
作者&投稿:漆钧 (若有异议请与网页底部的电邮联系)

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The generation gap
The generation gap is a very common social phenomenon,which is the diffence and misunderstanding between generations.
Why is there a gap between generations?First of all,the elder and the younger grow up in different periods and socienties. They have formed different values .So they they can't understand each other .Second ,even for the same person ,his ideas will change with age .if the elder and the younger cling to their own ideas,conflicts appear.
how can we solve this problem .I think that the most important is to forbear and understand each other .The different generations should respect each other and try to understand each other through communication.if we can do so ,the generation gap will be narrowed or even disappear.

“代沟”英语翻译为:Generation gap

“代沟”英语解释:It refers to the differences, opposites and conflicts between the two generations in the aspects of thoughts, values, behavior styles, life attitudes, interests and hobbies.


复数: generation gaps

词根:gen(e), gener, geni(t)= birth, to produce, race 出生, 产生;种族

1、congenialadj. 意气相投的

con 共同 + gen 出生,产生;种族 + ial …的 → 产生共同〔兴趣〕→ 意气相投的

2、congenitaladj. 天生的,与生俱来的

con 共同 + genit 出生,产生;种族 + al …的 → 出生就带来的 → 天生的

3、degeneratev. 堕落;衰退

de 坏 + gener 出生,产生;种族 + ate 做,造成,使… → 产生坏的〔想法〕→ 堕落

4、engenderv. 产生

en 使… + gen 出生,产生;种族 + der → 产生



1、the generation gap 代沟

2、generation gap n.代沟

3、from generation to generation 世世代代

4、canonical generation 规范生成

5、early generation 早期世代

6、gear generation 齿轮滚铣法

7、generation number 生成数,世代号,世代数,代号

代沟英语为:Generation gap

英语解释:The differences, opposites and conflicts between the two generations in thoughts, values, ways of behavior, attitudes towards life, interests and hobbies.


例句:There is a generation gap between my parents and I.我和我父母之间有代沟。



隔阂 Estrangement

It sounds as if you have grown apart from Tom.听起来好像你和汤姆之间产生了隔阂。

大相径庭 Be quite different

In fact everything he does is opposite to what is considered normal behaviou。事实上,他的一切作为都和人们所认为的正常举动大相径庭。


融洽 Harmonious

The relations between them have become still more harmonous.他们之间的关系更融洽了。

友好 friendly

This shows him to be liberal and friendly.这表明了他的心胸宽广和友好。



Generation gap
Definition in Oxford Dictionaries

noun (usually the generation gap)
a difference of attitudes between people of different generations, leading to a lack of understanding.
His novel Fathers and Children is about the generation gap
The rally organizers detected a generation gap among their supporters

generation gap -- A common phenomenon between children and parents because of the lack of understanding.

The generation gap The generation gap is a very common social phenomenon,which is the diffence and misunderstanding between generations.Why is there a gap between generations?First of all,the elder and the younger grow up in different periods and socienties. They have formed different ...

Generation gap is natural, but very influential(有影响的). If we cannot deal with it appropriately(适当地), the gap will be greater and the greater and consequently(结果) affect the work and the relation between the old and the young.2.Generation Gap-代沟 The generation gap ...

The generation gap is a popular term used to describe differences between people of a younger generation and their elders, especially between a child and his or her parent's generation. The term first became popularized in Western countries during the 1960s and described the cultural ...

The generation gap is a popular term used to describe differences between people of a younger generation and their elders, especially between a child and his or her parent's generation. The term first became popularized in Western countries during the 1960s and described the cultural ...

Generation gap is a gap in our heart.It isn't caused by time but ourselves.It can be cured by our friendness and kindness.we can change it into a friendship between generations

写作思路:代沟的存在及解决办法;要点:如何解决代沟问题。generation gap 代沟主要存在于一般成人与年轻人两代人之间。The generation gap mainly exists between adults and young people.父母与子女之间的差异并不是不可避免的。Differences with parents are not inevitable.只要父母认识到文化变化对孩子的...

