
作者&投稿:印秋 (若有异议请与网页底部的电邮联系)







Now we seldom left the school after school to sit down. This trend is worrying, because we should be aware that the spirit of the book is like air to the role, the same is very necessary. From the study, we can be partners, get experience, get lessons. A good book is to us a loyal friend. When we are happy and well-being, the book can add our happy when we feel sad or lonely, the book can ease our pain. Book can provide us with all kinds of experience. In the book, we can become tourists, enjoy the Niagara Falls Leitingwanjun praise the power, jubilation and many people walk together in Paris boulevard, but also to experience different times, different people in the country Suantiankula. Few of us are able to travel to distant places, or to live a hundred years, but through reading, we can have a variety of life. Also, reading can improve our knowledge capacity, we broaden our vision so that we become smarter. Although with the emergence of television, the study had no more than before, but nothing can replace books in the role of our lives.

Now our very few people sits down for reading a book again after leaving school. This inclines to make people be anxious for, because of we ought to know , the book spirit to person is just like the air effect to person , same be very indispensable. Be hit by us being able to get a companion , be got experience , be got benefit from advice from reading a book. One good book is our loyal friend. The book can add our cheerfulness when thinking that we are happy and happy, the book can lighten our agony when thinking that we are grieved or lonely.The book can provide us with various experience. We can become a visitor in the book, force of gasping that Niagara Falls crushing blow in admiration as much as one likes, field and many people filled with gaiety ramble in together on Lutetian drive , fairly not bad experience that to different times, joys and sorrows of life being unlike the people of the country. Very few people can go round very distant place to tour in us , can be over 100 years, but pass in a lively way or reading a book, we can go over all kinds of life. Plus, reading a book being able to improve our knowledge ability , widen our field of vision, makes us become clever. Though with the TV appearing, the people who reads a book has been not in the previously many , nothing can replace book effect in living in us.

Now our very few people sits down for reading a book again after leaving school. This inclines to make people be anxious for, because of we ought to know , the book spirit to person is just like the air effect to person , same be very indispensable. Be hit by us being able to get a companion , be got experience , be got benefit from advice from reading a book. One good book is our loyal friend. The book can add our cheerfulness when thinking that we are happy and happy, the book can lighten our agony when thinking that we are grieved or lonely.The book can provide us with various experience. We can become a visitor in the book, force of gasping that Niagara Falls crushing blow in admiration as much as one likes, field and many people filled with gaiety ramble in together on Lutetian drive , fairly not bad experience that to different times, joys and sorrows of life being unlike the people of the country. Very few people can go round very distant place to tour in us , can be over 100 years, but pass in a lively way or reading a book, we can go over all kinds of life. Plus, reading a book being able to improve our knowledge ability , widen our field of vision, makes us become clever. Though with the TV appearing, the people who reads a book has been not in the previously many , nothing can replace book effect in living




团结起来力量大上个星期五放学后,我忙了一天的学习和少先队工作很劳累,便匆匆忙忙往家赶。 回到家后,开了罐“王老吉”,美滋滋的喝了起来,喝得正美,忽然听到爸爸的声音:“娃儿,快去读读书吧!别光长肉不长知识!”听爸爸唠叨了半天,我才勉强到书房去找要看的书。 嗯……《洋葱头历险记...

而一旦这种状态持续下去,当然不只是持续一两个月,而是持续几年的时间,也许你慢慢就会发现,在工作中你不再捉襟见肘,自然也就不再那么忙了。    曹聚仁先生曾在《我的读书经验》中提到自己小时候的读书经历,有一件事比较有趣:他从《朱文公全集》中找到一段朱熹说岳飞跋扈不驯的...

读书就像玩核桃 有几本薄书,一直装在包里,坐地铁,坐出租,或朋友聚会早到,或晚上睡觉前,都要翻上几页。感觉读书就像玩核桃一样。这种感觉不是玩钢蛋玩铁蛋玩石头,那样太沉。沉重的厚重的阅读会使人心里发怵,我不是不需要,而是阅读它们需要大段的时间和良好的心境。就像一个人潜水一样,必须先要深深地吸上...

与写作方法,这才导致我的写作能力并不理想。后来有一次机会,让我读到了高尔基的《童年》中的高尔基认真读书的态度是我才知道了原因。它告诉我,读书不要 太盲目,要细细品味,把书读透了,这样才能达到真正读书的目的。我越来越喜爱读书,每次借到或买到好书都迫不及待地想翻开看一看。渐渐地,我...

