
作者&投稿:子盆 (若有异议请与网页底部的电邮联系)

I will let you have the happiness of growing up
and make you like a princess day by day
all your dreams will be satisfied
I will plant the happiness of growing up
let those who are worried about you today
will envy you tomrrow noisily








































Let the world filled with love (让世界充满爱)

Tenderly holding you face
To wipe away you tears
My heart always belong to you
Tell me you’ll never be alone

Looking deeply into you eyes
No need to say another word
Holding tightly onto your hands
This warmth will never ever change

Together we share joy
We share same sorrow
And we have the same aspiration
Together we strive
Together we dream
We treasure the same love in our hearts

No matter if we know each other
No matter if you’re here or faraway
Let us pray with sincerity
To wish you peace and happiness.

Gently won your face
For you to dry your tears
Zhe Kexin will always belong to you
I will not tell the lonely

Staring at your eyes deeply
Do not need more language
Tightly hold your hand
This warm still did not change

We share the joy
We endure the same
We look forward with the same
We have wind and rain
We have to pursue
We treasure the love of the same

Whether you know I could have
In both the immediate horizon
Sincere wish for you
I wish you happiness peace

Stars - the world is full of


Tenderly holding you face

To wipe away you tears

My heart always belong to you

Tell me you’ll never be alone

Looking deeply into you eyes

No need to say another word

Holding tightly onto your hands

This warmth will never ever change

Together we share joy

We share same sorrow

And we have the same aspiration

Together we strive

Together we dream

We treasure the same love in our hearts

No matter if we know each other

No matter if you’re here or faraway

Let us pray with sincerity

To wish you peace and happiness.


》高手进来下 歌词翻译
I've been sittin round way too long Tryin' to figure you out 我坐在这儿太久了,试图理解你。But you say that you'll call and you don't And I'm spinnin my wheels 可你说你会给我电话却没打 我急得团团转。So I'm goin out tonight in my red high heels 所以今晚我将穿着...

Always [ウサギキノコ - eclipse]#7 words: 茶太 music: bassy 歌:茶太 超早起きした日に限って 色々トラブルものなのかな chou hayaoki shita nichi ni kagitte iroiro toraburu mononanokana 今朝はトースターが壊れたし(がくぅ~、うそぉ~!)kesa ha to^suta^ ga koware tashi ...

スーパーロボット永远なれ 永远的超级机器人 作词:なかの★阳 作词:中野 阳 作曲:川菜 翠 编曲:西沢 明 歌:钢鉄兄弟 --- <★…1号、☆…2号> ★☆Wow! wow! wow! ……喔!喔!喔!★我らは钢鉄の巨人 我们是钢铁巨人 ★☆Wow! wow! wow! ……喔!喔!喔!☆その名はスー...

でっかい勇気の花は君の过去の栄光なのか たとえすっぱい雨风に打たれても咲かせてきたのに うざったい世间の裏と表のど真ん中 花びらの色は白か�\\かのどっちかだ 应该是在最后重复的内容 这个……每一句我都隔行翻译的,有的是意译,你懂的 earth君,这次又是神马歌曲?

なつのかぜきらめくまちに にげみずおいかける あなたのすがた しんこきゅうしておいかけるけど ちいさくきえてゆくせなかに そっとつぶやいた ねむれないよるに ひとみ(め)をとじて おもいえがくみらいには ふたりのえがお それいがい もうみえない こんなにせつない...

もしわたしはあなたがいない生活がすがなければならない 昼は暇になって 夜は长くなって あなたが见える、きちんと あなたのことが爱していたかもしれない けど今度の感じより强いことはない 私たちはしている、梦はまだ若い 梦は私たち好きなところに连れて行って 今 私...

不只是爱 求高手把这首歌词翻译成英文
to look for you 只为等待你出现的那一天 just wait for the day you appear 到最后发现 To the end I found 就是你填满我心的所有 it's you that fill all my heart 从今以后我所有呼吸都只为你 from now on all my breath is for you 翻译的一般哈。。直译而已,希望高人指点 ...

把生命交给我 [00:43.38]舞台(ぶたい)の幕(まく)は下(お)りて 惨剧(さんげき)を缲(く)り返(かえ)す 舞台上的大幕拉开 悲剧从复上演 [00:51.71]消(き)えてゆく その声(こえ)を Ah 取(と)り戻(もど)したいの [00:59.28]慢慢的消失 那声音 想要拿回来 [01:00.63]哀...