代沟是什么意思 代沟是几岁一个
只要父母认识到文化变化对孩子的影响,并以此调整自己对孩子的态度,父母与子女之间就不会出现冲突。由20世纪60年代末美国人类学家M.米德在所著《代沟》中提出。“代沟”(generation gap)一词从英文直译过来,由著名女性人类学家玛格丽特·米德所创用,由于译法贴切而新颖,加上易于记忆,所以马上成了常用...


浏览 什么是代沟
“代沟”(generation gap)一词从英文直译过来,由著名女性人类学家玛格丽特·米德所创用,由于译法贴切而新颖,加上易于记忆,所以马上成了常用语。从翻译的角度上看,比起原来的用语“世代隔阂”,“代沟”确是优胜一些。现代翻译的趋势看来是以短语占了上风,文绉绉的累赘译法似乎是落伍了 ...

年龄不等的人,生活圈子不同,接触的事物、人物各异,故此思想方法和行为也有差别。如果这种差别不加以改善而让它扩大,两代人之间便会形成一堵无形的墙,误会便容易产生。这就是心理学上所说的世代隔阂,套用一句现代语言,即所谓“代沟”。“代沟”一词从英文generation gap直译过来,由著名女性人类学...

通州市17329923772: 用英语回答,什么是代沟? -
都宜清热: dog

通州市17329923772: “代沟”是什么意思?
都宜清热:代沟 一词从英文generation gap直译过来,由著名女性人类学家玛格丽特·米德所创用,由于译法贴切而新颖,加上易于记忆,所以马上成了常用语.从翻译的角度上看,比起原来的成语 世代隔阂,“代沟”确是优胜一些.现代翻译的趋势看来是以短语占了上风,文绉绉的累赘译法似乎落伍了. 代沟所指的意思很广,可以形容朋友间的意见不统一,夫妻间的文化差异,上辈对下辈的管教,下辈对上辈的叛逆,农村大婶到大城市的陌生,城市孩子和大山孩子的交流,70后找个90后在一起生活等等,都可以说有代沟. 很简单的一个词语,如果你还不明白,可以去查字典. 楼上的回答是在百度抄袭的吧?鄙视 混分的!我的回答都是自己一个字一个字打上去的.

通州市17329923772: “代沟”英文怎么写? -
都宜清热: gap是隔阂 generationg gap则是不同年龄段之间的隔阂,即代沟

通州市17329923772: “代沟”一词是什么意思 -
都宜清热: 代沟指的是两代人之间,因为年龄和生活环境不同,导致人生观和价值观上有很大的差异,出现无法沟通的情况!

通州市17329923772: 代沟是什么意思? -
都宜清热: 代沟是指子女在走向世界的过程中,背弃父母原有的观点,有了新的见解而造成的.代沟通常产生于青春期.环境的影响使当代青少年很少站在别人的立场考虑问题.认为父母思想陈旧,跟不上时代的步伐, 现在引申了 就是说不管是父母和子女 10年也许就是一代了

通州市17329923772: “代沟”的英文及英文解释
都宜清热: generation gap the difference in ideas between one generation and another

通州市17329923772: 代沟的英文单词 -
都宜清热: gap

通州市17329923772: 代沟怎么解释 -
都宜清热: 年龄不等的人,生活圈子不同,接触的事物、人物各异,故此思想方法和行为也有差别.如果这种差别不加以改善而让它扩大,两代人之间便会形成一堵无形的墙,误会便容易产生.这就是心理学上所说的世代隔阂,套用一句现代语言,即所谓...

通州市17329923772: 日常英语口语中「代沟」用英语怎么说 -
都宜清热: generation gap 英 [ˌdʒenəˈreiʃən ɡæp] 美 [ˌdʒɛnəˈreʃən ɡæp] n. 代沟 复数: generation gaps

通州市17329923772: 大家好,请问一下代沟什么意思啊?谢谢回答 -
都宜清热: 广义指年轻一代与老一代在思想方法、价值观念、生活态度、兴趣爱好方面存在的心理距离或心理隔阂.由20世纪60年代末美国人类学家M.米德在所著《代沟》中提出.狭义指父母子女之间的心理差距或心理隔阂.代沟主要存在于一般成人与年轻人两代人之间,父母与子女之间的差异并不是不可避免的.

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