英语 时间书写的格式,关于时间的介词,以及日期时间一起出现时书写的格式和介词

作者&投稿:壬单 (若有异议请与网页底部的电邮联系)

in 的用法如下:

at 用于表示时刻,时间的某一点
at noon
at night
at present
at 8 o'clock
We usually have lunch at 12.
on 用于某天,某天的上,下午(指具体某一天时,一律用on) 返回
on Monday
on Tuesday morning
on June 12th
on a cold night
on the night of May 1st
We didn't listen to the lecture on Friday afternoon.
in 用于表示周,月,季节,年,泛指的上午,下午,晚上
in the week
in May
in spring
in 1992
in the morning
in the afternoon 返回
in the night
People go skating in winter.
before 在...之前
Wash your hands before dinner.
He will call me before he leaves here.
after 在...之后
Let's sing some songs after school.
Please close the door after you leave the room.
by 在...之前;截至...
How many English books had you read by the end of last year.
untill(till) 直到...为止 (untill 与 till 可通用)
We didn't begin to watch TV untill (till) nine o'clock.
I'll wait for him untill he comes here.
for 达...之久 返回
He has lived here for 20 years.
We will stay in the city for two days.
during 在...期间
They are going to have a good rest during the summer holidays.
through 一直...(从开始到结束)
They played the cards through the night.
from 从...起(时间)
The meeting will be held from eight to ten.
The meeting will be held at eight
since 自从...以来(表示从以前某时一直到现在仍在继续)
I have been sick since yesterday.
The doctor has saved a lot of lives since he became a doctor.
表示时间的经过等用in,within 返回
in 在...后(未来时间)
in an hour
in a week or so
He will be back in five hours.
They said they would arrive here in a week.
within 不超过...的范围
within 3 hours
I must finish painting the cat within five minutes.
They worked hard. They finished the work within 2 days at last.
表示场所的介词: at,in,on,under,by,near,between.
表示方向的介词: into,out of,along,acros,through,to,from.
at 在某地点(表示比较狭窄的场所) 返回
at school
at home
at No.2 Baker Street
at a factory
I'll meet him at the Beijing railway station.
in 在某地(表示比较宽敞的场所)
in Beijing
in China
in the world
in the street
She was born in China.
on a.在...上面,有接触面
on the desk
There are two maps on the wall.
on the right
on the river
above 在...上方
Our plane flew above the clouds.
over 在...正上方,是under的反义词 返回
There is light over Li Ming.
A few birds were flying over the sea.
under 在...下面;在...之内
under the table
under the jacket
The dog is under the table.
below 在...下方(不一定是正下方)
There are a lot of fishes below the surface of the water.
near 近的,不远的
near = not far
Is there a bus stop near here
by 在...旁边,距离比near要近
by the window
by me
The boy is standing by the window.
between,among,around 返回
between 在两者之间
My teacher is sitting between Tom and Mike.
What's the difference between A and B
among 在三者或更多的之中
There is a beautiful house among the trees.
He is very popular among the students.
around 环绕,在...周围,在...四周
We sat around the table.
They walked around the street.
in front of,behind
in front of 在...的前面;在...的前部
The is a tree in front of the house.
There is a big desk for the teacher in front of the classroom.
behind 在...后面 是 in front of的反义词 返回
There is a tree behind the house.
in,into,out of
in 在...之内,用于表示静止的位置
The students are in the classroom.
into 进入
The students run into the classroom.
He jumped into the water.
out of 和into一样,也表示有一定的运动方向
The students rushed out of the room.
along 沿着
I was walking along the river when it began to rain.
across 横过 返回
I often swim across the river
through 贯穿,通过
The river was through the city.
to 到达...地点(目的地)或方向
He came to Japan in 1980.
Tom has gone to school.
for 表示目的地,"向..."
I'll leave for America next week.
leave for 动身去...
start for 出发去...
from 从...地点起...
It's about ten minutes' walk from here to the cinema.
How far is it from our school to the hospital
with a. 和...在一起
Will you please go with me
b. 具有,带有
He was a handsome boy with large bright eyes.
c. 用某工具或方法 返回
Li Li cut her hand with a knife.
I see with my eyes.
He wrote the letter with a new pen.
in 表示用什么材料(例如用墨水,铅笔)等,或用什么语言,或者表示衣着,声调特点时,不用with,而用in
She wrote a letter in black ink.
Don't write it in pencil but in ink.
by 通过...方法,手段
He goes to school by bicycle.
of, from
of (属于)...的;表示...的数量或者种类
This is a map of China.
Will you please give me a cup of tea
from 来自(某地,某人);以...起始(时间或地点) 返回
I'm from Nanjing.
I have got a letter from my friend.
without 没有,是with的反义词
Men can't live without air and water.
I can't read the book without using a dictionary.
Please give me a cup of coffee without milk.
Please give me a cup of coffer with milk.
like 象...一样
Nancy is just like her mother.
as 作为
He is famous as a scientist here.
against,about 返回
against 反对;靠着
He is against the plan.
The teacher is standing against the blackboard.
about a. 关于;各处;身旁
Tell me something about your life.
He looked about himself.
I have no money about(= with) me.
b. 询问某人某物的情况或提出建议
What about your sister
How about going to the park

