
作者&投稿:斋狮 (若有异议请与网页底部的电邮联系)

Waiter: "hello, what need help?"
Ms man: "what do you want?" lady first ","
Woman: "I want a Fried chicken a bag of potato chips have a glass of coke, thank you"
Man: "that I want a hamburger and then to a pizza, a cup of coke, thank you"
Waiter: "ok, please wait a moment"


I want a comfortable seat beside the window
i want to have a comfortable seat beside the window
还有这句People are very relaxed there
people who get there will feel more relaxed

B: Welcome to Kiro’s travel agent’s (agency). Can I help you?
A: Oh, yes. I’m tired. I need a holiday.I want to take (have) a trip!
B: Which place (Where) do you want to go?
A: I have no idea.
B: Well, let’s get on line and have a look. Would you like to go to Hainan? There are some beaches. People are very relaxed (relaxation) there.
A: Oh, but I think there (it) is very hot this time.
B: So, Harbin? It is cool.
A: Yes, but I have no time to go there. I only have 3 days. It is far from here. You know.
B: Um… How about Jiuzhaigou? It’s such a beautiful place! And it is not very hot.
A: Um… But when (if) I (am) there, I will feel a little uncomfortable.
B: Would you like to go to Hongkong? You can go to the Disneyland. I like this place very much.
A: Oh, yes! I’d love to. How do (can) I go there?
B: By plane.
A: Oh, I want a comfortable seat beside the window. Is that OK?
B: That’s fine. But it is more expensive than others.
A: No problem. How much?
B: 3500 yuan.
A: It’s cheap! How many suitcases do I have to take?
B: Take two-a big one and a small one.
A: What clothes do I need?
B: Just some T-shirts and shorts.
A: What else do I have to pack?
B: A camera, a Walkman, notebooks and money.
A: I think it will be a (an) interesting trip.
B: I think so

第1句中agent’s 改为agent
A: Oh, but I think there is very hot this time 这里应该改为Oh, but I think there is very hot at this time

A: Um… But when I there, I will feel a little uncomfortable.
Um… I have beed there before, I felt a little uncomfortable during that time.

A: I think it will be a interesting trip.
A: I think it will be an interesting trip.

1.岳飞Yue Fei is famous national hero in china. He lived in Chinese Song Dynasty. Song Dynasty was be invaded by Jing nationality which was north nomad then. Yue Fei leaded his army to attack Jing‘s army. He was often win. Later he was be killed by lurcher of Song ...

职员:对不起,您户头中没有足够的余额,只有6000元。Customer: I want to withdraw5000 RMB.顾客:取5000 RMB好了。Customer: I want to draw 10,000-dollar and 30,000 RMB.顾客:我从卡上取1万美金和3万元人民币。Clerk: Please show me your passport。职员:请出示护照。Clerk: password ...

It’s cold outside, put on your coat. 外面冷,穿上你的外衣。What can you see in the picture? 你能在图上看到什么?Look at the blackboard. What did you see on it?看黑板!你看到了什么?It's a fine day for a walk today. 今天是散步的好时候。Lucy looks nice. 露西看上去...

十大经典爱情句 1)I love you not because of who you are, but because of who I am when I am with you.我爱你,不是因为你是一个怎样的人,而是因为我喜欢与你在一起时的感觉。2) No man or woman is worth your tears, and the one who is, won‘t make you cry.没有人值得你...

the invoice value?亨利:我想我们要求的是高于发票价值百分之二十五的保险金额。Helen:Yes, that's right. We have no problem in complying with your request,but we think that the amount is a bit excessive.海伦:是的,没错。我们可以答应这个要求,但是我们觉得金额有点太高。Henry:We've...

两人用英语对话 要求内容有一问候打招呼二可以做什么能力三问价钱购物四...
B:(和许握手)您好。很高兴认识您。对不起,我刚才没有听清您的大名。请您重复一 下,好吗?A:我叫许凡,许是我的姓,中国人习惯把姓放在名字前面。B:我该称您许小姐还是许太太?A:咱们不用客气了!就跟我所有的朋友那样,叫我许凡好了(将她的名片交给他)。您有没有未随身带的行李?B:没...

B:那是我的梦想,我希望去但是总是没有时间。Oh!that’s one of my dream!I have looked forward to go there for a long time but haven’t had a chance.D:棒极了。我的长途旅行是厦门,以鼓浪屿出名。本地人十分好客。旅游增长了我的见识。 Wow!My long travelling is Xiamen, which...

