Python 3.6 有什么新特性

作者&投稿:弋胁 (若有异议请与网页底部的电邮联系)
Python 3.6 有什么新特性~

PEP-0498 Formatted string literals,这个已经有人提过了。
PEP-0526 Syntax for variable annotations,是专门为Type Hint添加的,这会为Python的大型工程化表现有所帮助,建议大家一起来把类型声明一下吧。我们已经在内部项目中使用了TypeHint,还是比较有用的。
DTrace and SystemTap probing support,这是为Python添加了本地调试器支持,这个会对Python的开发尤其是服务器之类的场景非常有帮助。今年pycon china shanghai来自饿了么的工程师也分享了相关的黑魔法( 的页面),之前是需要特定版本Python支持的功能现在在Linux和macOS上都可以支持了。

PEP 498: Formatted string literals
PEP 498 introduces a new kind of string literals: f-strings, orformatted string literals.

Formatted string literals are prefixed with 'f' and are similar tothe format strings accepted by str.format(). They contain replacementfields surrounded by curly braces. The replacement fields are expressions,which are evaluated at run time, and then formatted using theformat() protocol:
>>> name = "Fred">>> f"He said his name is {name}."'He said his name is Fred.'>>> width = 10>>> precision = 4>>> value = decimal.Decimal("12.34567")>>> f"result: {value:{width}.{precision}}" # nested fields'result: 12.35'PEP 526: Syntax for variable annotations
PEP 484 introduced the standard for type annotations of functionparameters, a.k.a. type hints. This PEP adds syntax to Python for annotatingthe types of variables including class variables and instance variables:
primes: List[int] = []captain: str # Note: no initial value!class Starship: stats: Dict[str, int] = {}Just as for function annotations, the Python interpreter does not attach anyparticular meaning to variable annotations and only stores them in the__annotations__ attribute of a class or module.

In contrast to variable declarations in statically typed languages,the goal of annotation syntax is to provide an easy way to specify structuredtype metadata for third party tools and libraries via the abstract syntax treeand the __annotations__ attribute.
PEP 515: Underscores in Numeric Literals
PEP 515 adds the ability to use underscores in numeric literals forimproved readability. For example:
>>> 1_000_000_000_000_0001000000000000000>>> 0x_FF_FF_FF_FF4294967295Single underscores are allowed between digits and after any basespecifier. Leading, trailing, or multiple underscores in a row are notallowed.

The string formatting language also now has supportfor the '_' option to signal the use of an underscore for a thousandsseparator for floating point presentation types and for integerpresentation type 'd'. For integer presentation types 'b','o', 'x', and 'X', underscores will be inserted every 4digits:
>>> '{:_}'.format(1000000)'1_000_000'>>> '{:_x}'.format(0xFFFFFFFF)'ffff_ffff'copy自官网,剩下的我不贴出来了,自己去官网看吧:


1. 格式化字符串字面量

PEP 498引入了 f-string,一种新型的字符串字面量。中文翻译为“格式化字符串字面量”。

这种字符串以 f 为前缀,类似 str.format() 方法所接受的字符串。其中的可替换字段用 {} 包裹起来,在运行时进行求值。


>>> width = 10
>>> precision = 4
>>> value = decimal.Decimal("12.34567")
>>> f"result: {value:{width}.{precision}}" # nested fields
'result: 12.35'
2. 变量注释语法

此前,Python 已加入了对函数变量类型进行注释的标准,也就是 type hint。而 Python 3.6 中则根据PEP 526的提议,加入了对更多变量类型注释的功能,包括类变量和实例变量。


captain: str # 未设置初始值
class Starship:
stats: Didct[str, int] = {}
与静态语言中的变量声明不同,Python 中的变量声明是为了更加方便地位第三方工具和库提供结构化的类型元数据。会使用到新语法的工具包括:mypy,pytype,PyCharm,等等。

3. 数字字面量使用下划线



>>> 1_000_000_000_000_000
>>> 0x_FF_FF_FF_FF
4. 异步生成器

在上一个版本中,Python 引入了对原生协程的支持,并可使用 async 或 await 语法,但是有一个限制是没办法在同一个函数体中使用 await 和 yield 。这个限制在 3.6 版中取消了,因此以后将可以定义异步生成器。


async def ticker(delay, to):
"""Yield numbers from 0 to *to* every *delay* seconds."""
for i in range(to): yield i
await asyncio.sleep(delay)

5. 异步推导

推导(Comprehension)本身就是 Python中一个很棒的语法糖。在新版本中,它将得到一次重大升级。PEP 530提出了在列表、元组、字典推导或生成器表达式中使用 async for 语法。


同时,推导式中还支持使用 await 表达式。

以上就是 3.6 版本中新增的 5 大特性:






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