我与读书 儿时的我,在“锄禾日当午,汗滴何下土”的诗歌声中长大,每次端起书,看着那毫无生命的方块字,我总是大喊没意思。读书是我最头疼的事了。 渐渐长大了,我感到了知识的缺乏,每次作文,我都不知从何说起。爸爸、妈妈为我不喜欢读书而烦恼,常常买许多书让我阅读。直到有一天,那天晚上,我们家里开展成语比赛...

现在挂在人们口头上最多的一个字就是“忙”,熟人彼此见面或者彼此打电话都是先问:“你最近忙不忙?”被问的往往回答:“忙,忙得不得了,太忙了!” 忙总归是好事,说明你有事做,说明你活得充实,说明你能够为社会为个人创造更多的价值;若说“没啥可忙的,一点也不忙”,说明你没多少事做,或者你单位效益不好,...


湖州市13241982217: 请帮忙翻译一段文字,汉译英,请不要用翻译机.谢谢 -
丛彬芯能: All kinds of Chinese laws are imperfect, and their forms and procedures are great different from American. Be differ from America, Chinese judicial organizations are not independent, the root lies in ours' political systems. 英专学生纯手工翻译

湖州市13241982217: 谢谢啦,请帮帮我翻一下:读书使我找到了乐趣..有玩游戏的时间,还不如多读一些书. -
丛彬芯能: I found fun in reading. It's good to read more rather than play games.

湖州市13241982217: 帮我翻译一段汉语吧
丛彬芯能: Walden by 18 articles, records the author Thoreau observes natural, and he built cabin, farming land, entertain friends living conditions, etc. Book eulogizing the human and the natural harmonious life, advocate the individualism, self-reliance, frugal. ...

湖州市13241982217: 辛弃疾古诗《读书》,帮忙赏析一下.(要具体翻译,诗句赏析)谢谢 -
丛彬芯能: 是非得失两茫茫,闲把遗书细较量. 掩卷古人堪笑处,起来摩腹步长廊人一生的“是非”、“得失”为立人之本,然而大都是非难辨,得失不明. 心中郁闷,于是仔细评读平时无用的卷册书籍. 研读之后,仔细分析品味:古人可笑之处不正是今人可笑之处. 笑得过火了,站起来揉肚子,到长廊下散散步,消遣消遣、回味回味.

湖州市13241982217: 请翻译高手帮忙翻译一段文字,谢谢啦!! -
丛彬芯能: Thanks for everything who bulit the rich and colorful world; T...

湖州市13241982217: 一段小阅读帮忙翻译下,谢绝机翻,谢谢~急,在线等.Earlier this year,when america first sneezed,the European Central Bank argued that the euro area was ... -
丛彬芯能:[答案] 今年早些时候,当美国第一个打喷嚏时,欧洲央行认为欧元地区和美国的经济放缓绝缘,用不着担心.现在看起来这是错误的.在德国有人担心商业投资衰退和零售下滑.最近数字证实,德国的国内生产总值在第二季度停滞不前.意大利的国内生产总值也...

湖州市13241982217: 帮忙翻译一段话啊,一定要生动生动…… -
丛彬芯能: 在后院读书,让阳光照耀在你脸上.学会快乐.当自己得了不治之症一样生活,因为只有这样,你才会有生活本来应有的快乐和耐心

湖州市13241982217: 大家帮忙找找关于“读书”的好语段,谢谢? -
丛彬芯能: 读书就应像饥饿的人扑在面包上一样 书是逆境中的慰藉. 书房是文人精神的巢穴,生命的禅堂. 世界上最壮丽的宫殿是藏书最多的图书馆. 年轻时读书就像迎着朝阳走路. 最淡的墨水也胜过最强的记忆. 精神能补物质的不足. 在学习中取得...

湖州市13241982217: 句子翻译 谢谢帮忙
丛彬芯能:阅读对心灵的意义,就像食物对身体般重要,A is to B what C is to D A 对B 来说,就像 C 对 D 一样.这是个固定用法,就这样翻译.

湖州市13241982217: 百度的英语高手们帮忙翻篇文章,非常感谢! -
丛彬芯能: 竟然有这么长的翻译,不过语句到很简单,说实话帅哥(美女),你的中文功力有待提高啊,行文有点乱.好了,我就一字一句翻译了,你如果觉得词不好就润色一下,我也懒了,见谅 第一段:I'm XXX now a freshman(不知你是大几的,自己...

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