
作者&投稿:蔚蓓 (若有异议请与网页底部的电邮联系)

good afternoon,, boys and girs. welcome to our happy english.i'm,,,
It’s time to say good-bye! We hope you enjoy it ! All right.Thank you for listening. See you next

All the teachers, Fellow schoolmates, everybody is good. With this familiar music, Listen to the melody; The sound of the campus radio station began broadcasting now 各位老师, 各位同学,大家好 伴随着这熟悉的乐曲, 聆听着这动人的旋律; 校园之声广播站现在开始播音 Time flies It's time to say goodbye .You are welcome to tomorrow (next week) to continue the same time listening to our program (program), goodbye 时间过的真快到了和您说再见的时候了,欢迎您明天(下周)同一时间继续收听我们的栏目(节目),再见!

Hello, boys and girls. Today is Tuesday. Welcome to listen to Our English broadcast. I’m ShiYaping. I’m from Class 2, Grade 6. My friends, SunGuangwen and LiPing are sitting near me. Let them say hello to everyone.
B: Hello, everyone! I’m SunGuangwen.
G2: Hi, boys and girls! I’m LiPing. We hope you’ll enjoy today’s English broadcast.
G2:Now, let’s enjoy this song. Pretty boy. (放歌曲)
B: Our English broadcast is end today. 今天我们的英语广播就到这儿了。
G2: Thank you for your listening. 感谢你们的收听,明天再见!
G1,G2 and B: See you next time. ByeBye!


有三个 你自己看看~~然后自己挑选一下 十分钟 浓缩一下 可以读完 希望能帮到你!1.the young is just like blooming flowers,they are so beautiful when blooming,they make people feel happy,but with time passing by,after they withers ,moet people think they are ugly.and so it is the...

any question please contact to (你的节目名) or email to me at(你的邮箱) i'm 你的名字 and see u next time on our compus readio (节目名) bye...很平常的开始和结尾 用的是最常见的词汇 容易记住 记住要口语化 不要说的很死板 我原来就是搞学校英语广播的 呵呵 希望能帮助你 ...

合:Welcome to our English broadcast programme!欢迎同学们参与我们的英语快餐栏目。A: I’m Shen Le yuan. I’m from Class 3,grade 6.我是来自六年三班的椹乐媛。B: I’m SongYuxin. I’m from Class 2,Grade 6.C: I’m YanZhen,I’m from Class 1,Grade 6.A: Today,...

急需一篇 校园英语广播稿 不要青春理想的翻译哦 我有
I’ll try my best. I know fantasy is hard to come true,bue dream can. I’ll work hard for my dreams,I’ll never give up. Thank you! 我的梦 午安: 尊敬的法官,亲爱的老师和密切friends.I '米非常高兴地站在这里分享我的讲话与you.Today我要谈论的梦想。 每个人都有一...

of the world.彼得:是的,老师。因为我眼睛一闭,眼皮就把世界上所有的东西都遮住了 Late one night at the insane asylum (疯人院)one inmate shouted,"I am Napoleon!"Another one said,"How do you know?"The first inmate said,"God told me!"Just then,a voice from another room ...

How to get happiness There is no doubt that happiness is the most precious(宝贵)thing in the word.Without it,life will be empty(空虚)and meaningless(毫无意义的).If you wish to know how to get happiness,you must pay attention to(注意)two points.First,happiness is the ...

衰。人人心中皆有一台天线,只要你从天上人间接受美好、希望、欢乐、勇气和力量的 信号,你就青春永驻,风华常存。一旦天线下降,锐气便被冰雪覆盖,玩世不恭、自暴自弃油然而生,即使年方二十,实 已垂垂老矣;然则只要树起天线,捕捉乐观信号,你就有望在八十高龄告别尘寰时仍觉希望。The Two Roads...

可以看出,该强度是gigantic.Some体possiblle说主体是大学生now.But现在不具备的来源镍- me.Such的物质基础love.In换言之,爱destory 1个人所道德支柱,例如说也有reason.So应如何区别对待?爱是offeeling非常细,这是,爱情是两个个人事情.人是社会性的动物,有情感需要分享快乐或悲伤都在进程中的world...


