
作者&投稿:郑绿 (若有异议请与网页底部的电邮联系)

It was great to get your letter!

The life is normal again since quite a long time in Deyang. One of the buildings in our school can not be used any more. I heard there are some organizations in Hongkong who made donation for us, maybe when I go to senior high school, I can have classes in a new teaching building. Thank you for your care about the earthquake! (In this term we begin to make daily report on our English lessons. I talked about Michael Jackson and luckily I got full points, haha!)

Thanks for your encouragement. I will study hard.

Sure, I am still making paintings. But I am busy with the study, can not draw very much.

Here are some paintings from me...

Sincerely Yours.

Forrest Gump was born shortly after the end of World War II in the South Alabama occlusion of a small town. He was in congenital mental retardation, however, his mother is a strong female character, she let her son enjoy the life as same as others's a , and to his self-improvement. And God has not abandoned Forrest Gump, he has not only bestowed Agam twilight Rufei pair of "Scud" he also gave a simple integrity and survival slightest sheriff's minds. At school, Agam and blond girls, Jennifer encounters Since then, the mother and her love, Forrest Gump began his life running the floor. In secondary schools, students Agam to escape and ran into the pursuit of a school football field, and thus enter the university. In college, he was promoted to admission, and became football star, and ever had a chance met by President Kennedy .

After graduation, the recruits in an agitated, Agam candidates participated in the Vietnam War. In a battle, his troops had ambushed his Scud saving his life. During the Vietnam War, Forrest Gump made two good friends : Bubba keen to catch the awesome Deng and Captain Taylor. After the war, Forrest Gump was regarded as a hero by President Johnson at the meeting. In a peaceful rally, Forrest Gump also met Jeanne, Jeanne had degenerated, and lived the life of debauchery. Forrest Gump has always loved Jenny, but Jenny did not love him. They hastily met hastily scorer. "Silly silly people blessing," Forrest Gump also became billionaires by lucks. And Forrest Gump reluctant to enjoy fame and thoutht it made him tired, he chose to become a gardener. Agam often miss Jeanne, and this time Jennifer has gone astray, into despair. Finally one day, she come back, she and Forrest Gump living together for a period of time, day in the night, Jeanne went into the embrace of Forrest Gump and then quietly leave at dawn. A year later, Forrest Gump once again see Jeanne, a little boy, it is his son. This time, Jeanne has had an incurable disease, with Jeanne Agam and his son returned to his hometown, enjoyed a happy time. Jeanne passed away, their son to school age. One day, Agam sent his son on the school bus, this time from his son's book fell a feather, a gust of wind blowing. It also began to dancing with wind

I'm sorry that i didn't give you E-mail for so long, because i'm busy with my school learning.So many years have passed,i still remember our getting together that year. Are your life and career smooth? Perhaps you have known that I have fallen in love, but I feel worride about what to do when i graduated from university ,so do my girlfriend. My grandma say to me one day: "I hope to see your marry wedding when i'm alive, even if I am not there." I feel sad about this. For my future is unknown, can you tell me which do you think is much more important, career or love? If it is convenient,I'd like to know about the love story of yours .

I'm sorry for so long without give you E-mail, because the school is very busy. Teabags areso many years have passed, remember that we hurry. Your life and career smoothly? Perhaps you know I have fallen in love, but face, I graduated from university about with his girlfriend is very afraid. My grandma has day say to me: "I hope to see you in the lifetime of happiness, even if I am not married." the site or wedding I heard in shambles. For my future is unknown, your career is important in love? Or what AnGuHe, an important business accomplish? To listen to your love very much, if you can. I wish you best .I hope you write soon!


I'm very sorry that I haven't sent you a mail for a long time because of the busy study. Time flies, but I still remember the day when we were together. How have you been recently? Maybe you already knew that I've fallen in love. But my girlfriend and I both feel confused about what we should do after graduation. Once my grandma told me:I wish I could see you happily married before I'm gone, even if I'm not there. Hearing these words I felt sad. I have no idea about my future. Which do you think is more important, career or love? If it is convenient,I'd like to know about the love story of yours .

I'm sorry for so long without give you E-mail, because the school is very busy. Teabags areso many years have passed, remember that we hurry. Your life and career smoothly? Perhaps you know I have fallen in love, but face, I graduated from university about with his girlfriend is very afraid. My grandma has day say to me: "I hope to see you in the lifetime of happiness, even if I am not married." the site or wedding I heard in shambles. For my future is unknown, your career is important in love? Or what AnGuHe, an important business accomplish? To listen to your love very much, if you can. I wish you best .I hope you write soon!

I am sorry for so long did not give your email, because their busy. One for so many years have passed since the twinkling of an eye, I remember that year we gather in a hurry. Your life has been smooth and successful cause of it? Perhaps you know I have love, but the face of university graduates go from here, and my girlfriend is very scared. One day my grandmother told me: "really hope to see you in the lifetime of happy marriage, even if I am not a wedding or at the scene." After listening to my heart so hard. For me the future is unknown, you are the cause of the final analysis, love is important so important, a home and establishing what the pros? Very much like to hear your love, if I may.

