初二英语啊 有资料的给我说说啊~~~我要任务型阅读的短文网页

作者&投稿:系残 (若有异议请与网页底部的电邮联系)

41、choosing a job
42、your interests and talents
43、The job as a computer programmer
45、be flexible and allow yourself to change

Question how to do this, English task based reading. Online etc.. If the title or article content is not clear the way. The remake gives you. Jiqiu. Crab crab


Musicians wanted for School Rock Band
Are you a musician? Can you sing? Can you dance? Can you play the piano,the trumpet,the frums,or the guitar? then you can be in our School Rock Band. Please contact Bill for more information.
Dear Bill
I can ___ the guitar very well.Vera is my good friend. She can sing and dance. She can play the piano very well. She wants to ___ ___ our School Rock Band. She ___ music. Please give me your ___.

Once there was a man who had two children,a boy and a girl.The boy was good-looking but the girl was not.
One day they found a mirror and for the first time they saw what they looked like.The boy was very pleased and he said to his sister,"How handsome I am!I look much nicer than you!"
The girl did not like what he brother said and gave him a hard push."Go away!"she said.
Their father saw what was happening.He went up to them and said to the boy,"You must always be good as well look good."
Then to the girl he said,"My dear,if you help everyone and do your best please(使人愉快)others,everyone will love you.It will not matter that you are not as good-looking as you brother."
1.从短文中找出looking glass的同义词
3.Was the girl happy or unhappy when she heard what her brother said?

One afternoon when Charlie Chaplin was sitting together and talking with his friends,a fly flew into the room and kept flying around the great actor's head.Chaplin waved his hands to drive it away,but the fly soon came back again.For once it even rested on his nose.The great actor got very angry.He took up a fly-swatter(苍蝇拍)and swung(舞动)at it,but the fly got away in time.Then the offender(冒犯者)stayed on the table before him.Chanlin lifted the swatter for the death blow——he was sure this time he would kill it.But after he looked at it carefully,Chaplinput down the swatter.
"Why didn't you kill it?"asked one of his friends.
Chaplin shrugged(耸)his shoulders."It wasn't the same fly,"He said.
1.From the story we know,what was Chaplin?
2.Why did Chaplin get angry?
3.How did the Chaplin's friend feel when Chaplin didn't kill the fly?
4.What does the sentence"It wasn't the same fly."mean?
5.What do you think of Chaplin from the story?

扬中市13069711100: 高手给我推荐几本好的英语资料,我初二 -
王鲁海定: 完全解读 点拨初二英语完全可以买本中考的辅导书,像 五年中考三年模拟,三年中考2年模拟. 类似于中考完全解读之类的,大抵都会有题型专项训练,有一些语法句式解析.另,最好的方法就是做个错题本,牢记单词.

扬中市13069711100: 我初二 上英语不好 主要是完型填空 和阅读理解 还有作文 还有听力 有啥办法可以帮我 一些好的资料也可以 -
王鲁海定: 英语最主要的是练习,目前学得不好没关系,一定要有勇气学下去,平时多分配一些时间给英语,在各科目上做一下倾斜.听力一定要把平时的零散时间利用起来,初二可能听不了太多新闻类的内容,主要还是把学校的教材反复听,达到可以背诵的状态最佳.完型其实是在考察搭配、词汇、以及语感,所以要多读课外英语文章,不能只局限于课本.阅读建议买周计划,保持训练强度.作文的话不能光自己写,一定要看范文,找到别人的优点,争取在自己写的时候利用起来

扬中市13069711100: 如何学好初二英语 -
王鲁海定: 初中是最好把英语的基础打好的时期.我有几个建议:1.词汇:你要抓住空闲时间多记单词,短语,句子,甚至作文(书上的课文最好),把教科书上的课文背得滚瓜烂熟,不要死记单词,一个单词要放在句子里记,这样既可以背单词又能背句子...

扬中市13069711100: 初二英语怎么学好 -
王鲁海定: 很简单.我们学语文的老师教我们古文时说这就是半门外语,也就是说,学习外语词汇很重要,下面,我给你具体讲讲我的一些心得. 1:在网络上,很多文章教大家怎么一个月过六级,半个月过四级,个人认为:可能!但那绝对是针对英语基...

扬中市13069711100: 求八年级上的英语期末复习资料 -
王鲁海定: 初二年级(上) 【知识梳理】 I. 重点短语 1. on time 2. best wishes 3. give a talk 4. for example 5. short for 6. a waste of time 7. go on a field trip 8. go fishing 9. I agree 10. next week 11. the day after tomorrow 12. have a picnic 13. have some ...

扬中市13069711100: 谁知道怎么可以学好初二的英语啊~? -
王鲁海定: 我现在就是在读初二 我是这样学英语的: 首先,在老师讲课时,我会记上老师说的每一个知识点. 其次,在做练习的时侯,碰到不懂的词,我会先跳过,然后根据上下文猜测意思 再老师讲评练习时,一定要记牢!这是比上课还要重要的课!因为考试的题目有的就是从中要的! 我的回答完毕了!谢谢

扬中市13069711100: 怎样才能在初二下学期更好的提高英语水平?初二的难度加深,学的越多
王鲁海定: 1.建议课堂上跟着老师学,专心听讲,认真做好笔记, 2.课外及时复习,一定要提前预习,尤其是记单词,不要拖下来,要设法记住每个单元的词汇、短语.复习笔记,把不懂 的地方划下来,课后文老师或同学; 3.有条件的话,请个家教,辅导一下; 4;有问题还可经常来iask上提问,一般也能得到满意回答.

扬中市13069711100: 我孩子初二英语很差,怎么学好初中英语? -
王鲁海定: 记单词是每一个阶段都必须的,其次可以让他把每次错的题目抄录下来集成一本错题集,把每一个错的题目都进行详细分析,改过来,考试前都复习一次.还有就是要多做阅读理解题,平时要学会写英语日记,从生活中做起.如果家里条件好再请一个家教补习.

扬中市13069711100: 怎么样能学好初二英语 -
王鲁海定: 坚持“多说”、“多听”、“多读”、“多写”,那么你的英语成绩肯定会很出色. 一、多“说”. 自己多创造机会与英语教师多讲英语,见了同学,尤其是和好朋友在一起时尽量用英语去问候,谈心情……这时候你需随身携带一个英汉互译...

扬中市13069711100: 我是初二学生,应怎样学好英语? -
王鲁海定: 一、培养学习英语的兴趣 爱因斯坦曾经说过:“兴趣和爱好是最好的老师”.浓厚的学习兴趣,可以使人集中力量,深入思考.如果让你去做一件你毫无兴趣的事,你根本无法做好,任何事如此,英语学习也不例外. 有的同学说:“我天生就...

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