
作者&投稿:弓豪 (若有异议请与网页底部的电邮联系)

新塍镇中心小学六年级下英语Unit 1 单元检测卷

浙江省嘉兴市秀洲区新塍镇洛东小学 计晓敏

Part One Listening (第一部分听力) 40%

I. Listen, tick or cross. 听录音,对的打√,错的打×。10%

II. Listen and write down the numbers. 听录音,写出相应的数字。10%

1. Mike is __________kg.

2. Zhang Peng is __________ years old.

3. Wu Yifan is __________ cm tall.

4. Sarah is _________ years old.

5. John's feet are bigger. He wears Size ___________.

III. Listen and order. 听录音,把下列句子排成对话。10%

( )Oh, he's stronger than you.

( 1 )Come on, Mike. Look at this photo. He's my brother.

( )Yes. But he's younger than me. He's 11 years old.

( )Is he shorter than you?

( )Oh, I think he's good at sports.

( )No, he isn't. He's 5 cm taller than me.

IV. Listen and choose. 听录音,选出与录音内容一致的选项。 10%

( )1. A. Chen Jie is taller than Sarah.

B. Mike is shorter than Sarah.

C. Mike is taller than Sarah.

( )2. A. Wu Yifan is 40 kg.

B. Wu Yifan is 45 kg.

C. Wu Yifan is 35 kg.

( )3. A. Lui Yun's sister is 2 years old.

B. Lui Yun's sister is 10 years old.

C. Lui Yun's sister is 12 years old.

( )4. A. John's pencil is longer than Liu Yun's.

B. John's pencil is shorter than Liu Yun's.

C. Liu Yun's pencil is longer than John's.

( )5. A. An elephant is bigger and taller than a giraffe.

B. An elephant is smaller and shorter than a giraffe.

C. An elephant is bigger and shorter than a giraffe.

Part Two Reading and Writing (第二部分笔试)40%

I. Read and change the words. 照样子写出下列单词的比较级。10%

II. Read and choose. 根据句意,选择最佳的选项填空。10%

( ) 1. _______________ is this skirt? It's 35 yuan.

( ) 2. _______________are you have? I'm 13 years old.

( ) 3. _______________ are your jeans? They are 80 cm long.

( ) 4. _______________ are you? I am 165 cm tall.

( ) 5. ________________is a sperm whale? It's about 35 tons.

III. Read and tick. 读对话,选出正确的图片,在字母上打√。6%

IV. Read and fill in the blanks. 读一读,填入合适的单词。12%

1. --- I'm 12 years old. __________ __________ are you?

--- I'm 10. You're 2 years __________ ___________ me.

2. --- I'm 40 kg. ____________ ___________ are you?

--- I'm 43 kg. I'm 3 kg ____________ ____________ you.

3. --- I'm 165 cm tall. ___________ _____________ are you?

--- I'm 160 cm. You're 5 cm ____________ ____________me.

V. Make up sentences. 连词成句,注意书写格式和标点符号。10%

1. are tall you how ?


2. I'm tall cm 150 .


3. you thinner I'm than .


4. how you heavy are ?


5. you are 4 cm than me taller .


VI. Read and judge. 阅读短文,判断正误,对的打√,错的打×。12%

Hello, I'm Peter. I'm from Canada. I'm 11 years old. I'm 160 cm and 40 kg. I like reading books. Every morning, I go to school with my good friend Ben. We go to school on foot. Ben is 10 years old. He's 2 kg heavier than me. But I'm 2cm taller than him. We study in Red Wood School. Lucy is my sister. She's 1 year old than me. She likes drawing pictures. She is taller and stronger than me.

1. Ben is younger than Peter. ( )

2. Ben is 162 cm tall. ( )

3. Peter is 2 kg heavier than Ben. ( )

4. Lucy is 12 years old. ( )

5. Lucy is 2 years old than Ben. ( )

6. Lucy is thinner than Peter. ( )





等待 警察 停 在哪里 工作 爱好

------ ------ ------ ------ ------ ------

购买 请 左边 然后 直线 记住

------ ------ ------ ------ ------ -----


火车 Subway 电车 ship 公共汽车 plane

------ ------ ------ ------ ------- ------

Post man(邮递员)— nurse —

图书管理员 — 售书员 —

放映员 —


1、拉小提琴 2、制作风筝

3、骑自行车 4、收集邮票

5、与…相临 6、下 周

7、今天上午 8、到 达

9、上 学 10、交通规则



live teach go

read do watch


collect make play

drive ride


1. left(反义词 )_________ 2. doesn’t (完全形式) _________

3. writer (动词) _________ 4. write (同音词) __________

五、 选择合适的单词填入括号内(10分)。

1、 Zhan Tianyou ( 詹天佑 ) is a .

2、 Zhao Wei ( 赵薇 ) is an .

3、 Li Lianjie ( 李连杰 ) is an .

4、 Xu Beihong ( 徐悲鸿) is an .

5、 Bing Xin ( 冰心 ) is a .


