
作者&投稿:宗国 (若有异议请与网页底部的电邮联系)


neither (包括 either)有四种用法:

1. 副词:表示“也不”,如:
You don't like this book. Neither do I. 你不喜欢这本书, 我也不喜欢。

2. 形容词:与单数名词或代词连用,表示“即非此又非彼的”或者两者都不的,如:
Neither statement is true.两种说法都不正确。
(比较:Neither of the statements is true. 解释见后)
He took neither side in the quarrel. 在争吵中他任何一方都不参加。

3. 连词:与 nor 搭配使用,表示“两者都不...; ”或者“既不...也不)”(谓语通常与最近一个名词[代词]相一致),如:
Neither you nor I am wrong. 你和我都没错。
Neither you nor I, nor anybody else knows the answer. 你、我以及其他任何人都不知道这答案。

4. 代词:意思是“二者都不”(见上面形容词用法),如:
Neither of the statements is true.
He took neither of sides in the quarrel.

* 形容词用法,结构为 neither + 单数名词:
Neither statement
neither sides
* 代词用法,结构为 neither of + 复数名词:
Neither of the statements
neither of sides

1.[i:] A.rice B.we C.behind
- - - B
2.[i] A.bike B.right C.sit
- - - C
3.[e] A.head B.sea C.idea
-- -- --A
4.[æ] A.ask B.bag C.cake
- - - B
6.[u:] A.book B.school C.look
-- -- -B
7.[n] A.thin B.thank C.uncle
- - - A
8.[ju:] A.bus B.study C.music
- - - C
/di:/D /ef/F /d3ei/J /em/M /kju:/Q /a;/R /eks/S /wao/Y
三 读句子,选择合适的办法
Your mother comes home from work. She is so tired.How can you make her feel better?( A)
A.Give her a cup of tea
B.Let her cook dinner for you
C.Ask her to go shopping with you
D.Help her to sweep the floor
E.Help her to do the dishes

Miss Yao _has__(have)a nice dress
My brother can run____(run)very fast

Dear Tim,
I am in Hong Kong uith my family now.Hong Kong is beautiful city.There are many cars on the road.
Yesterday ue uisited Oceam Park.I saw some little sharks
there.We have a good time in Hong Kong.
1.Who wrote the post card?__Ann. __________
2.Where is Ann now?____ Hong Kong_________
3.Where did Ann go yesterday?___Oceam Park___________
4.What did Ann see in Ocean Park?_____some little sharks ___________
5.Is Ann very happy in Hong Kong?______yes_________

1.[i:] A.rice B.we C.behind
- - B-
2.[i] A.bike B.right C.sit
- c- -
3.[e] A.head B.sea C.idea
-- -A- --
4.[æ] A.ask B.bag C.cake
- - B-
6.[u:] A.book B.school C.look
-- --B --
7.[n] A.thin B.thank C.uncle
- -B - 这个不大确定呢。
8.[ju:] A.bus B.study C.music
- c- -
/di:/ /ef/ /d3ei/ /em/ /kju:/ /a;/ /eks/ /wao/
(d ) ( F) (这是什么呀 ) ( m)( q) ( r) (x ) ( 不晓得)
三 读句子,选择合适的办法
Your mother comes home from work. She is so tired.How can you make her feel better?(A )
A.Give her a cup of tea
B.Let her cook dinner for you
C.Ask her to go shopping with you
D.Help her to sweep the floor
E.Help her to do the dishes

Miss Yao _has___(have)a nice dress
My brother can __run__(run)very fast

Dear Tim,
I am in Hong Kong uith my family now.Hong Kong is beautiful city.There are many cars on the road.
Yesterday ue uisited Oceam Park.I saw some little sharks
there.We have a good time in Hong Kong.
1.Who wrote the post card?____Ann.________
2.Where is Ann now?___Hong Kong __________
3.Where did Ann go yesterday?____Oceam Park__________
4.What did Ann see in Ocean Park?____Some little sharks

5.Is Ann very happy in Hong Kong?______Yes_________

2.Hong Kong
3.Oceam Park
4. some little sharks
5.Yes,she is

1. B.
2. C
3. A.
4. B.
6. B.
7. A.
8. C.
/di:/ /ef/ /d3ei/ /em/ /kju:/ /a;/ /eks/ /wao/
(d ) (f ) ( j) (m )(q ) ( r) ( x) ( y/wai/ )
三 读句子,选择合适的办法
Your mother comes home from work. She is so tired.How can you make her feel better?( AE)
A.Give her a cup of tea
B.Let her cook dinner for you
C.Ask her to go shopping with you
D.Help her to sweep the floor
E.Help her to do the dishes

Miss Yao _has___(have)a nice dress
My brother can _run___(run)very fast

Dear Tim,
I am in Hong Kong uith my family now.Hong Kong is beautiful city.There are many cars on the road.
Yesterday ue uisited Oceam Park.I saw some little sharks
there.We have a good time in Hong Kong.
1.Who wrote the post card?__Ann__________
2.Where is Ann now?_______Hong Kong______
3.Where did Ann go yesterday?_____Oceam Park_________
4.What did Ann see in Ocean Park?_____some little sharks ___________
5.Is Ann very happy in Hong Kong?_____Yes!__________

