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Congress begins 2nd day of hearings in China currency debate
(CNN) -- Congress begins a second day of hearings Thursday on the China currency issue, with Treasury Secretary Timothy Geithner expected to present the Obama administration's position.

In a hearing on Capitol Hill on Wednesday, two Democratic representatives from Ohio argued that China has manipulated its currency for years to gain a competitive advantage over U.S. manufacturers. That violated trade laws, said Congressmen , Tim Ryan and Jon Boccieri.

China's currency policy has cost thousands of American jobs, hindered the U.S. economy and resulted in a massive trade deficit, they said.

"Of all of the unfair trade practices driving the loss of jobs in my district and the Midwest, China's currency policy is among the worst," Boccieri told the House Ways and Means Committee.

He said the policy has led to the loss of 1.5 million to 3 million U.S. manufacturing jobs, while the nation's trade deficit with China has grown to more than $220 billion a year.

The Democrats called on Congress to pass the Currency Reform for Fair Trade Act. The bill, sponsored by Ryan, would direct the Commerce Department to treat undervalued currencies as a prohibited subsidy under World Trade

Organization guidelines. The goal is to encourage China to allow its currency to float freely, according to market forces.

The United States is using China as a scapegoat, said a spokeswoman for China's Foreign Ministry.

"Appreciation of the rmb [Chinese yuan renminbi] cannot resolve the U.S trade deficit against China and can't solve U.S. domestic unemployment," said spokeswoman Jiang Yu. "Exerting pressure cannot solve the issue. Rather, it may lead to the contrary."

In the United States, two Republican lawmakers called for a more measured approach, saying overly aggressive legislation could endanger the nation's agriculture industry.

"Any legislative proposal must be given the utmost attention so that we do not disrupt our current growing exports to China, particularly those from the U.S. agriculture industry," said Rep. Adrian Smith, R-Nebraska.

According to Smith, food and agriculture exports to China more than doubled, to nearly $16 billion in 2009 from $6.8 billion in 2008, and the growth is expected to continue this year.

Rep. Lynn Jenkins, R-Kansas, said it's clear that China has undervalued its currency. But she blamed deficit spending and the nation's $2.5 trillion debt to China for worsening the imbalance that is hurting U.S. manufacturers.

"Our willingness to operate in deficit allows the Chinese government to remove dollars from their domestic economy and use them to purchase U.S.-dollar-denominated securities," she said.


1) 人民币升值会影响到我国外贸和出口。
2) 影响到我国企业和许多产业的综合竞争力
3) 破坏中国经济的长远发展,使我国的金融爆发危机
4) 升值后导致投机不可避免地盛行


RMB Appreciation

The impact of RMB appreciation
As the comprehensive strength of the national economy grows, the Chinese currency, the Renminbi (RMB) began to appreciate. Effects of the RMB's appreciation since July have been felt both domestically and abroad, and will become even more significant with time. China should embrace the new opportunities that appreciation has opened-up and allow more room for the national economy to grow in the process of globalization.

People need to be aware that the appreciation of the RMB may have some less desirable effects on economic growth in the short term. Currently, China's export market still relies heavily on cheap labor to compete in the international market. As its added value is low, the appreciation of the RMB will affect China's export and consequently the overall growth rate of the national economy. However, there are also many positive aspects to the appreciation of the RMB. In the long run, RMB appreciation will generate more development opportunities. People will feel richer, it will improve China's status and influence in the world economy and it will change the commodity structure and the flow of investment. It will also have a significant influence on the structure of domestic production resources.

First of all, it will accelerate industrial upgrading. In a market economy, the fluctuation of the foreign exchange rate involves the international balance of incomes and expenses and is an important price indicator. The appreciation of the RMB means that the price of various domestic resources, especially land and labor, will go up in relative terms and this will speed up necessary adjustments to the commodity mix and domestic industry. RMB appreciation will gradually change the value of the international and domestic markets. Domestic enterprises will rely more on sales to the domestic market so that national economic growth is less dependent on export demand and a more reasonable industrial structure will form.

Secondly, it will promote technical innovation. In many countries, technical innovation relies primarily on a market mechanism which makes good use of price as a lever. China's production process is enormously costly in terms of resources and energy, and labor is too cheap. The appreciation of the RMB will cause an increase in the domestic prices of such things as land and labor as well stimulate the demand for innovation. Products for export must rely on technological innovation to be more competitive internationally. In the domestic market, enterprises are also forced to compete through technological innovation. Simply speaking, the appreciation of the RMB will cause the formation of a market environment that is conducive to speeding up technological innovation.