1、我的妈妈是销售员。My mother is a .

2、张鹏的爸爸是个会计。Zhang Peng’s father is an .


I sometimes in bed ,.and in the livingroom.

4、我要给玛丽寄张明信片。I am going to send a to Mary. 回答

(满分100分 90分钟完卷 1分书写分)
1 . I a plese cola want
2. liyan is in class 5 grade 6 二、词组互译:英语翻译成汉语,汉语翻译成英语 20%
1.very well ___________ 6.在六(2)班 _____________
2.here you are ____________ 7.朝......看 _____________
3.our headmaster ___________ 8.用英语(表示)____________
4.my deskmate ____________ 9.我的孪生妹妹 ___________
5.listen to a song ___________ 10.一辆新车 ________________ 三、选择填空,将正确答案的序号写入题前括号 16%
( )1.What's this ? _______ panda.
A.Is B.It's C.It's a
( )2.Is this ____car? Yes,it's____car.
A.you ,my B.your,me C.your,my
( )3.Look__the picture.
A.at B.of C.in
( )4.Tom___a new ruler.
A.have B.has C.is
( )5.Where___your mother?
A.am B.are C.is
( )6.What's____over there?
A.this B.that C.there
( )7.Is this a duck? ___,it isn't.
A.Yes B.No C.Sure
( )8.You____welcome.
A.are B.have C.is
四、连词成句,注意大小写及标点符号 15%
1.boys good girls and morning ____________________________________
2.is in this what English _____________________________________
3.I use may pen your _____________________________________
4.that too duck a is ______________________________________
5.Tom's maybe it is notebook ____________________________________
五、按要求完成各句 24%
1.This is your eraser.(变成一般疑问句并做否定回答)
2.That's a nice plane.(变成一般疑问句并做肯定回答)
3.How are you ?I'm fine. (用另一个句子同意表达划线部分)
How are you ? ____________
4.How do you do ? (写出答句)_________________________
5.What's this? (用"桔子"回答)___________________________
6.Glad to see you again. (写出上句) _______________________________________
7.Are you in Grade Five? (根据实际情况回答)_________________________
8.How old are you ?(根据实际情况回答)_________________________
六、根据汉语提示完成各句 20%
1.Glad to ______ _____ _______ again.(很高兴再见到你的爸爸。)
2.May I _____ _____ _____ ______ your pen?(我可以看看你的钢笔吗?)
3.He is ______ _____Two, _______ ________.(他在六年级二班。)
4.What's _______ ________ ________?(那边的那是什么?)
5.This is ______ ______, ______ _______.(这是刘小姐,我的老师。)



外研版小学六年级下册英语试题一 笔试部分(54分) 六、根据上下文,从所给的九个句子中选择六个,将对话补充完整,并将该选项前面的字母编号填在相应的横线上(每句1.5分,共9分) A.I’m sorry to hear that.(真难过) B.How does he feel? C.You look sad. D. When are you going? E.What are you ...

(5☆) 小学英语六年级下册期末试题答案 听力部分 一.听录音,选择你听到的单词、短语或它们的汉语意思。(5☆) Keys: D D A B B 四、根据你所听到的内容,判断下列句子的对错。对的在题前的括号内打“√”,错的打“×”。(5☆) Keys: 1. √ 2. √3. √4. ×5. √ 五、Listen and choose. ...

六年级英语教案下册 篇1 教学目标: (一)认知目标 1)能听懂、会说并能熟练使用单词hurry,rule,line,CD以及词组library card,in line 2)能听懂、会说并能熟练使用句子Don’t talk in the library。 Please stand in line。 3)能初步了解掌握祈使句的肯定形式与否定形式的句式结构。 (二)能力目标 1)能够...

1.Glad to ___ ___ ___ again.(很高兴再见到你的爸爸。)2.May I ___ ___ ___ ___ your pen?(我可以看看你的钢笔吗?)3.He is ___ ___Two, ___ ___.(他在六年级二班。)4.What's ___ ___ ___?(那边的那是什么?)5.Thi...

1.Today is Wednesday, ___ (明天) is Thursday.2. I have a piano ___(功课) on Sunday.3. There is a football ___(比赛) at 5:00 pm on TV..4. Marie is going fishing with grandpa the ___(整个)day.5. Thank you for your___(邀请) to your party.6. It’s ...

六年级下册英语教案第一单元范文(一) 一、指导思想 基础教育阶段英语课程强调从学生的兴趣、生活经验和认知水平出发,倡导体验、实践、参与、合作与交流的学习方式和任务型的教学途径,发展学生综合语言运用能力,使语言学习的过程成为学生形成积极情感态度、主动思维和大胆实践、提高跨文化意识和形成自主学习能力的过程。

下面简单地回顾一下上半年六年级英语教学工作。 一、面向全体学生,为学生全面发展和终身发展奠定基础 1、创设各种情景,鼓励学生大胆地使用英语,对他们在学习过程中的失误和错误采取宽容的态度。 2、为学生提供自主学习和直接交流的机会,以及充分表现和自我发展的一个空间。 3、鼓励学生通过体验、实践、合作、探索等...

