
作者&投稿:车的 (若有异议请与网页底部的电邮联系)

Go to the seaside to swim very stimulating, but dangerous

I looked out of the window and saw a child swimming in the swimming pool.

It is dangerous for a little boy to swim alone in the river.
(固定搭配:It is+adj for sb to do sth,)

It is a dangerous thing that a little boy to swim alone in the river.

It is dangous that a little boy swiming in a river alone.

It is very dangerous for a little boy to swim in the river alone.

危险:peril 安全:safety百分之一百正确 参考资料:在线汉英词典

正确翻译是这样:After World War I, as a result of excessive exploitation of the United States and a large number of veterans of the oil exports, making the post-First World War, the United States is faced with the depletion of oil resources in danger. In order to solve the ...

the most dangerous game 小说的中文全文翻译,急急急!!!

adj.害怕,畏惧(可能受伤害、受苦);担心(会发生某事);担心,生怕(将发生不快、不幸或危险的事)一、读音:英 [əˈfreɪd] ,美 [əˈfreɪd]二、例句:She was afraid to open the door.她不敢开门。三、词语用法:1、afraid的基本含义是“害怕”,泛指一种...

英译汉:1.Climbing the mountain in winter is dangerous.
1、冬天登山是很危险的 2、开车去华山要两个小时 3、在我的家乡问女士年龄是件很不礼貌的事情 4、和你个喝醉酒的司机一起驾车是在冒险 5、在公共场合说话对很多人来说是个巨大的挑战 6、互相理解是维系良好关系的关键 7、听听故事的另一面会非常有趣 8、在早晨读报纸已经成为了我的常规 9、...

it's very important for us to protect wildlife because at present they are either near extinction or in danger .On one hand,People hunt animals for food or thick furs.on the other hand,people can't get along with the animals which they think are fierce,so often put them to...

The Internet development for the government the structure, the Enterprises and institutions has brought the revolutionary reform and the opening. They through are raising the working efficiency and the market reaction rate diligently using Internet, with the aim of having the competitive ...

同样,在翻译以下习语:"tocarrycoalstoNewCastle"运煤到纽卡索,指多此一举,不必要的事,"theTrojanhorse"特洛伊木马,比喻暗藏敌人或危险,"towerofirony"象牙塔,比喻世外桃源[3]张培基等,1991:P161-163时,如不能熟悉这些习语中具有的浓厚民族、地方色彩的文化知识,很难找到让读者准确理解的汉语表达方式。 中西文化有...

帮我翻译一下这篇Traffic in England 急求 明天要交的

The Egyptian form is very dangerous, foreign tourists not to travel in Egypt

师河区15874412838: 汉译英:这是非常危险的一个小男孩独自一人去江边游泳的翻译 -
杜匡普芬: It is dangerous for a little boy to swim alone in the river.(固定搭配:It is+adj for sb to do sth,) It is a dangerous thing that a little boy to swim alone in the river.(定语从句)

师河区15874412838: 外国片一个小男孩是孤独症患者,但能看懂某种密码是什么电影 -
杜匡普芬: 《水星计划》(又名《终极密码战》)《美丽心灵》也是一部类似题材,非常好看

师河区15874412838: 他是一个小男孩,汉译英 -
杜匡普芬: He is a little boy.

师河区15874412838: 一个小男孩和一个小女孩在放学的路上看到一棵刚栽的小树苗快要倒了汉译英 -
杜匡普芬: A little boy and a little girl in the school on the road to see a tree just planted a small tree is about to fall

师河区15874412838: 中译英:这个男孩非常勇敢,他捉住小偷不放直到警察赶到.(使用so……that……句型) -
杜匡普芬:[答案] the boy was so brave that he grabbed the thief tightly until the policemen came.

师河区15874412838: 中译英一题在公园里,我看见一个小男孩手持风筝线,风筝在他的头顶上正由风摆布,忽上忽下. -
杜匡普芬:[答案] In the park I saw a little boy holding the string of a kite overhead which was rising and falling at the mercy of the wind.

师河区15874412838: 1、这小孩足够大了,可以上学了.2、在马路上踢球是很危险的.(用英语翻译) -
杜匡普芬: the child is old enough to go to school.it's dangerous to play football on the road.

师河区15874412838: 英语翻译那真是很危险,我差点没命了.It was really dangerous.I () have killed ().你的工作进展怎么样?How are you () () () your work?这小男孩处于险境,... -
杜匡普芬:[答案] nearly myself getting on with in danger what then

师河区15874412838: 那个男孩在这条河里游泳很危险.的英语请填空:It is very ( )for the boy ( )( )in the river. -
杜匡普芬:[答案] It is very dangerous for the boy to swim in the river

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