
作者&投稿:毓研 (若有异议请与网页底部的电邮联系)

liuxiang looked anxious just now.
the daytime is getting shorter and shorter.
they talked for one-half of an hour
he turned a famous pianist when he was just fiften years old
she got home very late last night.

1. I want to talk with you this afternoon.
2. He has read the book many times.
3. They have finished the project successfully.

4. I wrote a letter last night.
5. The gentleman can speak three languages fluently.

1.Thank you very much for your care for me during I was sick.
2.We sincerely invite you to attend our party.
3.I am writing you this letter to complain about the noise from the next room.
4.If you can help me water the smallpox, I would be very grateful.
5.I in the online campus learn that you want to recruit an English announcer, close-up this letter to apply for the position.

1. Thank you very much for taking care of me while I was sick.
2. We sincerely invite you to attend our party.
3. I'm writing to file a complain about the noise coming from next door.
4. It's much appreciated if you could water my flowers for a few days.
5. I'm writing to apply for the English broadcaster position that you posted on the school's net.

1. Thank you very much that you are taken care of me during the my sick/ill period.
2. We sincerely invite you to attend our meetings.
3. I am writing to complain about the noise problem that coming from the next room.
4. I will be really gradeful if you can help taking care of my flowes this few days.
5. I learned that you have to hire an English broadcaster from the campus network, thus I am writing this letter as the purpose of applying the job.


按照你的要求翻译的:1 This coat is much cheaper than that one 2 I would rather stay at home than to see the boring soccers 3 Tom's leg was hurted when running ,as a result he had to leave school a few day 4 It does not matter if you came late - we will wait for...

(3)有小部分的同学表示不喜欢新教材,因为句子复杂,很难理解.There are small number of students don't like the new textbooks due to its complex sentences and hard to understand.(4)有一部分同学没有发表意见.There are some student have no opinion about the new textbooks.(5)我认为...

1. There are about 100 tigers wild in China.2. He has a few friends. But he has few good ones.3. Turn on the computer. Let us play the computer games.4. The farmers are very busy all the year round.5. They are making preparations for the math test....

Come here baby,it's time to have lunch.He is in great trouble,let's help him.You'd better go home as it's getting dark.LiuXiang is as famous as YaoMing in China.The camera is too old to use.

It takes a lot of time to learn English.He has enough time to do his homework every day.You must be responsible for your study.How far is it from China to England?What is the population of the world ?

1, Does the letter reflect your feeling?2, It is difficult to predict the long-term consequences of this accident.3 I envy her ability to talk with stranger.4, The company is famous in a friendly and efficient service.5 I knocked at the door, but no response....

The museum is near, why not walk there.3.你最好每周帮父母做些家务 You`d better help your parents do some housework.4.他过去花太多时间玩电脑游戏,结果对学习不感兴趣 He used to spend much time playing computer games which resulted in uninterested in studying.5.媒体那我到家时,...

3. 我们不赞成他认为自己应得到特殊待遇的态度。We don't agree with his attitude that he believes he should receive special treatment.4. 据说这一地区早在两千年前农业就很先进。It is said that the agriculture in the area were advanced over 2000 years ago .5. 瞧他是如何操作这机器的...

기가 죽어 있다가 지금은 또 흥분되어 있네】真是个长不大的孩子啊!【정말 철없는 애구나.】...

7、给我的电话充满电通常要花一个小时 译文:It always takes me one hour to make my phone full of power.8、毫无疑问今天实验中的动物受到很好的照顾 译文:There is no doubt that the animals have received very good treatment in today's experiment.这都是我自己翻译的,没有用很难的...

杜尔伯特蒙古族自治县18366759505: 英语翻译5句句子种翻英1、我的想法是,在他们困难的时候要给他们以帮助.2、我们系有必要再建一个计算机中心.3、老太太希望能活到看见孙子上大学.4、... -
鄞凌膜固:[答案] 1.my opinion is giving them helps when they have difficulties 2.it is necessary for our department to establish a computer centre 3.the old woman/lady hope can live to the day when her grandson enter into the university 4.he talk that city as if he has been ...

