英语作文 失物招领

作者&投稿:茹念 (若有异议请与网页底部的电邮联系)

One day an old lady lost her wallet on the road. When she was looking for her wallet, a girl came up to her and asked about her. The girl was told that there a large quantity of cash and her ID card. The girl smiled to her and took out an old wallet. The old lady noticed that it was exactly what she had lost. She laughed happily and thanked a lot to the kind girl. The girl said, "It is my pleasure. Out teacher always wants us to be fine and warm-hearted." The old lady went home leaving the girl happily.

I lost my schoolbag on the playground on the afternoon of the 8th this month. Inside the schoolbag there are my bicycle keys, books and a dictionary. Whoever happened to pick up the schoolbag, please kindly contact me at the following address: Class 4202.
Thank you very much for your attention!
June 9th, 2011

I lost my schoolbag on the playground on the afternoon of the 8th this month. Inside the schoolbag there are my bicycle keys, books and a dictionary. Whoever happened to pick up the schoolbag, please kindly contact me at the following address: Class 4202.
Thank you very much for your attention!
June 9th, 2011


April 2nd, 2013
Mr.××happenedto loss his handbag when he leaving the meeting room after it was over on April 1st, 2013. The handbag is brown in colour and square in shape. Will the finder please send it to the Lost and Found Office or call us so that we can tell him to fetch it back personally.

Lost and Found Office

Tel: 0771-32188888

垦利县19583431982: 失物招领英语作文(50词)假如你是Alice,你捡到了一个夹克,夹克的口袋里有一只蓝色钢笔.请你根据提供信息写张招领启事. -
亓狄谷维:[答案] Found: I am Alice, Today I found a jicket , Is this yours? there is a blue pen In the jicket. Are they yours? If they're yours Please call me at 268—6347 or arrive at my classroom and I'm in Grade 1 class 1

垦利县19583431982: 英语作文《失物招领》50词 -
亓狄谷维:[答案] Found: I am Alice,Today I found a jicket , Is this yours? there is a blue pen In the jicket. Are they yours? If they're yours Please call me at 268—6347 or arrive at my classroom and I'm in Grade 1 class 1

垦利县19583431982: 用英语写一篇失物招领 -
亓狄谷维: My name is Da Ming. I picked up a schoolbag on the playgroud yesterday afternoon. It is a green bag with lots of books and an English dictionary. Please call me at 67967288. 类似的

垦利县19583431982: 失物招领的英语作文写一篇英语作文,题目是失物招领.物品英语书,联系人Tina,电话号码随便打,是捡到东西,具体一点,也不要太多 -
亓狄谷维:[答案] 你捡到了一个英语书就说 Found:English book Is this your English book? Please call Tina at 1234567 你丢了一个就说 Lost:English book My English book is lost. Please call Tina at 1234567

垦利县19583431982: 失物招领英语作文60词 -
亓狄谷维:[答案] Lost and Found I picked a red pencil case on the playground,There is a pen and somg other things in it.If you lost your pencil ... 里面有一支钢笔和其他物品.请你根据上面的提示写一则招领启示,请失主到失物招领处认领,失物招领处的电话是...

垦利县19583431982: 写一篇"失物招领"的英语短文.丢失的东西有:铅笔,文具盒,篮球,校服,自行车和一部受机...谢谢...50词左右...就是在一个柜台上有这些东西..同学交流是... -
亓狄谷维:[答案] Finding A cell phone,a bike,schol closes,a basketball,pen-box and sevral pencils.I have lost them on last Sunday when I played basketball with my friend at the playgrand.If you see them,please call me.Thank you. TEL:123456

垦利县19583431982: 英语作文失物招领七年级 -
亓狄谷维:[答案] 丢了东西就应该这样写: Lost:My **** [填丢失物品] It's ***.My name is *** [第一空填物品颜色 第二空为你的名字] Please call ***-****.Thank you. [填电话号码] 例:[假如我是J我丢了铅笔,我号码是222-2222] Lost:My pencil. It's red.My name is J. Please ...

垦利县19583431982: 英语作文,写一篇失物招领假如你是英语老师王明,你在操场上打球拾到一个绿色书包,内有两本新的教科书练习本,袖珍英汉词典一本及铅笔盒一个,请失... -
亓狄谷维:[答案] Lost and Found I picked a red pencil case on the playground,There is a pen and somg other things in it.If you lost your pencil case Please call at 86237938.

垦利县19583431982: 英语作文60字失物招领六年级 -
亓狄谷维:[答案] Lost I lost my schoolbag on the playground on the afternoon of the 8th this month.Inside the schoolbag there are my bicycle ... 4202. Thank you very much for your attention!失物招领本人于本月8日下午,在学校操场遗失书包一个,内有自行车钥匙、书...

垦利县19583431982: 求一篇失物招领的英语作文内容:你在305教室拾到一个MP3,在通知中你说明拾到MP3的时间和地点,并让失主前来认领.字数:100~500 -
亓狄谷维:[答案] A mp3 was left in classroom 305 around 10 o'clock on Saturday morning.If U are looking for it,pls contact me with the following tel-no.at 9am on Sunday.I will be in classroom 305.

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