英语翻译 急 !!!! 要正确语法的 不要翻译器 谢谢勒

作者&投稿:罗月 (若有异议请与网页底部的电邮联系)

During the activity, they are free for local residents yizhen: free to operate on patients; To the local hospital ambulance, drugs, etc.Her behave won many stars of her friends and the support of the people, she hopes more people can join in the volunteer career, to help those who need help.

What does he want to do when he grow up?

Tom missed that competition because his leg was injured.

Liu Xiang is one of the most welcomed sports stars.

Tom and Jim both like reading this book.

~ ♥ 自己认真翻译的,应该比较地道,敬请采纳、

1:She's practising playing the guitar.
2: We must practise speaking English more and more.
3: He hadn't enough practice last year.
4:How about this film?
5: Shall we play volleyball?
6:I usually hear him singing in the next door.
7: I saw her playing football just now.
8:It's time for us to sleep.
9:Our teacher spends much money buying books.
10: She spent 2 hours on this letter.
11: The children spent the weekend in the bookstore.

She is/was pratising playing the guitar.
We must take more practice on speaking English.
He didn't do enough exercises last year.
How's the movie?
How/What do you think about playing volleyball?
I often hear him sing(ing) in the next room.
I saw her playing soccer just now.
It's time for us to (go to) sleep.
Our teacher(s) spent much money on books.
It took her two hours to write the letter.
The children spent the weekend in the bookstore.

1:She's practising playing the guitar.
2: We must practise speaking English more and more.
3: He hadn't enough practice last year.
4:How about this film?
5: Shall we play volleyball?
6:I usually hear him singing in the next door.
7: I saw her playing football just now.
8:It's time for us to sleep.
9:Our teacher spends much money buying books.
10: She spent 2 hours on this letter.
11: The children spent the weekend in the bookstore.
12She is/was pratising playing the guitar.
13We must take more practice on speaking English.
14He didn't do enough exercises last year.
15How's the movie?
16How/What do you think about playing volleyball?
17I often hear him sing(ing) in the next room.
18I saw her playing soccer just now.
19It's time for us to (go to) sleep.
20Our teacher(s) spent much money on books.
21It took her two hours to write the letter.
22The children spent the weekend in the bookstore

义县13916831732: 翻译英语,急 把“我已不再善良”翻译一下 不要用翻译器翻译 ,要语法正确 -
阙孔力蒙:[答案] I'm no longer a kind person. no longer=not any longer 不再,指的是时间上不再持续. no more=not any more不再,指的是数量上不再增加.

义县13916831732: 英语翻译要正确地语法·· -
阙孔力蒙:[答案] I think that happiness is to own everything.

义县13916831732: 英语翻译要语法正确的. -
阙孔力蒙:[答案] Last week,my bike is broken,a classmate came over to help me to repair my bike.I thank you very much for him.

义县13916831732: 英语翻译语法要正确 -
阙孔力蒙:[答案] Because we had too many things to take,we decided to go home by taxi.

义县13916831732: 英语翻译求整句翻译成英语、要语法正确:我会一直默默地陪着你. -
阙孔力蒙:[答案] 您的问题很简单.很高兴帮助您解决您提出的问题. 原句:我会一直默默地陪着你. 翻译:I will always silently accompany you 永远给您最专业的英语翻译.

义县13916831732: 中译英:(虽然我们有时会因小事偶尔吵吵嘴,但我们从来没怪过对方,我们一起欢笑,一起快乐.)帮忙翻译成英语,要语法正确啊,急. -
阙孔力蒙:[答案] 【Although we might have words with each other at times,yet we've never complaint but shared happiness and joys together.】 翻译:虽然我们有时会因小事偶尔吵吵嘴,但我们从来没怪过对方,我们一起欢笑,一起快乐.

义县13916831732: 英语翻译语法要正确那个正确呀 -
阙孔力蒙:[答案] xxxxx.net is waiting for you to get in action

义县13916831732: 求英语翻译,语法要正确
阙孔力蒙: A: What a nice day; B: yes ah, ah, many people see the playground A: after school, you always go to just what? B: often play basketball, Internet, sometimes to the bookstore to see books about you? A: I like the Internet, there are bike to ride. You go ...

义县13916831732: 英语翻译 要求语法正确!!急啊!!
阙孔力蒙: 1. In the story, the injured boy was sent to a hospital. 2. Most of the guests who are invited to the party are scientists. 3. Have you finished the assignment that was arranged by Mr. Li? 4. The boy who is standing over there is my classmate. 5. These were the questions we had dicussed in the meeting yesterday.

义县13916831732: 急!英文翻译!语法一定要准确!
阙孔力蒙: 1. He has neither the time nor so much money. (Nor) 2. The majority of young people like pop music. (Fond) 3. Please help me move this heavy boxes upstairs, okay? (Help) 4. Not only his two brothers lying, and his sister has also said lied. (Not only ....

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