
作者&投稿:史马 (若有异议请与网页底部的电邮联系)

The 10th anniversary gathering of classmates planning outline
1. Meeting to consider the number of
Meeting the target: Guangzhou University Institute of Technology in 1999 Business English class graduates
Considerations: Ten years ago, Business English classes have approximately 100 people, taking into account the first time in 10 years after graduation classmates gathering 10 years ago left a lot of calls may be changed, can only rely on telephone contact with home, have a direct invitation hair to address was registered. Preliminary estimates, in order to phone home to more than 80 people have.
二. Consider meeting place
Considerations: the university students come from different places, it is necessary to select a central location, convenient classmates. Since the initial plan small gatherings to be held the morning of the Games, so the initial collection of place at his alma mater, the University of Guangzhou municipal technical schools, we are all familiar with the place and return to his alma mater, gathering even more significance.
三. Consider the meeting time
Considerations: Since everyone is now out of work, so meeting time is the best on Saturdays, Sundays. Held at his alma mater in order to facilitate small-scale sporting events, summer vacation are not the best student, so time for the initial plan July 11, 2009.
四. Consider the cost of
Considerations: meeting the full cost of meeting an old classmate from the AA system. Since the initial depth has not yet learned that the economic situation of the old classmates. Since our meeting in order to meet health-based, entertainment consumption smaller, easy to all classmates can afford basic. Preliminary consideration to the cost of fares have mainly include food and beverage charges, there are other costs to support the gathering of the piecemeal, the cost to maintain insist at less than 200 yuan. As Student accommodation expenses are not included in the cost of gathering.
五. For comments
First of all, to contact the Student gathering, preliminary to determine the number of people take part in meetings and to solicit views and reached a consensus Finally, know of this gathering support and participation, to find out the number of people take part in this gathering of classmates and classmates mentality. Student extensively soliciting the consent of the majority of circumstances, decide to host this gathering of Student Events, the specific activities to be discussed, such as U.S. Student out their preliminary views.
六. The establishment of organizations, prepare for the gathering.
1. Student gathering preparatory group, the specific program activity is responsible for the drafting and formulation, as well as the gathering of the organization and job scheduling.
2, conference group: responsible for reporting, transportation, food and accommodation arrangements.
3, the financial group: responsible for the per capita cost estimates, fees, expenses and other items of financial disclosure job.
4, advocacy group: responsible for on-site photography, address book production, gathering the preparation of CD-ROM, release.
5, contact group: responsible for the school leadership and classroom teachers invited to contact. Address from the left by the number of distribution analysis, and distribution of good contacts, because all Student place of residence have differences, we must have representatives in each place as a contact person, the number of final statistics.
Seven. Liaison meetings in local units
Student gathering to go back to his alma mater, it is necessary to contact the school in advance to obtain consent. Dining locations liaison meetings to ensure that there is enough dining location. Contact vehicles ready vehicles gathering from his alma mater out of the hotel. Liaison meetings in performance and gentlemen, presided.
Eight. Initial gathering of the form
July 11, 2009 8:00 am
Guangzhou Institute of Technology University of the municipal soccer field collection.
1, appearance,
2, fill in personal information Student Card
3, camera (for Classmates)
4, release of relevant information
11:00 noon
Location: Jiangwan Hotel
Events: Festival gathering
1. Host speech
2. Personal Introduction
3. Freedom Student speech
4. Photo


The transport layer is responsible for source-to-destination (end-to-end) delivery of the entire message.
Whereas the network layer oversees end-to-end delivery of individual packets, it does not recognize any relationship between those
It treats each one independently,as though each piece belonged to a separate message,whether or not it does.
The transport layer,on the other hand,ensures that the whole message arrives intact and in order,overseeing both error control and flow control at the source-to-destination level.




没有这个单词或词组,根据您的拼写来看,考虑应是:Help me。Help me 中文翻译:帮帮忙;救救我;帮帮我;救我;帮助我 [例句]If you're not willing to help me, I'll find somebody who will.如果你不愿意帮我,我会去找别人。

help me是否可以翻译救命
可以的,因为help me的中文意思是救我,所以可以翻译为救命的

help me是否可以翻译为救我和救救我?
help me可以翻译为救我和救救我。help me帮助我; 帮帮我; 帮我 但是英文会通过不同的意境表达相近的意思,如果你陷入了危机关头,就可以表达救救我的意思。

help me是否可以翻译为救我?