Professor: Well Winnie, maybe they are taking hard classes and have to study a lot. 自学者英语论坛以寓教于乐的方式打造最好的免费自学柿? 这么说也有道理。可能正是因为课程难度大,所以他们才只选几门课。Professor: Let's listen and find out what their classes are. Patty: What ...

A: I hear that you want to learn English, right?B: Yes, and I want to learn English so well that an American would take me for an American.A: That is really good to know. But do you think you can learn English so well by thinking in Chinese?B: Let me think about ...

我急需一篇英文二人的对话(不超过五分钟 最好有关于环保或污染或学业什...
A: there are so many environment problems in the world today. Do you think we can really solve them all or will destroy the world?B; I hope that world leaders can get together and agree on a plan for action, but I doubt it’ll happen before it’s too late.A; we need...

大同县17728316733: 懂英语帮我看看这段对话有没有语法错误Stranger:whats your name?You:I do not speak English,each response may be a long time,please waitStranger:... -
粱伊麝香:[答案] 楼上滴, 就是 can you tell me how i can get my friend back?这句是对的. can you tell me后面句子是陈述语序~ 第二个也是对的,would like do sth,.. there are many beautiful places,some make you linger from 我觉得应该是 There are many beautiful ...

大同县17728316733: 这个英语句子有没有语法错误?谢谢 -
粱伊麝香: 错误第一处,for 去掉,因为pity没有不及物动词用法, 第二处 those后面加who ,定语从句关系词who不能省略 , 第三处 是not 前面要加上助动词 do ,don't feel … 第四处 是 ashamed of ,be ashamed of 固定短语 最后 phase from the heart 也有问题,具体不知道你想表达什么

大同县17728316733: 谁帮我看一下这篇英语演讲有没有语法错误或不妥的地方?Hello,everyone.Today i want to introduce an American drama to everyone.It names SHERLOCK ... -
粱伊麝香:[答案] It is SHERLOCK Holmes(化繁为简,意思到位)We must think that the detective is popular and friendly.(我们一定认为侦探是.你的原话老外会晕的)and Jhon Waston is the only friend to him.(对他来说,with相...

大同县17728316733: 【紧急英语】帮忙看一下这篇英语文章有没有语法错误Hello everyone!Now I will perform a calligraphy works for you.In the next 90 seconds,please be patient ... -
粱伊麝香:[答案] 挺好的.好像presentation.

大同县17728316733: 这段英语对话中有多少语法问题 -
粱伊麝香: Promytheas (5:26): i wanna do that to -_- 这里应该是too吧我大致看了一遍觉得笔误很多的样子也看不出来是不是语法错误啊.不过基本上偏口语的意思还能理解不算有什么语法错误.或者...

大同县17728316733: 英文的《情景对话 》 看看是否有语法错误 如果能再加几句对话 那更好、 W:welcome to our restaurant.Good evening,madam.C1 C2 :Good evening!W:well,I ... -
粱伊麝香:[答案] W:welcome to our restaurant.Good evening,madam.C1 C2 :Good evening!W:well,Do you want a table for two?C1:Yes,that is good.W:Does this one satisfy you?C2:that will do.It looks goodl.W:OK,Here are the ...

大同县17728316733: 谁帮我看一下这篇英语演讲有没有语法错误或不妥的地方?? -
粱伊麝香: It is SHERLOCK Holmes(化繁为简,意思到位)We must think that the detective is popular and friendly.(我们一定认为侦探是....你的原话老外会晕的)and Jhon Waston is the only friend to him.(对他来说,with相对缺乏感情上的意思)...

大同县17728316733: 英语高手帮忙看看这篇文章有什么语法错误或用词不当等等,请指出,谢谢 -
粱伊麝香: "used to be" 去了 am able to 改为can be able to 表示有..能力 而can 单纯地表示可以 能 doday--today 这是写错了吧 that -- so 如此地 那么地 都用so and I am angry.. the gossip-- a gossiping told me to 还有记得大小写要分明噢 全小写其实看着挺别扭的

大同县17728316733: 判断英语句子是否有错误? -
粱伊麝香: 没有语法错误,但是可以稍微改变一下先后顺序My grandparents do exercise every day,so they are quite healthy.这样就可以构成因果关系.

大同县17728316733: 看看这个英文句子有没有语法错误
粱伊麝香:有错误的地方 一个简单句 是不可能同时有2个谓语的,而你的这句话前面是there are,后面有be,这不对.再者你后面 这个be major为啥用be,major这里你想要表达什么意思呢? Two or three songs in his each album are hot in KTVs.他每张专辑里都有两到三首歌是KTV大热金曲.

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