I dreamed I was missing,you were so scared 我在梦中迷失自我,你恐惧万分 But no one would listen,cause no one else cared 没有人倾听,因为没有人在意 After my dreaming,I woke with this fear:梦醒了,恐惧依然没有消散 What am I leaving when I'm done here?该怎么面对我所做的...

ラテのご酔っカップを使用する あなたは、もう少し私を爱しできるように、この気持ちがわからない味をつぶす あなたが长いことで滞在することはありません 私の前にあなたと彼を参照してください。私の爱を证明するには、単に无知である あなたは、谁が私のやつれたわからな...

朝阳区18358957485: 拜托高手把下面的歌词翻译成英文,十分感谢!
白虹香砂: 是这个 I have no friends to borrow money in a famine edge Baby~ I am starving to go into hospital Eyes Phone has become so fast just like a tornado Can't change that I didn't have enough money to buy I can't change I can't change I can't I can't ...

朝阳区18358957485: 高手来帮忙翻译这首歌词成英语,万分谢谢 -
白虹香砂: Your charming eyes captured my heart I don't think anything more deadly than this I tried to end this lost feelings But I found no courage and you said goodbye To love you is to end his injury Is all this will be doomed You don't belong to me why and I ...

朝阳区18358957485: 英文高手请进:请将《老人与海》的歌词翻译成英语 -
白虹香砂: 秋天的夜凋零在漫天落叶里面 Wither inside fallen leaves all over the sky at night in autumn 泛黄世界一点一点随风而渐远 Yellowing world is farther and farther with wind bit by bit 冬天的雪白色了你我的情人节 Your and my Valentine's Day of white in...

朝阳区18358957485: 请高手将《如果没有你》歌词翻译成英文!谢谢 -
白虹香砂: hey-I am thinking of you,with raining of side of the window.My eyes has no tears, but I wanna cry.Please tell me, where are you now.Hey, I am really missing you,with too much feeling and no proper expression,where is the beginning of the words I ...

朝阳区18358957485: 请求英语高手翻译歌词
白虹香砂: 让我来为你唱一首为你写的歌 也许这个旋律不是你的风格,但我想试试 这是一个夏天的故事 主角只有我和你 每天我都想更加了解你 每天我都想告诉你我真实的想法 你知道在我内心深处 我已经习惯了爱你 蓝蓝的天空下,你就在我身边 这时你涨红了你美丽的脸 当我看见你微笑,那就像一个奇迹 我才知道,原来快乐真的存在 (重复一段) 我用我所有生命来想你,来爱你 因为我知道你也爱我 我希望你用你喜欢的方式吻我 那这将是永恒的记忆…… (完) 哇( ⊙o⊙ )……我真的纯手工翻译额…… 看我辛苦半天……采纳了吧……

朝阳区18358957485: 求英语翻译高手把光辉岁月的歌词翻译下谢谢 -
白虹香砂: 中文歌词:(下附有英文歌词) 钟声响起归家的讯号 在他生命里彷佛带点唏嘘 黑色肌肤给他的意义 是一生奉献 肤色斗争中 年月把拥有变做失去 疲倦的双眼带着期望 今天只有残留的躯壳 迎接光辉岁月 风雨中抱紧自由 一生经过彷徨的挣扎 自信...

朝阳区18358957485: 英语高手帮帮忙,翻译一下下面的歌词
白虹香砂: The beginning of the start we are children, the last of the last eager to become an angel. Songs the shadow of song hiding fairy tale, the children's children this was to fly to where to go.

朝阳区18358957485: 有哪位高手能把《小手拉大手》的歌词翻译成英语啊? -
白虹香砂: 还记得那场音乐会的烟火 还记得那个凉凉的深秋 还记得人潮把你推向了我 游乐园拥挤的正是时候 Keeping in memory that oncert sparler Keeping in mind that cool autumn day Keeping in mind that way you were pushed towards me Thanks to the ...

朝阳区18358957485: 哪位英语高手帮我翻译下面一段歌词. -
白虹香砂: 翻译 Trail Of Broken Hearts Here we are far beyond the distant sky 在这远离天际的地方 Seen all the world and how the story will be over 我们曾走遍世界,看到故事的终结 Through the snow and tainted mountains we have climbed 穿过风雪爬越高...

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