not often experience some small challenges, how to face the big challenges in the future; If you don't often hone yourself, how can you grow into a powerful person.
Therefore, if you want to grow, you can't be cowardly, you can't retreat, you should be brave, you should grasp the overall situation, and you can't stop because of small cowardice.




If the time flow,like the sunshine,under trees,we grow slowly and gradually mature.In the past years like a river,and the floods,open the gates to me,so that the first challenge scene again clearly emerge in front of me,like it happened yesterday
It is just the fifth grade,I mind "ambition" can't wait to get a good result,so I try to change their learning methods,listening for each class will be clearly.However,the examination is always not satisfied,the first test scores,but my grades go down."No doubt,it is not my work!" I think so,and I was not more effort,to work overtime everyday to make up missed lesson

网络,一个科技发展的产物,也是信息时代的标志。作为我们中学生,理所应当对其进行追求、探索。 这尽管是一个虚拟的空间,但它的方便、快捷、灵活等多种优点,拓展了我们的知识面,给予了我们敖游的空间。它的出现改变了人们传统的思想方法,在我们的生活中给予了我们极大的帮助;坐在家中即可浏览众多网上...

互联网让我们打量世界,了解世界。走进信息世界,作为小学生的我们,也应该与时俱进。我们应该有创新的意识。现代社会很需要创新,不然就会落后。我们要获得更多的知识来挑战自我,实践自我,勇于创新。让我们跟着时代的列车,踏着前进的步伐,即将远航!走进科技信息时代作文2 这周,我们在班主任老师的带领下...

地球是我们的家园,我们有责任为我们自己和我们的后代去照顾好它。庆幸的是,愈来愈多的人们已经意识到这些问题。政府已经采取了很多措施去解决这些问题,法律已被通过以制止污染。我希望这些问题在不远的将来能得到解决,我们的家园变得越来越好 Harmony with the environment is that we live in on ...




网络时代,信息时代,一切都变得那么快, 那么敏感!但凡一件想上网的,一件想让大家知道的事,都会很迅速的摆在我们的面前。其实,网络不但加快了信息的反馈速度,扩大了信息渠道,同样也拉近了我们的距离,认识的,不认识的。最近大学同学打单位电话找到我,批评我失踪了,又告诉我,我们的同学设立了Q群,...


网络这个词语,作为现代人我们都不陌生.进入21世纪,人类进入了一个崭新的时代——信息化时代.一切领域都被信息技术所覆盖,从政治到经济;从教育到社会,没有一个领域不受到信息技术的影响。网络有超级强大的功能,比如说聊天,邮件;增进人们之间的感情,提高效率、增加利润 。足不出户了解天下事 科学发展,...


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尹伟裕宁: If the time flow,like the sunshine,under trees,we grow slowly and gradually mature.In the past years like a river,and the floods,open the gates to me,so that the first challenge scene again clearly emerge in front of me,like it happened yesterday It is just ...

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尹伟裕宁: Four seasons, literary attainment. Our journey, though, we hard thorns, stormy, also want to challenge - such as helpful as resolute. Black and blue, pieces, because we understand life at least challenge is spent, at least we know only challenge to ...

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