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初三英语作文 如果我有钱我会怎样做~

Maybe someday I will become a rich man.I will own a lot of wealth then I will do something I espect to do for a long time.First at all I will donate some money to poor family that let the child can go to school to learn,the old people can enjoy their life.Secondly,I will spend some money to make my parent life better.the last but not least is do some investment to contribute to our country's economics.

 I looked at Frank and saw that tears were running down his cheeks. Frank spoke again." Guys, you don't know what I woud give to have my Dad give me just one more kiss on the cheek…… to feel his rough old face…… to smell the ocean on him…… to feel his arm around my neck. I wish I had been a man then. If I had been a man, I would been a man, I would never have told my Dad I was too old for a good-bye kiss."

If I have a lot of money, I will help others who need money.Firstly,I will give money to the poor students,because there are many good students who want to go to school,but they have no money.Secondly,I want to give money to the poor old people,because I can't bear to see them still living hard.Thirdly,if I have a lot of money,I hope I can give my parents a better life。

Everyone may want to have a lot of money.So do I.And how I spend on the money?Let me tell you. First of all,I will do the things what I want to do.Such as buying a big house for my parents and buying a expensive car to travel all over the world. Then help the ...

求一篇日语作文 假如我很有钱

       假如我有钱了,我会做许多有意义的事情,我会让我的家人过上快乐幸福的日子,我会让。。。        假如我有钱了,我会资助贫困学生上学,因为我在电视上看到了一个名叫小华的男孩子,他从...

如果我有一百万,我要做一些我想做的事,像是去游乐园玩、去泡温泉…...等,我要把以前曾经很想做的事情一次做完,享受一下快乐的滋味!假如我有一百万优秀作文3 要吃得好、穿得漂亮、玩得疯狂,就是要有钱;要读书求学、孝顺爸妈、慷慨解囊,也是需要钱。俗话说:“钱不是万能,但没钱万万...



日语作业《如果我成为有钱人》跪求大神帮忙翻译成日语 也许有一天

有没有想过那是鸟儿们唯一赖以生存的家?有没想过我们吸入的一点一滴的氧气都是大树所给予的?可是,我们却将它们“蹂躏”成一根根细长的筷子,只为了更好地、更方便地为我们人类服务,难道,我们能说我们自己不自私么?如果我有一根仙女棒,我会为世界变出多一点绿色; 如果我有一根仙女棒,我会...

假如我是个有钱人,我会把我的家乡建成旅游胜地,再把我住的村子建得旖丽多姿,让更多人通过旅游这个项目,走上富裕的道路,小学生作文《假如我是有钱人》。到时你看吧:山脚下一座座宾馆红红火火;田野里一片片民俗园人声嘈杂;河边上一个个垂钓场幽雅安静,垂钓的游人清闲自在…… 假如我是个有...


泾县13565598396: 英语作文 拥有财富后将如何帮助别人要用初二之前学过的单词、短语、句子及时态,大概80词左右.If I have a lot of money,I will ... -
东方羽朗德:[答案] If I have a lot of money,I want to go around the world with parents.Seeing the most beatutiful interesting,such as the Great Wall,Pyramids,Eiffel Tower.Also,I will buy a sports car to my father and gi...

泾县13565598396: 英语作文 拥有财富后将如何帮助别人题目:If I have a lot of money,I will ...要用初二之前学过的单词、短语、句子及时态,大概80词左右.急等着用,拜托了!... -
东方羽朗德:[答案] If i have a lot of money,I will help the poor children .Everyone wants to be a rich man because you can buy a lot of things.Money is life and money is speed.If i have a lot of money ,I will help the p...

泾县13565598396: 英语作文如果我有钱将如何帮助别人
东方羽朗德: If I have a lot of money, I will help others who need money.Firstly,I will give money to the poor students,because there are many good students who want to go to school,but they have no money.Secondly,I want to give money to the poor old people,...

泾县13565598396: 英语作文 拥有财富后将如何帮助别人
东方羽朗德: If I have a lot of money,I want to go around the world with parents. Seeing the most beatutiful interesting,such as the Great Wall,Pyramids,Eiffel Tower.Also,I will buy a sports car to my father and give my mother many fashion clothes.Besides,I'd like to ...

泾县13565598396: 英语作文《假如我有钱了,我会做些什么,》谁会,帮忙? -
东方羽朗德: When you are rich, will you buy a lot of thinks? But if I have a lot of money, I will organize a gardening club and a stamp collecting club! Why? Because gardening and collecting stamps are my hobbies. Gardening is an enjoyable hobby. Many people ...

泾县13565598396: 英语作文60词如果我有很多钱,我将如何帮助他人
东方羽朗德: 不卡

泾县13565598396: 初三英语作文 如果我有钱我会怎样做 -
东方羽朗德: Maybe someday I will become a rich man.I will own a lot of wealth then I will do something I espect to do for a long time.First at all I will donate some money to poor family that let the child can go to school to learn,the old people can enjoy their life....

泾县13565598396: 有了钱我会怎么做 初中三年级英语作文 -
东方羽朗德: If I have money ,I would subsidize so many poor family which cannot afford the tuition just as me. I wish I can help them to built a school,seting up a found for them finish their school work and become mainstay. If I have a lot of money, I will set up a ...

泾县13565598396: 有钱后将做什么英语作文带翻译70词左右 -
东方羽朗德:That is a good question what should I do when I have much money.Depending on China's present situation,I think, I will donate30 percent of my money to charity in order to help people who get in troble.Besides,I have to invest in stocks or some ...

泾县13565598396: 假如你有一百美元,你将把这些钱用来做什么?请以“if i had a million dollais”为题写一篇英语作文,70字左右(现读九年级) -
东方羽朗德: 译文:许多人假如他们有钱,他们通常会用来买他们想要的东西,和解决许多问题.如果我有一百万美金,我一定用它在学习上和做一些为人们有帮助的事情,像李嘉诚那样.如果我有一百万美金,我想用它来设立一个新的教室给同学们用来代替原来旧的课室.总而言之,钱不可以用来做任何事,例如,我们的健康和家庭,如果我们有钱,我们应该用它来做对我们有用的事,而且不会浪费它.

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