  He goes to school at seven o’clock in the morning. 他早晨七点上学。  
  Can you finish the work in two days. 你能在两天内完成这个工作吗?  Linda was born on the second of May. 琳达五月二日出生。
  1. at后常接几点几分,天明,中午,日出,日落,开始等。如:  
  at five o’clock (五点),at down (黎明),at daybreak (天亮),at sunrise (日出),at noon (中午),at sunset (日落),at midnight (半夜),at the beginning of the month (月初), at that time (那时),at that moment (那会儿),at this time of day (在一天的这个时候)。  
  2. in后常接年,月,日期,上午,下午,晚上,白天,季节,世纪等。如:  
  in 2006(2006年),in May,2004 (2004年五月),in the morning (早晨/上午),in the afternoon (下午),in the evening (晚上),in the night (夜晚),in the daytime (白天),in the 21st century (21世纪),in three days (weeks/month)三天(周/个月),in a week (一周),in spring (春季)。  
  3. on后常接某日,星期几,某日或某周日的朝夕,节日等。如:  
  on Sunday (星期日),on a warm morning in April (四月的一个温暖的上午),on a December night (12月的一个夜晚),on that afternoon (那天下午),on the following night (下一个晚上),on Christmas afternoon (圣诞节下午),on October 1,1949 (1949年10月1日),on New Year’s Day (新年),on New Year’s Eve (除夕),on the morning of the 15th (15日的早上)等
1. on,in,at表示时间
“当某时”,动名词, arrival,death前;early,late位句先②,用in一般“上”“下”“晚”;on用于天,in用于月、季、年③;限定三时in要变。④at是个时间点,“工作”“时刻”与“圣诞”⑤。at noon(night),in the day,习惯用语记心间。注:①on表示在具体某一天及具体某一天的上午、下午和晚上。
例 On mother's Day, we should send flowers to our mother. 母亲节,我们应该送花给我们的母亲。
On my arrival home,I found he had gone already.当我到家时,我发现他已经走了。
② 当early,late用于句首修饰介词短语时,尽管表示具体某一天的上午、下午、晚上,都要用in,泛指一般的上、下午,晚上也用in 。
例 Early in the morning of National Day,I got up to catch the first bus to the zoo.国庆节一清早,我便起床去赶到动物园的第一班公共汽车。
My father begins work at 8:00 in the morning and stops work at 4:00 in the afternoon. 我父亲上午8点上班,下午4点下班。
③于将来时态表示“过一段时间后” 及表示“在……期间” 和“在某个季节,某年、某月” 都用in。
例 I hear he’ll be back in a month.我听说他将于一个月后回来。
In the course of the last lesson in French,little Franz was listening to the master very attentively.在那最后一堂法语课中,小弗朗兹非常用心地听着老师讲。
Xiao Ming was born in December of 2004. 小明生于2004年12月。
④当 morning,afternoon,evening有前位定语或后置定语限定时,就不用in而用on。
例 on a hot (summer) noon 在一个炎热(夏天)的中午
on Monday morning 在星期一上午
on the morning of March 8th在3月8日上午
⑤ 表示某时某刻及在work,Christmas前用at。
例 We get up at eight o’clock. 我们8点起床。
My father are busily at work all day. 我父亲整天忙于工作。
In western countries children get present from their parents at Christmas. 在西方国家,孩子们在圣诞节得到父亲给的礼物。
in the village(在村里 in the street(在街上) in the fields(在田里)
in the woods(在树林里) in the wall(在墙里面,例如在墙上打个钉)
on 表示在一个平面上,例如: on the table(在桌上) on the lake(在湖面上)
on the wall(在墙上,例如在墙的平面上挂幅画)
We swim in the river.(我们在河里游泳) We have a house on the river.(我们有座房子在河面上)
1. 表示在较长的时间里(如周/月份/季节/年份/世纪等)。如:in a week; in May; in spring/summer/autumn/winter; in 2008; in the 1990’s等。
2. 表示在上午、下午或晚上。如:in the morning/afternoon/evening。
3. in the daytime(在白天)属于固定搭配,指从日出到日落这一段时间,反义词组是in the night。
4. “in +一段时间”表示“多久以后/以内”,常与将来时连用。如:in half an hour; in ten minutes; in a few days等。
【on】我是 “二姐”,我后面所接的时间多与日期有关。具体用法有:
1. 表示在具体的某一天(如日期、生日、节日或星期几)。如:on May 4th, 1919; on Monday; on Teachers’ Day; on my birthday; on that day等。
2. 表示某一天的上午、下午或晚上。如:on the morning of July 2; on Sunday afternoon; on a cold winter evening等。
1. 表示在某一具体时刻,即几点几分。如:at six o’clock; at half past nine; at a quarter to six; at this time等。
2. 表示在某一短暂的时间。如:at noon; at this moment; at the end of a year; at the start of the concert等。

