
作者&投稿:仇屈 (若有异议请与网页底部的电邮联系)


cidents are also rise dramatically. For example, in a city with 5000 cars, there will be at least 250 accidents happening everyday, which also burden the public healthy services.
On the contrary, expected public traffic may be an ideal solution to these problems. For example city buses and railways are widely used or being constructed by many cities. People can take buses easily, which can be found every 10 minutes or less in the peak time. Actually, Nottingham Transport Company is building its own light railway in the city, which is announced by the speak man of the company, “It will be completed in the next year, the tickets will be very competitive and at the same time the travel will be very safe and comfortable.”



也许妈妈会说:“不是天天在一起嘛,还有什么话没说!” 可这是我埋藏已久、你从未听过的心里话呀!也许您从不知道,每天做完功课熄灯躺在床上休息时,我的小脑袋就开始放电影啦:好笑的事情;精彩的故事;做不完的作业; 穿什么衣服?发明什么东西?吃什么……还有就是您没完没了的唠叨,想着想着就睡着了,是这些东西伴着我在一天一天成长的啊!

妈妈,我想对您说,您是世界上最好的妈妈!每天洗衣、买菜、做饭、打扫卫生,把家里收拾的井井有条。 在生活上,您更是无微不至的关心我。记得有一次,我得了感冒,高烧不退,这下可把您急坏了,您一会儿找退烧药给我吃,一会儿帮我量一量体温,可还是没有什么效果。深更半夜,您只好和爸爸把我送进医院。医生检查后,说先要做个过敏皮试,我平时最怕打针啦!一听打针,就浑身难受。你安慰我、鼓励我后,我才平静心情,咬紧牙关,挺了过来。挂完水走出医院,天已经朦朦亮了。回到家里,您把我安顿好后,拖着疲惫的身体,又匆匆忙忙去上班了。经过您的精心护理,没过几天,我的病就好了。这都全是您的功劳啊!古人说:“谁言寸草心,报得三春晖”,我时常想,等我长大了,我一定要好好报答您。

可是,妈妈啊!您身上的缺点也真不少!为了让我有充足的时间看书,您很少让我帮您做事情,弄得我真正做事时经常手忙脚乱,这时您就会批评我笨手笨脚。或者事情就摆在眼前,但也没有做事情的意识。您经常说我自己的书桌从不收拾,窗台也不擦干净,回家后换下的鞋子乱丢,有时是偷懒,有时真的没有这个习惯,我会努力去改正这些缺点,可您也得给我改过自新的机会呀!有一次,我把书桌收拾得干干净净,后来被爸爸找东西时弄得乱七八糟,您看到后二话不说,批头盖脸就批评我起来了。当时,我想跟你把事情解释清楚,但是,您的火气很大,我一解释您就说我顶嘴,就说我以前如何如何,所以,我只能一声不吭。 以后可不要在还没知道事情的来龙去脉的时候就随便批评人。了

我的主要任务当然还是学习啦!每当我考得不好的时候,您的脸色马上就会“晴转阴”, 弄不好我还会挨上几巴掌!有一次数学考试,一张简单的试卷让我考砸了,错题全是由于自己没有认真审题或计算错误造成的,我自己也非常后悔,更担心过不了妈妈这一关,不过这次您不仅没有发火,还鼓励我不要因为一次考不好就自暴自弃,帮助我分析原因,您知道我多么希望您能经常这样啊!我自己会努力改正学习当中的一些坏习惯,如果您能够多鼓励我,少批评我,我想我一定会进步更快!我的学习您可没有少操心,请家教,上辅导课,我都没有什么怨言,在那里我的确学到了许多在学校里没有学到的东西,对我的帮助很大,不过有时我觉得自己玩的时间不够多,我也知道放假的时候您和爸爸带我到青岛、到西安旅游是为了让我放松心情,可下次千万别再在出去玩的时候给我布置学习任务啊!


This summer is gray, dad is going to work outside, the mother is ill. One day, my mother and I are two people at home, mother into the shower, I sitting on a watch TV. An hour later, her mother had not come out. Only hear the loud brawl of sound of water. I think to be, he ran into the bathroom. See mother fell on the ground, the body curled up into a ball, pale lips appear blue, the whole body, was still shaking. I suddenly startled, I rapturous rocking the mother, but mother but exhausting of say a words: "... painful...... played... call... looking for you... dad..." Say that finish this words, mom and fainted, only body shaking. I try my hardest hit my dad's call, but only a cold female voice: "you dial telephone no longer service, please dial later." I went back to the bathroom, see mother on the ground keep trembling. I use a bath towel wrapped mom, wants the mother dragged back into the room. I struggled to translate, will mother reluctantly drag on the sofa. Mom what disease, should eat what medicine I don't of, I can only try very hard to of call mother. Mom slightly incite lips extremely hard said: "medicine... medicine at... in my room...... the pillow. I very fast run to behold, then medicine and sent to mom mouth. But mother just ate thenwill whole spit it out. And after a while mom breathing starts only listen to her word shortness of say:" 1... 2... 0... "Then began big gasping for breath. I dialed 120 fast on the phone I'm crying. Immediately to the hospital say, three minutes I like after three centuries twenty-hour. An ambulance arrived, they put mom took away, I cry to say I will go also. They agreed. Arrive at the hospital, mom was sent to the operating room, I heard indistinctly, "said the doctor heart disease, gastric function bad". ... Three hours passed mother was launched. Mother's face a breathing masks, hand dangled from brine. The next morning, mother finally woke up. But she insisted that she not hospitalization, must discharge. No way, the ambulance had to take us to send home. After arriving home, the doctor had spoken to me say: "your mother was weak and has just finished the operation, now don't say that is out of bed, even drink any consume her strength. She first before hair burn, probably what can't eat anything, you should take good care of her."

Today, my mother is sick.I got up early, made ​​a cup of warm water to the mother, to the mother.The mother took water lying in bed, and said: "Thank you, my boy."

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