I admire hose who make great contributionsto human beings怎么翻译

作者&投稿:吁庭 (若有异议请与网页底部的电邮联系)
迈克尔·杰克逊human nature的中文翻译~

Human Nature 人之天性

[1st Verse]
Looking Out 向夜色中
Across The Night Time 望去
The City Winks A Sleepless Eye 城市眨着它不眠之眼
Hear Her Voice 听她的声音
Shake My Window 轻摇我的窗棂
Sweet Seducing Sighs 那是甜蜜诱人的叹息
[2nd Verse]
Get Me Out 让我到
Into The Night-Time 夜色中去
Four Walls Won't Hold Me Tonight 今晚的四壁关不住我
If This Town 倘若这个小镇
Is Just An Apple 就是一只苹果
Then Let Me Take A Bite 那就让我来尝上一尝
[Chorus]If They Say – 如果人们问
—Why, Why, 为什么?为什么
?Tell 'Em That Is Human Nature 告诉他们这就是人之天性
Why, Why, 为什么,为什么?
Does He Do Me That Way 是它在为我指引方向
If They Say – 如果人们问—
Why, Why, 为什么?为什么?
Tell 'Em That Is Human Nature 告诉他们这就是人之天性
Why, Why, 为什么,为什么
Does He Do Me That Way 是它在为我指引方向
[3rd Verse]
Reaching Out 伸出手去
To Touch A Stranger 给陌生人一个问候
Electric Eyes Are Ev'rywhere 到处都是放电的眼神
See That Girl 看那女孩
She Knows I'm Watching 她知道我在看她
She Likes The Way I Stare 她一定喜欢我注视的目光
[Chorus]If They Say – 如果人们问
—Why, Why, 为什么?为什么?
Tell 'Em That Is Human Nature 告诉他们这就是人之天性
Why, Why, 为什么,为什么?
Does He Do Me That Way 是它在为我指引方向
I Like Livin' This Way 我喜欢这种生活
I Like Lovin' This Way 我喜欢这种的爱法
[4th Verse]Looking Out 向晨曦
Across The Morning 望去
The City's Heart Begins To Beat 城市又苏醒了活力
Reaching Out 探出手去
I Touch Her Shoulder 触摸到她的肩膀
I'm Dreaming Of The Street 我在梦街上徜徉
If They Say – 如果人们问
—Why, Why, 为什么?为什么?
Tell 'Em That Is Human Nature 告诉他们这就是人之天性
Why, Why, 为什么,为什么?
Does He Do Me That Way 是它在为我指引方向
If They Say – 果人们问
—Why, Why, 为什么?为什么?
Tell 'Em That Is Human Nature 告诉他们这就是人之天性
Why, Why, 为什么,为什么
Does He Do Me That Way ;是它在为我指引方向
I Like Livin' This Way 我喜欢这种生活
I Like Lovin' This Way 我喜欢这种的爱法

Moaning 呻吟声

Yeah, I am the astro-creep,
A demolition style hell american freak - yeah
I am the crawling dead,
A phantom in a box, shadow in your head - say
Acid suicide - freedom of the blast,
毒药受害者, 自由的聚会
Read the fucker lies - yeah
Scratch off the broken skin,
Tear into my heart,
Make me do it again
Yeah, yeah, yeah, yeah, yeah-
More human than human

Yeah, I am the jigsaw man
I turn the world around with a skeleton hand - say
I am electric head,
A cannibal core,
A television said - yeah
Do not victimize,
Read the motherfucker-psychoholic lies - yeah
Into a psychic war,
I tear my soul apart and I eat it some more
Yeah, yeah, yeah, yeah, yeah-
More human than human

Yeah, I am the ripper man,
A locomotion mind,
Love american style -yeah
I am the nexus one,
I want more life,
Fucker I ain’t done - yeah
More human than human

楼主,你虽然只是少了一个字母t, 意思就差太多了。原句应该是:

I amdire those who make great contributions to human beings.



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其别悦康:[答案] sense of responsibility由前面的a决定.主语决定谓语的单复,不影响宾语.你这里用的是定语从句修饰宾语those,复数,谓语用的是have就行了,不影响后面.

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其别悦康: 宾语从句就是在复合句中作宾语的名词性从句,通常放在主句谓语动词(及物动词)或介词之后.1. 作动词的宾语 (1) 由that引导的宾语从句(that 通常可以省略), 例如: I heard that be joined the army. (2) 由what, whether (if) 引导的宾语从...

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其别悦康: 是怎么写整篇作文还是怎么写"我最敬佩的一个人"这句话? 我最敬佩的一个人: The Person I Admire The Most

沈丘县19756797429: 写一篇题为“Introduce a person who you admire”的作文 -
其别悦康: 是托福么? the person i admaire most is my mother. i admire her for she is the one who gave me life and who loves me from the very beginning of my life. she is the one who cares most of me and who educate me ever since i was born. i 've heard a ...

沈丘县19756797429: 翻译成英文:我比较崇拜英语说的好的人,多会一门语言很有用. -
其别悦康: I admire those who speak good English. Knowing another language is really useful.

沈丘县19756797429: admire的用法 -
其别悦康: 展开全部1.是及物动词,通常的结构是admire sb, admire sth, admire sb for sth.如:They admired him very much. 他们很钦佩他.They admired his workmanship. 他们很钦佩她的手艺.They admired him for his workmanship. 他们很钦佩她的手艺...

沈丘县19756797429: "我非常羡慕英语好的人,尤其羡慕走在校园里的外国人."用英语怎么表示?
其别悦康: I admire those who are good at English,especially the foreigners walking in campus.

沈丘县19756797429: who do you admire most?why? -
其别悦康: I admire the singers and band the most. Why? Because they have to go on tours around the world, trying to please all their fans even though they've barely got any sleep or hasn't eaten meal yet. It takes a great amount of energy to sing and dance ...

沈丘县19756797429: I admire.......英语作文,八年级上 60~80字 -
其别悦康: 我最佩服的人就是城市里的清洁工了,不管是寒风腊月,还是刮风下雨,他们每天都早早的来到马路上扫地. The person I most admire is the city's cleaners, no matter what wind the twelfth lunar month, or windy and rainy, they come every day on the road early to sweep the floor.

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