答案:A ( )2. Tony is ___ in collecting stamps. He has an ___ hobby.A. interesting, interested B. interest, interesting C. interested, interesting D. interested, interest 答案:C 完成句子 1.我知道他来自抚顺。 I know ___ ___ ___ ___ .答案:he come...

人教版六年级下册英语Unit3《Last Weekend》教案
(设计目的:问候语热身进入英语学习状态,同时用一般现在时态提问,为新课一般过去时做铺垫。) Step2:Presentation T: Today we’ll learn Unit.2Last weekend. 1. 日历呈现 Last weekend (设计目的:直观导入过去时间,上周六和上个星期天。) 2. 图片New phrases: cleaned , washed ,watched,stayed , cleaned my ...

一.听录音,选出你所听到的单词、短语或句子,把字母编号填在括号里。(10分)( )1. A. ride bikesB. flew kitesC. fly kites ( )2. A. I went fishing. B. I went swimming. C. I went hiking.( )3. A. Did you draw pictures? B. Do you draw pictures?C. Are you a ...

赫山区18465101232: 六年级下册英语期末试卷试题(要有答案) -
邹肤地喹:[答案] 一.写出下列字母的左邻右舍 :10% 1. Dd 2. Hh 3. Ll 4. Rr 5. Xx 二.根据元音字母的读音,找出发音相同的单词:5%( )1. Aa A. cap B. map ...

赫山区18465101232: 6年级下册3单元英语测试卷四、选择(每小题2分,共32分)( )1、 - Did you help me clean my room - Yes ,I .A、did B、do C、does( )2 - What did Lisa do ... -
邹肤地喹:[答案] 四.ACCCA AABAA CBBBCB 七.BABAC 八.1.I usually play the computer in my room. 2.I went shopping with my friends. 3.yes,I did. 4.No,I didn't.

赫山区18465101232: 急求六年级下册英语卷子的测试题. -
邹肤地喹:[答案] 一、选择填空.1.Look _____the beautiful picture,please.A in B on C at D of2.Do you have ______ink?A.any B.some C.an D.a 3.How much is seven an twenty-six?It's____.A.nineteen B.thirty-three C.twenty D....

赫山区18465101232: 六年级下册英语测试题:用所给单词的适当形式填空1.There are some______(flower)in the park.2.I want - _______(eat)some bread.3.It is - ___(cloud)today.4.... -
邹肤地喹:[答案] 1.flowers:因为are是复数be动词,2.to eat:want to do 固定搭配,3.cloudy多云的adj.4.are eating,look 是现在进行时的标志词5.go:Let's+动词原形6.are swimming:now 是现在进行时的标志词7.make,can是情态动词,情态...

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邹肤地喹:[答案] 请出示试题,才好作答.

赫山区18465101232: 人教版六年级下册英语试卷 -
邹肤地喹:[答案] ( )1.My ruler is ________ than yours. A.long B.longer C.taller ( )2.____is your brother?He is 26 kg.He's very thin. A.How old B.... Lily:I feel bored. John 上星期天去了哪里,在那看见了什么,干了什么事情,心情会怎样?请展开丰富的想象,写几句英语....

赫山区18465101232: 上海6年级下综合英语笔试测试题~ -
邹肤地喹:[答案] 一.写出下列字母的左邻右舍 :10% 1. Dd 2. Hh 3. Ll 4. Rr 5. Xx 二.根据元音字母的读音,找出发音相同的单词:5% ( )1. Aa ... The kite in the sky. A. fly B. flies C. is flying ( )17. I`d like some English stories. A. read B. to read C. to reading ( )18. We to the...

赫山区18465101232: 人教版六年级下学期英语期中试卷 -
邹肤地喹:[答案] 1.have a sore throat 2.感冒 3.watch TV 4.发烧 5.buy presents 6.学英语 7.play the piano 8.踢足球 9.wash clothes 10.吃好吃的 六.按要求改写下列单词.(10%) 1.sad(反义词) 2.did(原形) 3.big(比较级) 4.play(过去式) 5.thin( 比较级...

赫山区18465101232: 人教版六年级下册英语期中试卷
邹肤地喹: 六年级英语试卷 Name (时间:45分钟) 一、听力: A、 听音填入所缺的单词:6% Good ,Boys and . and Li Lei's . These are and .Li Ming is . The boy is Li Ming's . They're my . B、 根据实际情况回答问题:6% 1、 2、 3、 4、 5、 6、 C、 根据...

赫山区18465101232: 英语六年级下册练习题(1)the people / friendly A:what()in Kunming?B:They're very ().(2)food / delicious A:Did you () to Haikou?B:Yes,() did.A:How was the ()?... -
邹肤地喹:[答案] (1)the people / friendly A:what(the people )in Kunming? B:They're very ( friendly ). (2)food / delicious A:Did you (get) to Haikou? B:Yes, (I) did. A:How was the (food)? B:It was very (delicious) .

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