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英语题目 中考题 急求答案(不懂得不要回答)———今天晚上9点前需要~

1.d 根据语境解答,上句说you look so weak说现在看起来很虚弱,表示现在的状态,所以下句说明原因的时候应该是我为什么现在看起来虚弱,因为我正想着我死去的狗狗呢。所以应该为现在进行时态。
2.What if
what if ... ?的意思是如果... , 会怎样?


第5题的首字母应该是d 吧?如果是d 答案如下:All around the world, people drink tea. But tea dose not mean (1) the same thing to everyone (2). In different countries people have different ideas(3)about drinking tea.
In China people always have tea together (4)with their friends. They may drink tea at any time of the day. They only put tea leaves in their cups. They drink(5)the tea with nothing (6) else in it.
Tea is also important (7)in Japan. It is very popular(8)there. People drink tea every day. But they have it in a way different from that in China.
In the USA people drink tea at breakfast or after meals(9). They usually use tea bags to make their tea. Making tea with bags is faster and easier (10) than making it with tea leaves in teapots.

All around the world, people drink tea. But tea does not mean the same thing to everyone. In different countries people have very different ideas about drinking tea. In China, for example, tea is always served when people get together. The Chinese drink it at any time of the day at home and in tea house. They prefer their tea with nothing else . Tea is also important in Japan. The Japanese have special room for it in Japanese home.Another tea-drink country is England; the late afternoon is "tea time”. Almost everyone has a cup of tea then. The English usually make tea in a teapot and drink it with cream and sugar. They also eat cakes, cookies and some sandwiches at tea time.In the United States people drink tea mostly for breakfast or after meals. Americans usually use tea bags to make their tea. Tea bags are faster and easier than making tea in teapots. In summer, many Americans drink cold tea "icy tea". Some times they drink iced tea from cans like soda.
翻译:全世界所有的人都喝茶。但是,茶对每个人的意义却不尽相同。在不同的国家,人们对喝茶的看法有很大区别。例如,在中国,每当人们聚在一起的时候,都要上茶。在一天的任何时候,在家抑或在茶馆,中国人都会喝茶。他们喜欢喝不加任何东西的素茶。茶在日本也很重要。日本人用一种特殊的方式来上茶,被称为“茶道”。它历史悠久,意义深远。在“茶道”中,每一件事都被做以与众不同的方式。甚至,在日本人的家里,还有专门为此准备的房间。另外一个喝茶的国家是英国。傍晚时分被称为“茶时”。在这个时间,几乎每一个人都会喝一杯茶。英国人通常在茶壶里泡茶,并配以奶糖和奶酪来饮用。他们在“茶时”还吃一些糕点,饼干和小三明治。在美国,人们主要是在早餐时或饭后喝茶。美国人通常用茶袋来泡茶。这比在茶壶泡茶更快,更容易。在夏季,好多美国人喝“冰茶”。有时候,他们和罐装的“冰茶”,就像苏打一样。引用: http://hi.baidu.com/%D1%C5%D3%A3h/blog/item/95d583121696e229dc540156.html

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)⒋选择适当的词语填入文中的空格内。(3分)改造 灵敏 观察 明亮 倾听 走遍 ⒌填空:(2分)⑴孩子听完老人第一次说的语重心长的话,“眼睛忽地一亮”,是因为 ⑵听完老人第二次说话,孩子“陷入了沉思”,是因为 ⒍孩子听完老人最后一席话后是怎么想的?展开丰富想象,为短文加上结尾。(2分 ...

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精卫填海,愚公移山,刑天舞干戚,神农尝百草 六出祁山的孔明,愈挫愈奋的孙文,上下求索的屈原 粉骨碎身浑不怕,语不惊人死不休

4、注意细节和拼写错误:在做填空题时,要注意细节和拼写错误。有时候题目中可能会出现一些错别字或者细节上的错误,这些错误可能会干扰学生的判断。因此,在做填空题时一定要仔细阅读题目,注意细节和拼写错误。有关做填空意义的内容 1、巩固语言基础知识:短文填空题通常会涉及到单词拼写、语法规则、句型...

短文填空There are many ways to save
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龙海市19458931067: 初一(上)英语短文填空题上册的,尽量简单点,要22篇左右. -
闳饶硫酸:[答案] 应该是完形填空吧?建议你去买英语的五年中考三年模拟,那里面什么都有.不过现在应该是七年下了吧、如果是七年级下的话,你可以买英语左讲右练(七下版),里面也有,还可以、

龙海市19458931067: 英语题目:短文填空(中考模拟考题目,急求答案)
闳饶硫酸: 第5题的首字母应该是d 吧?如果是d 答案如下: All around the world, people drink tea. But tea dose not mean (1) the same thing to everyone (2). In different countries people have different ideas(3)about drinking tea. In China people always have ...

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闳饶硫酸:[答案] I really 75 myself when I watch it. 看句子中后面是watch,根据句子前后一致原则,应该用enjoy,而不是enjoyed.

龙海市19458931067: 中考英语填空题,帮忙
闳饶硫酸: finish is taking leaves says getting stops to have don"t do visit lying robs cotch send

龙海市19458931067: 求初中英语短文填空题 -
闳饶硫酸: One day, two brothers ___1__fishing. They had a dog___2__them. When they came near the river, they put their hats ___3___a big stone and went to the river bank to look __4__fish. It was cold that day, and soon they wanted to wear the hats. They ...

龙海市19458931067: 英语,综合填空..英语题目.综合填空 根据短文内容及首字母提示,填写所却单词,使短文意思完整. In Australia, the summer season lsat from December to ... -
闳饶硫酸:[答案] 1.as 2.summer 3.last 4.from 5.teacher 6.public 7.finishes 8.about 9.vacation 10.each

龙海市19458931067: 急!求一道关于初三英语短文填空的题目
闳饶硫酸: send,money,paid,from,way.keeping,buy,use,better,something 第一段是说一个小孩子卖报,一个星期收一次钱,用本子记录收钱情况 第二段是说人类很早就用绳子打结记录信息,后来用电脑,据个例子就是超市里的那个结账的那个.最后一句点明,有一天人类将会有一种比电脑更好的东西.

龙海市19458931067: 初二英语短文填空题;马上用.谢谢!·················· -
闳饶硫酸: 1.friends.2. But 3. that 4. do 5. homework 6. bad 7.at 8.anymore 9. told 10.betteridea 不是ider.2空用but 转折前后文 3.much 修饰比较级形容词better(原型good)

龙海市19458931067: 初中英语短文填空用适当形式填空:among,player,same,success,take,old,from,hold,country,happen--------------------------------------------------------------Do you know ... -
闳饶硫酸:[答案] 1.from 2.old 3.same 4.happened 5.country 6.players 7.took 8.among 9.To hold 10.succeed 仅供参考

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