英语文章the boy and the bank office的中文 翻译

作者&投稿:丑贩 (若有异议请与网页底部的电邮联系)
英语文章《the boy and the bank office》的中文翻译是什么?~

I have a friend who hates banks with a special passion.
A bank is just a store like a candy store or a grocery store.
The only difference is that a bank's goods happen to be money, which is yours in the first place.
If banks were required to sell wallets and money belts, they might act less like churches."
I began thinking about my friend the other day as I walked into a small, over lighted branch office on the West Side. I had come to open a checking account.
当时是午饭时间,唯一值班的职员是个四十来岁的黑人男子,头发又短又平,上唇的胡子像铅笔一样直,一身棕色套装熨得笔挺。It was lunchtime and the only officer on duty was a fortyish black man with short, pressed hair, a pencil mustache, and a neatly pressed brown suit.
Everything about him suggested a carefully dressed authority.
This officer was standing across a small counter from a young white boy who was wearing a V-necked sweater, khakis, and loafers.
He had sandy hair, and I think I was especially aware of him because he looked more like a kid from a prep school than a customer in a West Side bank.
The boy continued to hold my attention because of what happened next.
He was holding an open savings-account book and wearing an expression of open dismay.
But I don't understand. I opened the account myself, so why can't I withdraw any money?
I've already explained to you that a fourteen-year-old is not allowed to withdraw money without a letter from his parents.
“But that doesn't seem fair,” the boy said, his voice breaking. “It's my money. I put it in. It's my account.
I know it is, but those are the rules. Now if you'll excuse me.
He turned to me with a smile. "May I help you, sir?"
I didn't think twice. “I was going to open a new account," I said, "but after seeing what's going on here, I think I've changed my mind.”
If I understand what's going on here correctly, what you're saying is that this boy is old enough to deposit his money in your bank but he's not old enough to withdraw it.
Since there doesn't seem to be any question as to whether it's his money or his account, the bank's so-called policy is clearly ridiculous.
“It may seem ridiculous to you,” he replied in a voice rising slightly in irritation, “but that is the bank's policy and I have no other choice but to follow the rules.”
The boy had stood hopefully next to me during this exchange, but now I was just as helpless.
Suddenly I noticed that the open savings book he continued to grasp showed a balance of about $100.
It also showed that there had been a series of small deposits and withdrawals.
I had my opening.
Have you withdrawn money before by yourself?
I moved in for the kill.
“How do you explain that?” I zeroed in on the officer. “Why did you let him withdraw money before, but not now?”
He looked annoyed. "Because the tellers were not aware of his age before and now they are. It's really very simple".
I turned to the boy with a shrug. "You're really getting cheated," I said. "You ought to get your parents to come in here and protest."
The boy looked destroyed. Silently, he put his savings book in a rear-pocket and walked out of the bank.
The officer turned to me. “You know,” he said, “you really shouldn't have interfered.”
“Shouldn't have interfered?” I shouted. “Well, it damn well seemed to me that he needed someone to represent his interests.”
“Someone was representing his interests,” he said softly.
“And who might that be?” “The bank.”
I couldn't believe what this idiot was saying.
“Look,” I concluded, “we’re just wasting each other’s time. But maybe you'd like to explain exactly how the bank was representing that boy's interests?”
We were informed this morning that some neighborhood bully has been shaking this boy down for more than a month.
The other guy was forcing him to take money out every week and hand it over.
The poor kid was apparently too scared to tell anyone. That's the real reason he was so upset.
He was afraid of what the other guy would do to him.
Anyway, the police are on the case and they'll probably make an arrest today."
You mean there is no rule about being too young to withdraw money from a savings account?
Not that I ever heard of. Now, sir, what can we do for you?

office ['ɔfis, 'ɔ:-]
n. 办公室;政府机关;官职;营业处
[ 过去式officed 过去分词officed 现在分词officing ]

in the office 在办公室里

in office 执政,在位

head office 总公司;总行

post office n. 邮局

office building 办公大楼(等于office block)