1.[i:] A.rice B.we C.behind
- - -
2.[i] A.bike B.right C.sit
- - -
3.[e] A.head B.sea C.idea
-- -- --
4.[æ] A.ask B.bag C.cake
- - -
6.[u:] A.book B.school C.look
-- -- --
7.[n] A.thin B.thank C.uncle
- - -
8.[ju:] A.bus B.study C.music
- - -
1.B 2.C 3.A 4.B 6.B 7.A 8.C

/di:/ /ef/ /d3ei/ /em/ /kju:/ /a;/ /eks/ /wao/
( ) ( ) ( ) ( )( ) ( ) ( ) ( )
D F J M Q R X Y[这个是wai]

三 读句子,选择合适的办法
Your mother comes home from work. She is so tired.How can you make her feel better?( )
A.Give her a cup of tea
B.Let her cook dinner for you
C.Ask her to go shopping with you
D.Help her to sweep the floor
E.Help her to do the dishes


Miss Yao ____(have)a nice dress
My brother can ____(run)very fast

1. has
2. run

Dear Tim,
I am in Hong Kong uith my family now.Hong Kong is beautiful city.There are many cars on the road.
Yesterday ue uisited Oceam Park.I saw some little sharks
there.We have a good time in Hong Kong.
1.Who wrote the post card?____________
2.Where is Ann now?_____________
3.Where did Ann go yesterday?______________
4.What did Ann see in Ocean Park?________________
5.Is Ann very happy in Hong Kong?_______________

五.1.Ann [wrote the post card].
2.Hong Kong
3.Oceam Park
4.She saw some little sharks .
5.Yes,she is .

1、一答挂子:副词,意思为总的来说。一答挂子什么什么的 2、色资色嘎:就是感觉身上不干净不舒服。3、挂啦蹦脆:说明某人的声音很响亮,很清脆。4、歇列梭啰:有多动症的意思,总是动来动去,么歇个时候。小时候老师总会说:你个小 老非要歇列梭啰娘老色。5、清汤逛水:没有油头,非常...


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her foreever. Mary's birthday is coming soon, and l will prepare a nice present for her. At last, l want to say, "Thank you,my best friend.”用词基本没问题,但重复表达的地方很多。如thank和interesting.不过信的关键是体现你的诚意,写的太华丽反而不好。就这样发过去就可以了。

be back home语法问题。
1、be back home.Back 和 home都是副词,但是意思不重复,back 表示“回到原处”,home 表示“在家里”或“往家里去”。2、知道 I am home 这个表达完全正确, home 这里是作副词的情况 动词 be 表示“处于某种状态”,由于它的限制,下面的说法并不相同。be back 只是说“处于回到原处的状态”...

1、不言不语2、花言巧语3、胡言乱语4、甜言蜜语5、三言两语6、冷言冷语7、虚言假语8、闲言碎语9、风言风语10、豪言壮语花言巧语;只言片语;流言蜚语;甜言蜜语;豪言壮语;污言秽语;胡言乱语;风言风语;三言两语;自言自语;寡言少语自言自语 自己一个人低声嘀咕。只言片语 个别词句或...

A 介词滥用导致成分残缺,删去“通过”或“使”B “超市”不是“游乐设施”,属于归类不当。C 正确 D 搭配不当 降低考试状态”属于搭配不当。 改为:可删去“和考试状态”

英语诗歌中的语法变异现象是很常见的,这些变异在一般普通的语言中被视为荒谬,逻辑混乱,不合语法,但是,在“语不惊人死不休”的诗歌语言中却可以成为特殊而有效的表现手段。例如: You pays your money and you doesn't take your choice.我们不能用语法规则来衡量,这是诗歌的表现手段,只是我们...

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1.I think the generation gap between my parents and I is very deep.We always can't understand each other very well.My parents usually want to give me the advises,and then I shall do the things as what they want to.But I'm not a child any more,I have my own opinions....

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泰狡万舒: 不定式是英语动词的一种形式.它在许多情况下可省略"to"它不同于汉语动词,汉语动词只有一种形式.如:我看书.她看书.但英语要说“看”必须根据主语的人称,动作发生的时间等确定其形式.如:1...

曲沃县13838261828: 英语常见问题主要分为哪几种? -
泰狡万舒: 你好,我是”新东方问吧“的老师,我总结的学英语过程中常见的问题主要有:听力水平差(听不懂);继而影响到说(张不开嘴,不知该如何表达);没有语感,即便单词量不小,有些文章还是读不懂(阅读问题);写作水平提不高;最后就影响到翻译的理解.听说读写译都会受到影响.所以学英语就是要全面提高英语水平,却哪一方面都不行. 如果你还有什么问题的话,欢饮来“新东方问吧”提问

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