
作者&投稿:敏鲍 (若有异议请与网页底部的电邮联系)

Food Festival is held to raise money for the poor children


Dear classmates:

I'm Bruce from Class 3,Grade 2.I intend to initiative launched in schools to actively participate in the Food Festival on behalf of the class.Food Festival is to be held at 8:00 Sunday morning. In the food festival, we plan to cook delicious food by our classmates from different countries. We will invite teachers and students to participate in the event and enjoy delicious food ,
at the same time to donate some money to the children of western poverty.

Finally , I hope the Food Festival to be held successfully.

Class 3,Grade 2

In the upcoming summer vacation, the Student Union of our school is going to initiate an activity about devoting love to the children in poor and disastrous areas. If there is a chance, I would like to become a volunteer to help the children in need. I am willing to stay with those children and play with them, as well as to read for them. I am also going to send some stationeries and books for them and make good friends with them. I believe the children will feel happy with the help from us.在即将来临的寒假(哦,原文应改为 winter vacation),我们学校学生会将发起为贫困地区和受灾地区的孩子们奉献爱心的活动。如果有机会,我愿意成为一名志愿者,帮助那些需要帮助的孩子们。我会与他们一起玩耍,给他们读书。我还会送给他们文具和书籍,与他们交上朋友。我相信有了我们的帮助,那些孩子们会感到很快乐。

In order to give to the children in the poor areas, your school held a food festival. You also took part in this activity.


献爱心的优秀作文9 记得有一次,张老师对我们说:“五年级的一位同学得了白血病,家人为了治他的病,已经花了很多钱。“ 张老师的话打动了我的心,我想:那位...收集了半天时间,我们跑了很多层楼,累得满头大汗,但是我们很高兴,我们把钱捐给贫困山区的孩子,凭自己的力量献了一份爱心。 已赞过 已踩过< 你对这个回...



为山区孩子献爱心的作文(四) 最近,张老师从山区回来了。她不仅带回一路风尘,还带回了山区的消息。听说,那里的孩子很少见到外面的世界,他们家里都很贫困,就连读本课外书都是奢望。张老师希望我们把自己的课外书捐给山区的孩子。听完以后,我们深受感动。全班同学都想为山区的孩子献一份爱心,让...




传递爱心高中作文8 第七届书香班级全营养阅读。爱让我从一本本书中感受到了这爱的真谛。现在活动已落下帷幕,可是全营养阅读还在继续引领我们将爱心传递,把书分享给贫困山区的孩子们。 用你一本书,打开我的窗。这几天,校信通号召书香班级为贫困山区的孩子们捐书,看,博友们你捐2本,我捐3本,他捐5本大家都踊跃...



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储莲行气:[答案] There are a lot of children who live needy area don't have chance of studying.so we need to donate money for them.Even a lot money also can help them to go to school.Please aet less snack and save some money.It is nothing for you ,but it is very ...

肃北蒙古族自治县18921595443: 英语作文:为了捐款给贫困地区的孩子们,你校举办了美食节.你也参加了这次活动. -
储莲行气:[答案] In the upcoming summer vacation,the Student Union of our school is going to initiate an activity about devoting love to the ... 在即将来临的寒假(哦,原文应改为 winter vacation),我们学校学生会将发起为贫困地区和受灾地区的孩子们奉献爱心的活动...

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储莲行气: There are a lot of children who live needy area don't have chance of studying.so we need to donate money for them.Even a lot money also can help them to go to school.Please aet less snack and save some money.It is nothing for you ,but it is very important for them.Just do it you will be rapied soon!

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储莲行气: In the upcoming summer vacation, the Student Union of our school is going to initiate an activity about devoting love to the children in poor and disastrous areas. If there is a chance, I would like to become a volunteer to help the children in need. I am...

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储莲行气: recently i have discovered the poor conditions that the poor children lives in. because they have no money, so they can't go to school and some can't buy food to live. i think it's extremely unfair that they are living in such a condition and children can't ...

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