
作者&投稿:才旦丽 (若有异议请与网页底部的电邮联系)

1、fall - fell
2、return back - return
3、for - so
4、invited - invite
5、(one of my) friend - friends
6、asking - asked
7、our - my
8、had (加a) good time
9、seriously - serious
10、by - on

1 When father bought me a computer as a birthday present in(去掉in) last year, I felt very excited. As we all know, computers are getting more usefully(改useful) nowadays. Mush information can be stored in it(改them). We can learn that(改what) has lately happened in the world on(改in) the Internet. In the past, people had to do lots of work which were(改was) very dangerous. Now, computers can do it instead. When the exam is coming, I do exercise on my computer. Then it will correct them but(改and) tell me the right answers. It is more convenient for me (加to)prepare for the exam than before. The computer have(改has) become a real firend of mine.

2 Many a teacher are(改is) worried about the effects of television on young people. According to studies, any children spend more time watching television as(改than) they soeed in school. Because(加of) so much viewing, children may not develop the habit of read(改reading) and the ability to enjoy themselves. No one worries mush about the reading radio programme(改programmes) young people listen to, although radios can be very noise(改noisy). Teachers also wonder about the effects of television commercials. On(改Within) one year the(改an) average child will see 25,000 television commercials. They are all planned and written by grown-ups to make children to(去掉to) want things that they don't real(改really) need.

having-------to have
7.to go-------going
8.dont didnt

1、she is afraid that they may not like the idea.
2、Children can not play with fire.
3、Can you tell me how i can get to the station
4、don't 改成does not
5、did 改成do
6、would you like to have
7、would you mind going
8、I didn't
9、He might
10、Does the boy want to

第一题 must改成may
第二题 needn't改成mustn't
第三题 gets改成get
第四题 don't改成doesn't
第五题 did改成do
第六题 having改成to have
第七题 to go改成going
第八题 don't改成didn't
第九题 mights改成may
第十题 wants改成want

3、I can-can I
4、like 后加playing
6、having-to have
7、to go -going
8、don't -didn‘t

1.must not be 3.get 4.doesn't 5.do you 6.have 7.mind going 8.didn't 9.might 10.want

英语改错 ,共十处错误Welcome to our English Corner.It set up about...
谢谢,0,英语改错 ,共十处错误 Wele to our English Corner.It set up about four years before.Since then on many high school students have taken part in it.The students from different schools gather round on Sunday mornings,and there are also some college students or foreigners.We ...

1.【答案】Every day, he spends too much time with his work.with改成on 【解析】spend some time on sth.2.【答案】With little sleep and hardly any break, so he works from morning till night.把so删掉 【解析】上文不是句子,是with独立主格结构,故下文不可以用连词连接句子。3.【...

改错题是一项全面测试英语能力的 题目 。改错的内容经常包括语法错误,单词 拼写错误 ,词语 搭配错误等等。我的经验是:第一遍,先通读完 全文 ,了解 文章 的意思。第二遍,一句一句攻破(修改的时候注意以上几种错误)。如果这一句暂时找不到错误,跳下一句,因为有时错误来自于意思上的表达,可能与...

61 .去掉 but 英语中 因为所以,虽然但是不见面, 具体原因不知道您们老师需要你们知道不,您可以查一下although 的作用,它是引导状语从句的,而but是什么词,它的作用又是什么,您就知道这两个为什么不见面的原因了。62.去掉 far 对了,那个far的位置就是10 li的位置,两个2选一。63 ....

1. an 改成a 发音以元音字母开头的才用定冠词an,如apple,eye等.有些词语是以元音字母开头但并不是以元音发音的定冠词用a,如:useful,university,European等 翻译:它发生在欧洲的法国 2.bought改成buy would为情态动词,后面接动词原形 翻译:如果你昨天钱够的话,你会不会买那个字典?3.意思是...

1、Nobody know how to run these machines.know 改成knows,因为nobody表示的是单数 2、He began to do his homework at eight every evening.began改成begins,因为后面有every evening表示每天,这里需要用一般现在时 3、Why did she angry? Because she shouted at her just now.did 改成...

1.The child crying.__The child is crying.___2.They not walking over the bridge.__They are not walking over the bridge.___3.What are you do?__What are you doing?___4.The woman is waiting at the bus.__The woman is waiting for the bus.___5.He is puting on his...

5道英语选择改错题 大家帮忙解释下答案 谢谢!!
4.改错:When in Rome,do like Romans do.答案是将like改为了as 为什么呢 答:like是介词,不能引导从句,而as可以作连词。再说这是一句谚语,不能随便改。注:实际上现代英语中,尤其是美语口语中,like有象连词一样用的趋势。但考试英语语法是不承认的。5.改错:My classmate LiuHua speaks ...

sunfay-sunday;am-was,met后增加冠词a,had difficulty in doing sth,所以understand要加ing;poorly-poor(用形容词而不是副词);后面那句改为a young tall lady came to help us.

1.but 改为 and\/so 2.a half改为 half a 3.put on it 改为 put it on 4.are 改为 is 5.play 改为 playing 6.likes 改为 like 7.are 改为 is 8.watch 改为 watching 9.by 改为 on 10.on 改为 in

盈江县13385679370: 英语改错,谢谢 -
盛许紫龙: 第一行go改goes第二行 在great value前加ofanything改nothing第三行lose改lost第四行去掉amwhat改which第五行Have改Havingminds改mind第六行Such改So第七行more改most

盈江县13385679370: 英语改错谢谢!
盛许紫龙: 答案是:give away 是捐赠,赠给的意思,因此应该改为 give her up (医生不愿意放弃她)☞ ♧手工翻译☀尊重劳动☀欢迎提问☀感谢采纳♧ ☜

盈江县13385679370: 英语改错题 谢谢帮忙啊
盛许紫龙: 应该是:We often do our homework utill late at night.

盈江县13385679370: 英语 帮忙改正错误,谢谢. I am a senior student and I have a -
盛许紫龙: 没有senior student这么一说 ,一般senior high school student everyday直接删掉 ......天 你的问题太多了...... 主要是太chinglish I AM A STUDENT IN SENIOR HIGH SCHOOL .I FEEL EXHAUSTED BECAUSE OF THE BURDEN OF HOMEWORK ,...

盈江县13385679370: 帮忙,英语短文改错,共十处,谢谢 -
盛许紫龙: 更正在括号处标明,共十处错误! More people today begin to under...

盈江县13385679370: 帮忙~~英语句子改错...3句. -
盛许紫龙: 1.First of all, foreign countries create a wonderful language atmosphere f...

盈江县13385679370: 英语改错题 (帮忙)谢谢 急!!
盛许紫龙: 要把much去掉 A more 是much和many的比较级既可以修饰可数名词也可以修饰不可数名词 而much仅仅是修饰不可数名词表示很多,也可以做程度讲解.其实这两个词很简单的 B much和very连用至于句尾当副词用而more不可 C 在more做比较级...

盈江县13385679370: 英语改错,帮忙改一下
盛许紫龙: leave for 动身去某地 楼上那个回头说错了. his family 没错

盈江县13385679370: 高中英语改错题帮下忙!Thanks -
盛许紫龙: 1 a poor man 2 去掉who 3 -working 改work 4 去掉a 5 to--for 6 正确...

盈江县13385679370: 英语试题,帮忙改错,谢谢! -
盛许紫龙: 您好!正确的句子如下:1. Neither the prices nor the quality has changed. 2. Deeply impressed by what he had seen in the countryside,Professor Chen wrote several articles about his findings there after returning to town. 3. The reason why we do ...

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