杜尔伯特蒙古族自治县18366759505: 英语翻译请大家帮忙把下列五个句子翻译成中文.1、 In fact,at times I have spent as long as three weeks alone at home,going out only to get mail and buy ... -
鄞凌膜固:[答案] 1. 事实上, 我曾试过三星期都宅在家里,只偶尔出去收信,买买报纸和零食. 2. 我渐渐有了一种我已经与机器(电脑)合为一体的感觉,接收数据,再吐出数据,我已经成为了网络中又一个链接. 3. 起初看似奢侈的生活方式——从床上爬起来打开电...

杜尔伯特蒙古族自治县18366759505: 英语翻译帮忙翻译以下5个句子:1 他准备给我工作,这使我大吃一惊2 因为雨太大,参观博物得推迟到明天了 3 请全校师生于周三下午二时在会议室集中,... -
鄞凌膜固:[答案] 1 他准备给我工作,这使我大吃一惊 I was surprised by him because he is going to arrange a job for me. 2 因为雨太大,参观博物得推迟到明天了 The action of visiting museum was postponed to tomorrow because of the heavy rain. 3 请全校师生于周三...

杜尔伯特蒙古族自治县18366759505: 英语翻译以下5个句子(词汇量保证高中之内,要求手工,混分别来)(1)我们应该竭尽全力保护珍贵的水资源.(2)我们必须采取行动跟上新的发展形势.... -
鄞凌膜固:[答案] 1.We should do our best to protect the rare water resources. 2.We must act to follow up the new situation of the development . 3. What's the meaning that you lie me ? 4. The more serious is that you have not realized your mistake. / It is more serious that ...

杜尔伯特蒙古族自治县18366759505: 英语翻译帮我翻译5句句子~中学水平就行了@~1、因为这一部电影的主角和其他人相处得很好.2、因为这部电影中的配角看上去很可疑.3、因为电影还没有放... -
鄞凌膜固:[答案] 1.Because the actor in this movie gets along well with others. 2.Because the costar in this movie looks doubtful. 3.Because the movie is not over. 4.Because I like beautiful endings. 5.Because there are so many movies with beautiful endings.

杜尔伯特蒙古族自治县18366759505: 翻译5个英文句子 -
鄞凌膜固: 1.We will meet at the school gate at a quarter to nine may fifth to welcome the friends from a America. 2.Please take the guest to the library for the get-together. 3.Take the guests to visit the factory set up by school,labs,teaching buildings,and the ...

杜尔伯特蒙古族自治县18366759505: 帮忙用英文翻译下面5个句子用八年级上册的知识翻译.1.他刚吃过晚饭.2.你曾唱过这首英文歌吗?3.他们还没有做作业.4.我们从来没有看过电影.5.他死了.拜托... -
鄞凌膜固:[答案] 都要用完成时 1.He has just had supper. 2.Have you ever sung this English song? 3.They haven't done their homework yet. 4.We have never seen the film. 5.He has died.

杜尔伯特蒙古族自治县18366759505: 英语翻译必须使用五个句子表达全部内容:1.树木能为人们提供建筑和制造桌椅纸张的木材2.可以改造氧气,净化空气3.盛夏时遮荫,美化环境4.防止水土流失... -
鄞凌膜固:[答案] 1. the trees can provide for the people the construction and manufacture furniture paper's lumber 2. may transform the oxygen, scavenging air 3. midsummer when provide shade, beautified environment 4. conservation of soil against erosion 5. we ...

杜尔伯特蒙古族自治县18366759505: 用英语翻译5个句子
鄞凌膜固: 1.If an ox for strollers is not interested, that there is less than strollers change he wanted his ox. 2.People will shells from one place to another place, trade it for what you want. 3.Modern society cash have two kinds of forms, one kind is notes, one ...

杜尔伯特蒙古族自治县18366759505: 翻译句子5个英语句子 -
鄞凌膜固: 1你每天怎样去上学?骑自行车 How do you go to school everyday? By bike. 2你一天睡几个小时?How many hours do you sleep a day? 3这是谁的书?我的Whose book is this? Mine. 4我一点也不喜欢他?你呢,你喜欢他吗?I do not like him at all. How about you? Do you like him? 5这种人平时很细心,因为他的学习不错 Because he is always very careful, his achievement is very good.

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