by oneself 与 oneself 与 on one s own的区别

作者&投稿:苍梧品 (若有异议请与网页底部的电邮联系)
by oneself ,on oneself,for oneself 和on one's own, by one's own ,for one's own等等的区别??~

1、是固定搭配的有by oneself ,for oneself,on one's own。
2、不是固定搭配的有by one's own ,for one's own,on oneself。
1、by oneself 自行;单独,独力;孑然一身;各自。
例句:One is firmly established by oneself. 卓然自立。
2、on oneself不是一个固定搭配,一般是一个以on结尾的固定搭配加上oneself。
例如: depend on oneself 依靠自己
3、for oneself 独自地,靠自己的力量。
例句:Seeing a thing for oneself is better than hearing about it. 耳闻不如目见。
4、on one's own 靠自己的力量,独自地;独力;独立。
例句:Success in study mainly depends on one's own efforts. 学习主要靠自己努力。
5、by one's own不是一个固定搭配,一般是by one's own后面加一个名词,翻译为靠自己的...。
例如:by one's own achievements 靠自己的成就
6、for one's own不是一个固定搭配,一般是for one's own后加一个名词,翻译为为了自己的...。
例如:for one's own profit 为了自己的利益

1、one's own 英 [wʌnz əun] 美 [wʌnz on] 己;亲生;独自;本。
例句:1)、Why are the contents of the next person's shopping trolley always more alluring than one's own? 为什么旁边人购物车里的东西看起来总是比自己车里的更诱人呢?
2)、In doing translation, one should not alter the meaning of the original to suit one's own taste. 翻译时不应根据自己的好恶改变原文的意思。
2、oneself 英 [wʌnˈself] 美 [wʌnˈsɛlf] pron.自己,自身;亲自,自行;其;亲手。
例句:1)、It is a very rewarding exercise to work this out oneself .独自解决这个问题是一次受益匪浅的锻炼。
2)、It is better to die oneself than to kill. 宁可自亡,不可行凶。

by oneself 和 on one's own 区别:
by oneself 和 on one's own 的意思相同,都是“ 独自, 单独” 的意思一般可以互换且放在句末,只是by oneself 中的oneself 是反身代词,on one's own 中的 one's 是用形容词性物主代词。

by oneself (用作副词)
(1) 独自一人(= alone),例如:She used to sit by herself and read.她从前常常独自坐着看书。
(2) 独立地,单独地,自动地,如:He finished it by himself.他独立完成那件事。

on one's own有二重意思;①独立无助地②独立的;自主的。
(a) 独自: I'm all on my own today. 今天我是独自一人
(b) 独力地; 单独地: He can be left to work on his own. 工作可交给他一个人去做.
(c) 出色的; 非凡的; 卓越的: When it comes to craftsmanship。
oneself 英[wʌnˈself] 美[wʌnˈsɛlf]
pron. 自己,自身; 亲自,自行; 其; 亲手;
[例句]One must apply oneself to the present and keep one's eyes firmly fixed on one's future goals
own 英[əʊn] 美[oʊn]
n. 自己的事物; 自己人;
vt. 拥有; 承认;
vi. 承认;
[例句]Jennifer insisted on her own room
[其他] 第三人称单数:owns 复数:owns 现在分词:owning 过去式:owned过去分词:owned

by oneself 和 on one's own 的意思相同,都是“ 独自, 单独” 的意思
一般可以互换且放在句末,只是by oneself 中的oneself 是反身代词,on one's own 中的 one's 是用形容词性物主代词。

1 He can finish the work by himself .
= He can finish the work on his own.

2 Lucy often goes to school by herself .
= Lucy often goes to school on her own .

by oneself: 自己做
eg: I will do it by myself. 我会自己做这件事的。

oneself: 反身代词,自己,本身
eg: myself/himself/herself/itself/theirself: 我自己,他自己,她自己,它自己,他们自己
I like the story itself, but I don't like the structure.我喜欢这个故事本身,但是不喜欢它的结构。

on one's own: 自己花销
eg: I will buy the dress on my own.我会自己花钱买这条裙子的。


泽普县13951575915: on one's own by oneself 有什么区别 -
干胡保济: by oneself 单独地,独自地,依靠自己 强调亲自,没有别人帮助 on one's own:独自地,主动地,靠自己自食其力 例如:Obstinately bent on having one's own way:固执的,任性的

泽普县13951575915: by oneself 和 on one's own 有什么区别 -
干胡保济: by oneself 和 on one's own 区别: by oneself 和 on one's own 的意思相同,都是“ 独自, 单独” 的意思 一般可以互换且放在句末,只是by oneself 中的oneself 是反身代词,on one's own 中的 one's 是用形容词性物主代词.by oneself (用...

泽普县13951575915: oneself与by oneself的区别 -
干胡保济: oneself 是某人自己 by oneself 是由某人自己你的列句第一句:2年后,爸爸告诉我和哥哥他觉得我们足够年龄可以自己修剪草坪了第二句其实也差不多,也是翻译成我们自己修剪草坪英语翻译不要死板,主要根据内容来的

泽普县13951575915: on one's own中one's是指什么by oneself 中 oneself 指的又是什么?是名词性物主代词,还是形容词性物主代词?还是什么反身代词. -
干胡保济:[答案] 是形容词性物主代词 I finished my homework on my own.

泽普县13951575915: by oneself 和on one's own有什么区别? -
干胡保济: 基本上是一个意思,即一个人,做状语.on one's own也有表达孤单的意思.

泽普县13951575915: by oneself 与 oneself 与 on one s own的区别 -
干胡保济: by oneself 和 on one's own 的意思相同,都是“ 独自, 单独” 的意思 一般可以互换且放在句末,只是by oneself 中的oneself 是反身代词,on one's own 中的 one's 是用形容词性物主代词.如 1 He can finish the work by himself . = He can finish the work on his own. 他可以自己完成这项工作.2 Lucy often goes to school by herself . = Lucy often goes to school on her own . 露丝经常独自上学.

泽普县13951575915: oneself与byself的区别 -
干胡保济: oneself 与by oneself都可做状语,oneself强调亲自,by oneself强调单独(=alone)例:he went shanghai himself(他亲自去了上海),he went shanghai by himself(他独自去了上海),体会一下两者的不同.

泽普县13951575915: oneself与by oneself有什么区别? -
干胡保济: oneself是反身代词,某人自己的意思 by oneself是短语,靠某人的意思 其实他们是很好区别的

泽普县13951575915: by onself 和oneself的区别 -
干胡保济: 都可以当状语,by oneself是指靠某人自己,强调自己;oneself是指某人独自一人,强调单独

泽普县13951575915: on one's own 和by oneself有区别吗? -
干胡保济:[答案] by oneself (用作副词)(1) 独自一人(= alone),例如:She used to sit by herself and read.她从前常常独自坐着看书.(2) 独立地,单独地,自动地,如:He finished it by himself.他独立完成那件事.on one's own - 独...

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