临桂县19571752105: 英语 时间书写的格式,关于时间的介词,以及日期时间一起出现时书写的格式和介词 -
钟离娜龙凤:[答案] 介词at,in与on在时间方面的用法辨析 at表示时间的一点;in表示一个时期;on表示特殊日子.如: He goes to school at seven o'clock in the morning. 他早晨七点上学. Can you finish the work in two days. 你能在两天内完成这个工作吗?Linda ...

临桂县19571752105: 各种表示时间的英语写法! -
钟离娜龙凤:[答案] 英语时间通常用以下两种方法表达:1.直接表达法A.用基数词 + o'clock来表示整点,注意o'clock须用单数,可以省略.如:eight o'clock 八点钟,ten (o'clock) 十点钟B.用基数词按钟点 + 分钟的顺序直接写出时间.如:eleve...

临桂县19571752105: 有关英语时间的写法 -
钟离娜龙凤: 从一月到十二月分别是 January Jan. February Feb. March Mar. April Apr. May May. June Jun. July Jul. August Aug. September Sep./Sept. October Oct. November Nov. December Dec.星期一 Monday 星期二 Tuesday 星期三 Wednesday 星期四 Thursday 星期五 Friday 星期六 Saturday 星期天 Sunday

临桂县19571752105: 这些英语时间的两种写法!这些时间分别是:7:00 8:40 9:50 10:20 11:30 12:15 1:45 3:10 这些写法就是说超过了一个钟就...past... -
钟离娜龙凤:[答案] 7:00seven o'clock8:40eight forty、twenty to nine9:50nine fifty、ten to ten10:20ten twenty、twenty past ten11:30eleven thirty、half past eleven12:15twelve fifteen、a quarter past twelve1:45one forty five、a quarter to two3:10three ten、ten past three

临桂县19571752105: 英语时间(点钟)怎么写请告诉我如何正确写出英语时间的几种说法,还有特定时间的写法, -
钟离娜龙凤:[答案] 顺读法 逆读法 整点时间 eight 或 eight o'clock 小于30分钟 8:05 eight five five past eight 8:15 eight fifteen a quarter past eight 等于30分钟 8:30 eight thirty half past eight 大于30分种 8:40 eight forty twenty past eight 8:45 eight forty-five a quarter to nine

临桂县19571752105: 英语时间的几种写法1什么.to.2 haft past.等等, -
钟离娜龙凤:[答案] 例如 8:20 eight twenty 8:45 a quarter to nine 8:55 five to nine 8:30 half past eight

临桂县19571752105: 英语时间的几种写法 -
钟离娜龙凤: 比如你说的12:30可以有两种表达方式:half past twelve和twelve thirty,前者更为常用.而你这个例子比较特殊刚好到半,那么我在把其他几种也列举一下吧.比如另一个特殊的12:15 quarter past twelve和twelve fifteen 那么剩下的在半之前就直接读数字如:12:20twelve twenty 12:25twelve twenty five等,那半之后也可以直接读数字如12:40twelve forty 但更常用的是twety to one(差20分1点).如果你觉得麻烦或者不好理解,所有的时间都可以直接按顺序读数字也是可以的.

临桂县19571752105: 英文日期格式,如何写正确? -
钟离娜龙凤: 一、英文日期的写法分英式和美式,举例如下: 1、 8th March,2004 或8 March,2004(英式) 2、 March 8th,2004 或March 8,2004 (美式) 二、日期写法应遵从下列规则:1、年份必须完全写明,不可用"04代替2004; 2、月份必须用英文拼出...

临桂县19571752105: 英语时间的5种表达方式 -
钟离娜龙凤: 表达方法 (1)抒情.抒情就是抒发和表现作者的感情.它是抒情文体中的主要表达方式,在一般的文学作品和记叙文中,也常常把它作为重要的辅助表达手段. (2)描写.描写是把描写对象的状貌、情态描绘出来,再现给读者的一种表达方式....

临桂县19571752105: 有关英语时间的写法问一下英语1—12月和星期一—星期日怎么写呀? -
钟离娜龙凤:[答案] 从一月到十二月分别是 January Jan. February Feb. March Mar. April Apr. May May. June Jun. July Jul. August Aug. September Sep./Sept. October Oct. November Nov. December Dec.星期一 Monday 星期二 Tuesday...

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