Thirdly, the appreciation of the RMB will benefit the people. On the one hand, it will make imported products relatively cheaper. It will also be cheaper for Chinese to travel abroad. This will increase consumption. On the other hand, it will push up the market price of domestic financial assets, changing the financial market structure. If other conditions don't change, Chinese people will feel richer as the value of their money grows and further stimulates domestic demand. Of greater strategic significance is the fact that the appreciation of the RMB will make the price Chinese labor price higher.

RMB appreciation reflects the success of Chinese economic development after reform and opening up. It is also an important turning point in China's social and economic situation. The downsides to RMB appreciation shouldn't be overemphasized. The fluctuation of the RMB is the result of changes to the current economic structure and will have an important impact on the economic structure of the future. Maintaining the status quo is short-sighted and will harm the long-term interests of China. The best choice is to speed up the transformation of the economic growth mode and adapt to the appreciation of RMB to make the most from the process.

By People's Daily Online; The author, Chen Feixiang, is the Director of the Economic and Financial Deparment of Tongji University.
RMB Appreciation Positive for Economy, Trade

China's long-awaited but unexpected decision to appreciate its currency sent shock waves to the international financial market.

Economists hold that the new RMB rating system will have a positive effect on the country's economy in the long run.

The RMB yuan, which had been pegged to the US dollar for over a decade at a rate of one dollar for 8.27 yuan, began to be traded at 8.11 starting 19:00 Thursday, according to the announcement released by China's central bank, with pegging system being switched to refer to a basket of foreign currencies.

"The 2 percent appreciation of RMB may weaken exports and boost imports," Wang Zhao, a research fellow with State Council Development Research Center Marco-economy Department, said, "in other words, the net exports will see a decline."

However, the move helps China build a healthy and sustainable development structure. The export-oriented policy of RMB being pegged to the US dollar, which made made-in-China commodities less expensive, provoked a series of trade conflicts in the latest years."

Many overseas firms moved to China to take advantage of China's cheap labor force. The appreciation of RMB squeezes the profit margin of labor-intensive and heavily-polluted firms, Wang said.

"For example, some tennis rackets are made of carbonic material, which is heavy-polluted. The appreciation might force these companies to leave China," he said.

"According to the purchasing power parity evaluation, the RMB was really undervalued," said Zhao Yumin, a research fellow on the international market from the Ministry of Commerce. "The appreciation pushes RMB closer to its real value."

"The key factor to a product is technology instead of foreign exchange rate," Zhao said, " Some low-end producers will be washed out. However, the appreciation will not have much impact on high-end companies."

Foreign manufacturers whose products target China's market, such as Motorola, would not feel much pressure. Yet those targeting overseas market might need a second thought, Zhao said.

Tang Min, deputy resident representative of the Asia Development Bank's PRC Resident Mission, said the pegging system reform would have a limited effect on foreign trade in the short term.

"The reform indicated that China's foreign exchange system is developing towards a more flexible, mature, and market-oriented direction. Summing up the reform experiences of other developing countries, China should push for the reform slowly to fence off unexpected risks," Tang said.

Tang's remarks were echoed by Zhao Yumin. "The appreciation and reform are a wise decision," she said, "first of all, the appreciation could help rub off trade conflict pressure from China's trade partners. Second, the modest movement of RMB will not result in big fluctuation in the financial market. Third, the pegging reform leaves enough space for the continuous reform on the yuan's rate."

"More importantly, referring to a basket of currencies can hedge off more financial risks than to a single currency," Zhao said.

(Xinhua News Agency July 25, 2005)





关于人民币升值的利弊分析以及应对策略,人民币升值的利弊分析这个很多人还不知道,今天来为大家解答以上的问题,现在让我们一起来看看吧!1、一、理论上人民币升值的弊端 人民币升值会使进口品价格下降,出口品价格上升,从而刺激进口,抑制出口,减少国际贸易顺差甚至出现逆差,造成部分企业经营困难和就业减少...

4、金融行业,特别是银行业和证券业 金融行业属于经营货币和资本业务的资金密集型行业,由于具有较好变现能力和流动性,属于高人民币资产的行业,因此将吸引国际资金大量流入,从而受益。温馨提示,通过以上关于人民币升值对股市的影响内容介绍后,相信大家会对人民币升值对股市的影响有个新的了解,更希望可以...




人民币升值意味着什么 人民币升值了有啥影响





准格尔旗13889454969: 求“人民币升值的利弊分析”本科毕业论文 -
端木钞蝎毒: 人民币升值的利弊分析摘要: 人民币升值问题近来成为一个令人关注的话题.中国的贸易伙伴也纷纷要求重新评估 人民币汇率. 人民币对我国的贸易, 经济发展,就业关系重大. 人民币升值的影响是多方面 多层次的.不仅关系到进出口贸易...