Was sorry very much now only then gives you to reply in writing, because our Christmas day is not the official holiday date, after gave other day you send a letter has lived works in me in school. I live place not on mesh wire. , the school work comes to the end now, ...

请帮我翻译下这条英文短信 谢谢拉.

回信联系就用这个短信的返信即可。此外,返信期限截止到6月22日(星期一) 23:59 缔め切り以降のご连络の场合には赏品の授与が行えません。过了这个期限再联系的话,不给授予奖品 お手数をお挂け致しますが、ご协力くださいますようお愿い致します。给您添麻烦,不好意思,请您协力为盼。※...

Did you destroy by burning the letter?My head is very painful..How?Did you feel?The Nanking is very hot, don't run about aimlessly!Would be calorific!I the day before yesterday the morning felt, terribly hot, slept for a day yesterday, I feel very painful, having no from ...

Ass,wr,wb-马来人的问候语,全名是Assalamualaikum wa rahmatullahi wa barakatuh。Pa kbr wak leh-这也是问候你好吗。Lg dimano poss-这句我就看不懂了,lg 是还,dimano是在哪里吧,poss就完全看不懂了。+6594688211是从新加坡打去马来西亚的号码,如果我没记错,你删掉+,加个0,就是...


我当然记得!很抱歉,我这么长时间才给你回信,我很长时间没有查看电子邮件了。希望你和班级的其他同学都好。学校生活怎么样?回美国后我在这过得很好。我搬到了马萨诸塞州,还记得我告诉过你关于这里的事情吗?好了,期待你的回信。祝你好运 乔纳森 ...

请英文高手帮忙翻译一封短信,谢谢了 急
To the landlord:Because the cause of my own family reasons, I must be in a very short period of time back to my hometown, since my father died,No one family has been in charge of the cause, and this phenomenon has been maintained for about half a year or so. Recently, ...

1.夫说:我发誓,我若发了,要妻去吹吹发,要爱你三世!一起走吧,去溜达溜达?!妻答:我不去!要你久久吻我!被爱就是亲我!2.我发誓.我有把爱一切请进心房,一爱爱三世,一心就把,妻拥抱拥抱.我把妻要爱久久无悔.不爱就是气我 3.我发誓,我想陪你一起去吹吹风,要让爱相随,一起走吧,去溜达...


康定县19889495208: 请帮我翻译一下这封短信成英文,措辞务必准确,谢谢
老荔立安: Was sorry very much now only then gives you to reply in writing, because our Christmas day is not the official holiday date, after gave other day you send a letter has lived works in me in school. I live place not on mesh wire. , the school work comes to ...

康定县19889495208: 请帮我把这段文字翻译成英文,急需,谢谢 -
老荔立安: ABC together out of the school canteen A: how are you today eat so little?B: I have no appetite today A: if you have no appetite, you can fill A little less, but can't throw away so much food B: why, I spend money to eat meal, throw not away and my ...

康定县19889495208: 请英文达人帮我翻译这段讯息(急~) -
老荔立安: Dear Customer(如果有客人的名字,最好取代customer.用那人的名字,会让人觉得你们的态度认真) we have received your feedback about room reservation and booking conference rooms. We are sorry for making troubles for you due to our ...

康定县19889495208: 请帮我翻译这段内容成英文,请务必帮忙!! -
老荔立安: X brother: I am grateful to bring you the dessert, I enjoy my colleagues, to take this opportunity to tell you thank you. Dinner at noon today when you asked me why I want to work abroad, my answer is because the relationship between friends, so also ...

康定县19889495208: 请帮我译这段话译成英文 -
老荔立安: I am glad to receive your letter. Thank you for you praise, it is my pleasure to do things so. I hope we can get the chance to exchange the points of view in all kinds of topics. Are you becoming busy now? Please take good care of yourself, my dearest friend.

康定县19889495208: 请帮我把这段话翻译成英文!!! -
老荔立安: Along with the our country urbanization advancement unceasingadvancement, revolves the solution "three agriculture" the questionand increases the farmer to receive, each place vigorously developsthe service industry, the general farmers enter ...

康定县19889495208: 请帮我把这段发翻译成英文
老荔立安: First I would like to say Happy Valentine's Day. And then I want you to know a few things. This would be the last time I'm here and these words are something I would never repeat. I promise to never bother you again.

康定县19889495208: 请帮我把这段话翻译成英语~翻译机勿进!
老荔立安: Alan, I hope you can forget all that has happened and have a good result in the exam.

康定县19889495208: 请帮我把这段翻译成英文!谢了!这是我给一个朋友的回信中的一段 -
老荔立安: no matter to you or me, the most important thing is studying at present. please don't put your mind on other things. if your study become bader because of me , i would fell regretful. your life is long , so do mine. i am only a passer--by in your life. ...

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