帮忙翻译一句话 我的英语基础不好,问题回答的可能不好,但是我希望老师能让我通过英语口语口试

作者&投稿:才旦栏 (若有异议请与网页底部的电邮联系)


我的英语老师大概二十五六岁 他是个男老师 第一次接触他的时候感觉他很严厉 他上课很认真 呵呵~ 也很帅

虽然他才上了我们一个月的时间的课 可是还是觉得 挺喜欢他上的课的 因为他认真 耐心 我们班的同学英语都不好 可是他还是很认真的在上 很认真的在教 不会的单词总是一遍又一遍 其他的我就不了解了 因为我对他的了解仅仅如此 剩下的以后了解了在说吧 现在来说我个人认为我还是很喜欢他的。

英文 But my score for english is not good, hope teacher can help me to improve my score in english

Although my groundwork of English is poor and my answers to the questions are may not perfect,but I do like English.I really want to pass the English Speaking Test, hope you teachers could let me pass the English Speaking Test.Please give me a chance,I will do better in the future and you will find out I have talented gift of English if you let me pass.



I am not good at english and may not answer the questions quite well, but I hope that the teacher would let me pass the English speaking test.

亲手打 请采纳

My English foundation is bad, the answer may be not good, but I hope the teacher can let me through oral English oral test

Although my English is poor and my answers to the questions are not perfect, I still hope you teachers (professors) could let me pass the English Speaking Test

my english is poor, the question i answered may not good, but still wish my generous teachers to let me pass the english oral test

麻山区18889578357: 麻烦英语老师帮忙翻译一下:我的英语不好,如果说错话,请不要介意.我一直都会很尊敬你. 请问可以告诉 -
穆保正堂: 我的英语不好,如果说错话,请不要介意.我一直都会很尊敬你.请问可以告诉我你其它的联系方式吗?比如电子邮箱或QQ.Please don't mind if I say something wrong because of my poor English.I am always respecting you,and would you please tell me how to contact you the other way,like your mail address or you QQ number.Thank you.

麻山区18889578357: 请高手帮忙翻译一下句子我得英语很差,现在有9个句子不是很会翻译,
穆保正堂: 1.除了去公园以外,这个夏天我就没有出过公寓.(apart from) I just stayed in the apartment apart from going to the parks. 2.这些科学实验的结果对于我们非常有价值,...

麻山区18889578357: 有些话很伤我的心 英语怎么说我的英语不好···帮我翻译一下这句话. -
穆保正堂:[答案] 听我的: 有些话很伤我的心 some words hurt me deeply !地道的~

麻山区18889578357: 请大家帮忙翻译下这几句话?我英语不好,我想你已经听明白了.我想你已经看明白了.
穆保正堂: My English is not so good. I think you have understood what I said.

麻山区18889578357: 我英语很差,特别是语法,能不能帮忙下翻译下句子,要用状语词句的形式,急用.谢谢!!!!
穆保正堂: 1.He likes travelling where there is a sea.2.Please put these books where they were.3.It rained last night, so the ground is wet.4.It must have rained yesterday evening, because the ground is very wet.5.Since everyone understands, let's start.6.As the ...

麻山区18889578357: 我的英语基础很不好! -
穆保正堂: 没有兴趣真的是一个很大的困难,之前我也是很讨厌英语,也是因为工作有点用,被同事拐起一起学的,如果楼主在成都的话,可以来我现在学习的这个地方,叫韦沃教育.说实话,我们几个同事之前是比...

麻山区18889578357: 我英文是在是太差了,请高手帮忙翻译一句话! -
穆保正堂: What's left besides beauty? Tenderness is your charm, kindness is your virtue, sweetness is your nature, the most valuable of all, your love is sincere! Thank you, my angel!

麻山区18889578357: 英语翻译我语法不好,会单词但是不会凑成句子.求帮忙翻译,面试会提问的一些句子,因为是去国外工作,所以非常重要,1.你认为一个销售人员应该具备什... -
穆保正堂:[答案] What qualification do you think is essitial for a sales?What advantage do you think you have?Why should I hire you?Comparing to the other candidates,where do you think you are better than them?If...

麻山区18889578357: 谁帮忙翻译下我英语不好
穆保正堂: 确实有语病,forever是副词,不可直接修饰此处作为名词的love ,但如果把第一句改成“loving forever is sad .”就没问题了(如果忽略其他句子小错误)但大意我大概了解:相爱到永远是痛苦的,它会时常伤害我们,我爱你,但你可能让我很受伤,有时候,某些事我不说,例如……但你(作为我的男朋友)应该做一些你理应做的事!每个人都有一颗心,我的心已经没有剩余空间了因为全部被你占据(这句我是义译直译是因为你是我心里最重要的那个)!最后一句也有语病,如果你的“it ”指的是前面的heart 的话,就该用which fills in love .

麻山区18889578357: 我的英语差,其中一个原因是,一个句子中不知道如何翻译成中文,求求各位大神帮助一下 -
穆保正堂: 如果一句话中的单词都能理解,那就是语法掌握的不够熟练.翻译句子,首先就要单词量足够,其次就是语法掌握的好,这样才能把单词串成句子

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