
作者&投稿:靳饰 (若有异议请与网页底部的电邮联系)


I am very sorry, I may not be able to reply to you until tomorrow 或者 I will reply to you tomorrow


you mission is to eliminate the king brother before he leave the airport runaway and also his personal bodyguar

排除, 消除

保镖, 护卫






I wait for you heart,infatuation and I will never give up,don't make me sad,you are my sweetheart,I sincerely hope that this represent to win your heart,wish happy,don't haveno conscience!翻译:我等待你的心,而我永远不会放弃,不会让我伤心,你是我的甜心,我真诚地希望这是为...

you wish to see in the world 是定语, 修饰, 限制the change.这句话开头省略了 you, (you) be the change you wish to see in the world.这句话的直译就是, 你要去改变, 改变成为你想要这个世界的改变。有文采一点就是像二楼所说的了 希望改变世界就先改变自己。 jackie823 | 发布于2009-03-17 ...


Another yourself 另一个你自己 The good you find in others ,is in you too.你在别人身上发现的优点,也是你的优点。The faults you find in others ,are you* **ults as well .你在别人身上发现的缺点,也是你的缺点 After all ,to recognize something you must know it .毕竟,你想要认识...

帮我翻译一下这一小段英文 谢了~ 急用 在线等
您好:i read your mail and i was smilling because you always make me happy and looking young because when you smile all the time you will look young so i will like you to be smilling all the time.当我读你的信时禁不住微笑因为你总让我感到欢快与年轻那是因为你的面颊上那总是...

泉州早在宋元时期就号称“东方第一大港”,与100多个国家和地区通商往来,呈现“市井十洲人”、“涨海声中万国商”的繁荣景象。Quanzhou early in song and Yuan period known as the "Oriental first port, with more than 100 countries and regions and contacts, presenting " citizen Shizhou people...

I'm Su Lili. My English name is Lily. I'm eleven years old this year. I'm Quanzhou Licheng Experimental Primary School for Class six Grade four of student. I like drawing pictures and singing. My favourite subject is English and P.E. Because I think is so funny. I like...

Dear Sir, My name is Li Hua from China. I'm very happy to hear that there will be an exhibition of Chinese painting. In my opinion, being a volunteer is good for me to improve my ability, so I must catch this good chance. As we all know, everyone has his talent so ...

Guangzhou is a big city, so it has many problems that many big cities share. Firstly. the traffic is the big problem. The traffic in Guangzhou is rather terrible.It is common that traffic jam in the main streets.Therefore, it results in the waste of time,which has a bad ...

needs a very big mind.时间会教给你,学会宽恕,学会爱。而做到这些,需要一颗坚强的心。整合起来译文如下:年轻的时候,也许你很想有恋爱的体验,但是时间久了,你会意识到,如果真爱一个人,竭其一生恐怕都不足以表达对她的爱。时间会教给你,学会宽恕,学会爱。而做到这些,需要一颗坚强的心。

农安县17249481160: 哪位高人帮我翻译一下这段英语,急!按我的格式翻译哦:Golden daysNight was playinPain was all a world awayThen life took a turnWe had to learnAnd we ... -
太程清肝:[答案] 金子般的一天, 夜晚来临. 所有痛苦远离了这个世界, 那就是生命的转折点. 我们从中学习, 不能回到起点. 所以我漫步在夜里漫步在雨中, 我将给它我的全部, 那是生命进行的方式. 我和风耳语, 然后把那再次带给你, 我可以找到一个原因, 我可...

农安县17249481160: 帮我翻译一下这段英文...
太程清肝:I am · · ·, · · the year old.Although is usually a very introverted person, but I actually very humorous.I do not have any special skill, likes the vehicle, passes through my unceasing endeavor, finally asks in QQ buys in Che Yangche to arrange to ...

农安县17249481160: 帮我翻译一下这段英语、 -
太程清肝: Please forgive me for falling in love with you.forgive me for loving you withall my heart.forgive me for never wanting tobe a part.sandra Robbins He.应该是:Please forgive me for falling in love with you.forgive me for loving you with_all my heart.forgive...

农安县17249481160: 英语翻译帮我翻译一下这段文章This is the Postfix program at host websmtp1.mail.sohu.com.I'm sorry to have to inform you that the message returnedbelow ... -
太程清肝:[答案] 原文是向sohu.(搜狐)smtp服务器发送邮件时的退信内容:翻译为:) This is the Postfix program at host websmtp1.mail.sohu.com. 这是来自websmtp1.mail.sohu.com(搜狐邮箱)服务器的回执指令. I'm sorry to have to inform you that the message ...

农安县17249481160: 英语翻译帮我把这段翻译一下.Lingling went to London Town.She met john ,a little boy.They visited the London Eye.And,saw the city from above the ground.五... -
太程清肝:[答案] 玲玲去伦敦,她看见了john,一个小男孩,他们去了伦敦眼,并且,从周围看了这城市

农安县17249481160: 有哪位英语高手帮我翻译一下这段英文:prompt - message - the - mms - you - aretrying - to - download - is - no - longer - available� -
太程清肝:[答案] 信息提示:你正在尝试下载的彩信已经不可用. mms:彩信(全称是multimedia message) prompt message:信息提示 no longer available:不再可用

农安县17249481160: 英语翻译帮我翻译一下这段话好吗?翻译成英文:我和爸爸到北京八达岭长城玩.我们用照相机和手机拍下了我们度过的快乐时光;我和爸爸一起吃了苹果、零... -
太程清肝:[答案] My father and I to Beijing badaling Great Wall.We use the camera phones and snapped the happy days we spent,My father and I eat apples,snacks,potato chips,candy and cookies.Very not easy I climbed up the mountain and the final piece in the great ...

农安县17249481160: 用英语帮我翻译一下这段文字 -
太程清肝: linlin: This is a long process, you should discuss with your friends with each other on the way to learn...

农安县17249481160: 请帮我翻译一下这段英文 -
太程清肝: 意思就是出现了判断提示错误.Press retry to debug the application-JIT must be enabled按Retry诊断该应用-JIT必须要激活

农安县17249481160: 求英文高手帮我翻译一下这段话.翻译成中文(在线等).谢谢!hey bebe`i am at school right now!Miss you sooooooooo much!love you as always! -
太程清肝:[答案] 嘿bebe `我在学校里,现在! 想念你sooooooooo得多! 爱你一如既往

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