空乘常用的英语广播稿 在学校广播站锻炼的同学们,我们广播前都会提前做好广播稿,一流的广播稿会带来更好的节目效果,那么问题来了,广播稿应该怎么写?下面是我收集整理的空乘常用的英语广播稿,仅供参考,大家一起来看看吧。 (1)飞行过程欢迎词 欢迎词 女士们,先生们: 欢迎你乘坐中国XX航空公司航班XX___前往___(...

丹棱县18668139469: 急求一份英语广播稿的开头语和结束语,急,最好在20分钟内给我.注意:是全英文的,不要太复杂,生的. -
连月硫酸:[答案] 开头:Hello, boys and girls. Today is Tuesday. Welcome to listen to Our English broadcast. I'm ShiYaping. I'm from Class 2, Grade 6. My friends, SunGuangwen and LiPing are sitting near me. Let them...

丹棱县18668139469: 有没有英语广播站的开头语和结束语 -
连月硫酸: 一般广播站开头都来是先介绍吧:介绍广播站自比如This is BBC news......或者介绍广播知者:This is Lanren Lee from VOA...... 结束经常就是:道That's for today. See you tomorrow/next Friday......

丹棱县18668139469: 校园英语播音稿开头语和结束语? -
连月硫酸: 开头语:Holle!everyone,I'm glad transmission English for you .Now plese listen to me. 结束语:Thank you for listening!I'm look forward to meeting with you next monday again ,Goodbye!

丹棱县18668139469: 寻英语广播的开头与结尾语 -
连月硫酸:[答案] Good afternoon My friendsI am...This...RadioIs darkness around u Only?Let me turn on the light in the Darkness For you....that's all i about to say ,thank you.

丹棱县18668139469: 谁有 >校园英语广播站的开头语和结束语? -
连月硫酸: 开头语, Good morning, my dear classmates! 结束语 Wish you all a wonderful day!

丹棱县18668139469: 寻英语广播的开头与结尾语 -
连月硫酸: 您好!Good afternoon My friends I am...This...RadioIs darkness around u Only?Let me turn on the light in the Darkness For you....that's all i about to say ,thank you.

丹棱县18668139469: 求几段广播站英语播音时的开头语和结束语? -
连月硫酸: Welcome to join in us!I'm`````Today we will `````,now,let's `````Thanks for listening to us carefully,see you next time,bye bye!

丹棱县18668139469: 求一个广播站英语演讲稿的开头与结尾
连月硫酸: 结束语 -In conclusion, I'd like to… -I'd like to finish by… -Finally… -By way of conclusion… -I hope I have made myself understood -I hope you have found this useful -I hope this has given you some idea/clear idea/an outline of… -Let me end by saying...

丹棱县18668139469: 我进校园广播站了,谁能帮我找一小段英语开场白和结束语?我广播时要用的,就念几句英文谚语,他们说得来及句开场白,还有一句结束语,千万不要太... -
连月硫酸:[答案] Good afternoon My friendsI am XXXThis XXX RadioIs darkness around u Only?Let me turn on the light in the Darkness For youThanks listening this is XXX RadioNext time I'll Shine Ur Eyes

丹棱县18668139469: 急需“英语广播”开头结束语(校园广播)
连月硫酸: 开头:英语天空,教育特色,与国际接轨,与世界同步,今天的sunshy park将与您共度过这个悠闲的中午. 结束: 今天的校园动听广播到这里,全部内容已经结束了,如果夕阳把最后的黄金收藏起来,白昼越来越陷入黑暗之中,星星从黑暗中冒了出来,像孩童的眼睛;月亮也露出了笑脸,不知不觉,15分钟又过去了..恬静的天空,我们的校园动听到这里已经全部结束了,祝大家下午学习进步,有个好心情,各位老师工作顺利,我们明天同一时间,依然相约. 翻译的工作就留给你自己了,我不太擅长,谢谢采纳!!!

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