准格尔旗13889454969: 跪求一篇论文啊,“人民币升值对我国出口贸易的影响及对策”. -
端木钞蝎毒: 首先阐明我国对外贸易现状.其次,人民币汇率升值对我国外贸的影响 1人民币适度升值有利于我国经济和国际贸易的和谐发展2人民币适度升值有利于我国产品成本构成的调整 3人民币适度升值,可以更好地理顺各种贸易关系4人民币升值有利于我国产业结构调整和产业升级 三、结论 参考文献: 姜波克. 国际金融学. 北京:高等教育出版社, 1999. 张二震,马野清. 国际贸易学(第二版). 南京大学出版社,1998. 尹翔硕. 国际贸易教程(第二版). 上海: 复旦大学出版社, 2001.祝你成功!

准格尔旗13889454969: 求论文“浅析人民币升值的利弊的影响”.求高人帮忙 -
端木钞蝎毒: 进入2010年以来,国际外汇市场针对人民币升值与否的问题做了无数次的讨论和争辩,最终还是回到人民币升值的几大关注问题上来:“人民币为什么会升值,人民币升值后的影响是什么,人民币升值的利与弊在哪里,如何找寻人民币升值的原...

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端木钞蝎毒: 5月25日,第二轮中美战略与经济对话在北京闭幕,在这个对话中,人民币升值预期退后,那么人民币升值对中国的经济有什么影响呢? 人民币升值问题确实是一个复杂而现实的问题,是一把双刃剑.只有审时度势,把握好利弊,才能有理有力...

准格尔旗13889454969: 求英语论文——关于人民币升值对中国经济的影响 -
端木钞蝎毒: 一、人民币升值之利:人民币升值可能意味着人民币地位的提高,中国经济在世界经济中地位的提升. 1)中国老百姓手中的财富更加值钱,人民币一升值,老百姓手里的钱就更值钱了,中国的人均GDP全球排名也可以往前挪一挪. 2)中国外债压力的减轻和购买力的增强等等. 二:人民币升值之弊: 受人民币升值的影响,中国的经济增长将会放缓.表现在四个方面: 1) 人民币升值会影响到我国外贸和出口.2) 影响到我国企业和许多产业的综合竞争力3) 破坏中国经济的长远发展,使我国的金融爆发危机4) 升值后导致投机不可避免地盛行 三:世人在全球通货紧缩压力面前再次聚焦人民币.

准格尔旗13889454969: 人民币汇率对我国经济的影响(论文)文章结构:开头希望结合最近美国要求中国人民币升值事件开始,然后谈谈升值对我国经济基本面的影响,延伸出对我... -
端木钞蝎毒:[答案] 我专门为大家提供文献,你可以看看我的回答记录,提供文献居多.能否给我一个邮箱,我这边有关人民币汇率10篇左右的文献,需要时请百度hi我,我常在线,不在线时也可以发百度消息给我,但不要留言,我不常到空间去, 举手之劳团队 队长:...

准格尔旗13889454969: 急求.汇率与通货膨胀关系 500字左右
端木钞蝎毒: 简单的说,某一币种的升值并不一定有益.因此我们要一分为二的看待人民币升值问题. 一个币种的升值有两方面的因素.一是本国中央银行对于该币种的含金量的调整,一是国际市场对于该币种的需求量.如今人民币的升值在很大程度上是国...

准格尔旗13889454969: 怎样看待人民币升值人民币升值,对国家经济和老百姓个人有什么利弊
端木钞蝎毒: 短期: 1、有利方面 (1)出国旅游更便宜了; (2)外国产品更便宜了; (3)国家名义财富增加了. 2、不利方面 (1)外币存款贬值了; (2)国家外汇储备损失了; (3)出口产品成本上市了. 长期: 1、有利方面 (1)无. 2、不利方面 (1)国家竞争力下降了; (2)外国产品涌进来了; (3)国内失业率上升了.

准格尔旗13889454969: 求人民币升值对我国经济影响和对策的开题报告, -
端木钞蝎毒: 人民币升值开题报告一人民币升值压力的来源: 第一.中美的不均衡贸易,使得美国政府认为人民币被低估从而造成美国制造业萎缩,失业率上升,从而美政府压迫人民币升值,如果人民币不升值,则美国会给中国出口到美国的商品征收关税!...

准格尔旗13889454969: 人民币升值 对中国的经济产生如何影响?
端木钞蝎毒: 我倒觉得积极影响大些. 人民币升值,美国动了很多手脚,不就是为了搞跨中国吗? 人民币升值了,进口多了(钱比以前值钱了嘛), 而出口方面呢,由于人民币升值了,外国买同样的商品比以前要花更多的钱,所以出口就少了 会不会出现贸易逆差呢? 我想升值太快肯定不好,不然中国这么担心干妈啊,呵呵.

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