office furniture 办公器具;办公室设备

office automation 办公自动化

representative office 代表机构;办事处

office equipment 办公设备

office space 办公地点

general office 办公厅;总务处

branch office 分支机构;分局;分社

box office 票房;售票处

government office 机关,政府机构

administrative office 办公室,行政管理办公室

home office (英国)内政部

office work n. 办公室工作;事务;内业

editorial office 编辑部;编辑室

patent office 专利局

information office 咨询处

bureaux, government agency

office phone办公电话

Office Clerk职员;办事员;文员;办公室文员

Head Office总公司;总部;总行;总局

Business Office营业部;商务办公室;办公室;营业处

Branch Office分公司;分署;分支机构;分区办事处

post office邮局;港口处;邮政局;邮电局

The Office办公室;爆笑办公室;工作室;办公室风云

luggage office行李房

Information Office新闻办公室;问询处;情报室;消息办公室

office ['ɔfis; 'ɔ:-]
1. 事务所,营业所,办事处
2. 办公室
3. 业务组织;处,局,社,行,公司
4. [美国英语]诊所
5. [O-]
6. [总称](企业的)职员
7. 公职,官职
8. 职责,职务;功能
9. [常用复数]勤务,任务,杂务;家务
10. 权威地位,管理职位
11. [常用复数]为别人做的事;帮忙,照料,服务
12. 【宗教】
[亦称作 divine office] 日课的内容
13. [复数][主英国英语]从事家务的房间,下房(如厨房、洗衣间、贮藏室等)
14. [英国委婉语]厕所
15. [the office]暗号,信号;暗示
16. [俚语](飞机驾驶员的)座舱
17. 【证券】一般办公室(证券经纪人的部门互相转账)
1. 为…提供办公室:
My firm was officed in the city.


2. [美国英语]在办公室办公
3. [美国俚语]用动作向…示意,向…发出暗号
1. 有办事处
2. [美国英语](在办公室)办公
function . position .
office ['ɔfis, 'ɔ:-]
1. place of business where professional or clerical duties are performed
he rented an office in the new building

2. an administrative unit of government
3. the actions and activities assigned to or required or expected of a person or group
4. (of a government or government official) holding an office means being in power
being in office already gives a candidate a great advantage during his first year in office

5. professional or clerical workers in an office
the whole office was late the morning of the blizzard

6. a religious rite or service prescribed by ecclesiastical authorities
the offices of the mass

7. a job in an organization

Please come to my office now.

You are not the office sage.

Tests the office humor quotient.


I have a friend who hates banks with a special passion.
A bank is just a store like a candy store or a grocery store.
The only difference is that a bank's goods happen to be money, which is yours in the first place.
If banks were required to sell wallets and money belts, they might act less like churches."
I began thinking about my friend the other day as I walked into a small, over lighted branch office on the West Side. I had come to open a checking account.
当时是午饭时间,唯一值班的职员是个四十来岁的黑人男子,头发又短又平,上唇的胡子像铅笔一样直,一身棕色套装熨得笔挺。It was lunchtime and the only officer on duty was a fortyish black man with short, pressed hair, a pencil mustache, and a neatly pressed brown suit.
Everything about him suggested a carefully dressed authority.
This officer was standing across a small counter from a young white boy who was wearing a V-necked sweater, khakis, and loafers.
He had sandy hair, and I think I was especially aware of him because he looked more like a kid from a prep school than a customer in a West Side bank.
The boy continued to hold my attention because of what happened next.
He was holding an open savings-account book and wearing an expression of open dismay.
But I don't understand. I opened the account myself, so why can't I withdraw any money?
I've already explained to you that a fourteen-year-old is not allowed to withdraw money without a letter from his parents.
“But that doesn't seem fair,” the boy said, his voice breaking. “It's my money. I put it in. It's my account.
I know it is, but those are the rules. Now if you'll excuse me.
He turned to me with a smile. "May I help you, sir?"
I didn't think twice. “I was going to open a new account," I said, "but after seeing what's going on here, I think I've changed my mind.”
If I understand what's going on here correctly, what you're saying is that this boy is old enough to deposit his money in your bank but he's not old enough to withdraw it.
Since there doesn't seem to be any question as to whether it's his money or his account, the bank's so-called policy is clearly ridiculous.
“It may seem ridiculous to you,” he replied in a voice rising slightly in irritation, “but that is the bank's policy and I have no other choice but to follow the rules.”
The boy had stood hopefully next to me during this exchange, but now I was just as helpless.
Suddenly I noticed that the open savings book he continued to grasp showed a balance of about $100.
It also showed that there had been a series of small deposits and withdrawals.
I had my opening.
Have you withdrawn money before by yourself?
I moved in for the kill.
“How do you explain that?” I zeroed in on the officer. “Why did you let him withdraw money before, but not now?”
He looked annoyed. "Because the tellers were not aware of his age before and now they are. It's really very simple".
I turned to the boy with a shrug. "You're really getting cheated," I said. "You ought to get your parents to come in here and protest."
The boy looked destroyed. Silently, he put his savings book in a rear-pocket and walked out of the bank.
The officer turned to me. “You know,” he said, “you really shouldn't have interfered.”
“Shouldn't have interfered?” I shouted. “Well, it damn well seemed to me that he needed someone to represent his interests.”
“Someone was representing his interests,” he said softly.
“And who might that be?” “The bank.”
I couldn't believe what this idiot was saying.
“Look,” I concluded, “we’re just wasting each other’s time. But maybe you'd like to explain exactly how the bank was representing that boy's interests?”
We were informed this morning that some neighborhood bully has been shaking this boy down for more than a month.
The other guy was forcing him to take money out every week and hand it over.
The poor kid was apparently too scared to tell anyone. That's the real reason he was so upset.
He was afraid of what the other guy would do to him.
Anyway, the police are on the case and they'll probably make an arrest today."
You mean there is no rule about being too young to withdraw money from a savings account?
Not that I ever heard of. Now, sir, what can we do for you?


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