“救我”用英语怎么说.是不是 save me
"救我"_有道翻译 翻译结果:"Save me save 英 [seɪv]美 [sev]prep. 除...之外 n. 救援 vi. 节省;挽救 vt. 节省;保存;储蓄;解救 n. (Save)人名;(法)萨夫;(意、保、西、罗、塞、瑞典)萨薇 (女名),萨韦 Save 保存,节省,萨韦河 (加龙河支流)Save Energy 节约能源,节能...


救我:ta su ke te 保护:ma mo ru 未来:mi ra i 约定:ya ku so ku

文言文翻译“你给我等着” “救我啊”怎么用文言文说
贼斯,待吾会尔 速救

1.This knife is sharp enough to cut his fingers;2.This pair of shoes are comfortable enough to wear for a long time;3.This rabbit is smart enough to communicate with others in french;4.We have enough time to have a vacation;5.LINDA is old enough to go to school;6.This ...

有人可以救我吗英文翻译是:Can someone save me见下图百度翻译

苍梧县17038867098: 救救我 翻译成英语 -
闻蚁吉粒: (Please) help/rescue/save me!

苍梧县17038867098: 救救我 用英语怎么说 -
闻蚁吉粒: Help me! 或者 Save me!

苍梧县17038867098: 日语达人们救救我啊!!翻译一下........ -
闻蚁吉粒: 第一张里面的三组词其实就是五十音图,没有意思的,就是按照日文里的五十音图来排列而已 第二张里面从上到下是Theatre剧场 Music音乐 Mobile手机 Present礼物 Special特殊内容 第三张里面那句话是 与新的口袋怪兽们的冒险即将开始

苍梧县17038867098: 英语高手来帮我一下吧!救救我吧!这个用英语怎么说呢? -
闻蚁吉粒: 关键词 [guān jiàn cí] 基本翻译 antistop keyword 手术室 [shǒu shù shì] 基本翻译 operating room operating theatre (OR) 风险防范 [fēng xiǎn fáng fàn] 基本翻译 risk prevention 网络释义 风险防范:risk prevention 百科 风险防范 风险防范.风险防范是有目的、有意识地通过计划、组织、控制和检察等活动来阻止风险损失的发生,消弱损失发生的影响程度,以获取最大利益.证券交易的风险防范通常可以从制度、检察和自律管理等方面着手,以达到... 详细 » 搜索 风险防范 风险 廉政风险防范承诺书

苍梧县17038867098: 英文请救救我怎么说? -
闻蚁吉粒: 英文是Please save me.解释:please 英[pli:z] 美[pliz] int. 请; vt. 讨好; 使高兴; 使满意; 讨人喜欢; [例句]Can you help us please?能请你帮帮我们吗?save 英[seɪv] 美[sev] vt. 保存; 节省; 储蓄; 解救; vi. 节省; 挽救; 救球; prep. 除…...

苍梧县17038867098: 帮帮忙,救救我.翻译英文 -
闻蚁吉粒: 这个活动的最终目的在于捐款.业主是个信徒,他平时都会去教堂参加活动与捐款,而现在他将完全投入于这家餐厅,而没时间再去教堂,所以他想把给你们的百分5的打折作为对教堂的贡献, This activity is the ultimate purpose of the donation. ...

苍梧县17038867098: 神啊,救救我吧!英文怎么讲 -
闻蚁吉粒: god ,please help me! 神啊帮帮我吧,也可以理解为救救我save v. 表示救的意思. 因此 god,please save me! 神啊,救救我吧. 这样翻译可能更为精确.

苍梧县17038867098: 救救我帮忙翻译
闻蚁吉粒: 龙,我真的想被你祝福,但我不能这么做,因为这对你不公平,你知道吗?我生过一个小孩.这个小孩不是我所想要的,但这是一个事实.以前没有告诉你,我很抱歉.你总说我好,事实上,我没有你想的那么好. 我英语差,但看了这段话,又看没一个人回答,所以、、

苍梧县17038867098: 救救我的英语!!! -
闻蚁吉粒: 先说一些学习方法,第二段为考试方面的学习建议: 1.收听英语气象报告 2.善用录音带锻炼听说能力 3.听正常语速的英语,才能加速听力的进步 4.从电视,电影中学习英语5.和朋友表演影片情节 6.唱歌学英语 特别注意英文没有的发音 7.背诵名...

苍梧县17038867098: 文言文翻译,很急啊,救救我吧!
闻蚁吉粒: 凡是顾炎武外出旅行,都随身用二匹马三头骡子装书.到了险要的地方,就向退休的差役询问这里的详细情况;有的与平时听说的不一样,就在附近街市中的客店对着书进行核对校正.有时直接走过平原旷野,没有值得什么留意的,就在马背上默读各种经典著作的注解疏证;偶然有忘记的,就在附近街市中的客店看书仔细认真的查看.

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