
作者&投稿:朝刘 (若有异议请与网页底部的电邮联系)

DOCTOR: What seems to be the problem?
YOU: I haven't been feeling well... I have been throwing up ( = vomiting) for the past 12 hours.

DOCTOR: I see... And do you have a fever?
YOU: Yes, I checked my temperature two hours ago. It was 101 (38.5 c.)
DOCTOR: Hmmm.... Sounds like you got food poisoning(食物中毒). Does your body feel sore?
YOU: Yes, my body does hurt a little.
DOCTOR: OK. I'm going to prescribe an antibiotic... Penicillin...
YOU: I'm allergic to Penicillin... Could you prescribe another one?
DOCTOR: Oh, OK. I'll prescribe another one... Take one pill every six hours, drink plenty of water, and stay in bed for the next 24 hours.
YOU: Thank you, doctor! Where can I buy these pills?

DOCTOR: There's a pharmacy right next to the clinic.

1. food poisoning
2. ptomaine poisoning

Relative explainations:

1. 食物中毒可导致死亡.
Food poisoning can cause death.
2. 肠毒素由只限于肠结胸的细菌而产生的毒素,引起呕吐和腹泻并导致食物中毒
A toxin produced by bacteria that is specific for intestinal cells and causes the vomiting and diarrhea associated with food poisoning.
3. 那一回食物中毒已使我一辈子不食牡蛎了。
That bout of food poisoning has turned me off oysters for life!
4. 我吃得太多了而一天没去上班,但我却言过其实地对他说我食物中毒了。
I ate too much and had a day off work but I piled it on thick and told them I had food poisoning.

A:How to prevent food poisoning (如何预防食物中毒)B:Prevention: "If you do not clean daily food, pay attention to preservation, if possible deterioration of food by these bacteria pollution." Expert advice: First, note that after you bought the food clean; Second, meat must be cut carefully, and Note cooked; third is the long storage of food or leftovers must be fully heated cooking eat; fourth is to eat fresh foods do not store for too long, such as milk, cakes and so on.(预防:“日常食物如果不清洗干净、注意保鲜,一旦食物变质就可能受到这些细菌的污染。”专家建议:一是食物买回来后要注意清洗干净;二是肉类一定要切 细一些,并注意煮熟;三是存放久的食物,或剩饭剩菜一定要充分加热煮透再吃;四是要新鲜吃的食物千万不要存放太久,比如牛奶、蛋糕等。)
A:What are the symptoms of food poisoning?(食物中毒的症状是怎样的)B:Light only showed diarrhea, stomach pain similar to gastroenteritis, possibly accompanied by dizziness, generalized weakness. Severe diarrhea while heavy, electrolyte imbalance and lead to dehydration, high fever and chills, and even drowsiness, coma. If it is infected with Clostridium botulinum, also may have breathing difficulties and other symptoms. (轻的仅仅表现为上吐下泻、肚子疼类似胃肠炎,可能还伴有头晕、全身乏力。重的则腹泻厉害,电解质失衡而导致脱水,发高烧打寒战,甚至会嗜睡、昏迷。如果是肉毒杆菌感染,还可能有呼吸困难等症状。)A:How to First Aid? (怎样急救)B:Mild symptoms, the main attention to drink plenty of water and rest. Attention should be given the following treatment conditions, one obvious diarrhea, and more often, the spirit of difference; Second, people eat with the same symptoms occur; third is eating 2 to 3 hours after onset of symptoms, because "The shorter onset time, indicating more severe illness."(症状轻的主要注意多喝水,多休息。出现以下情况要注意及时就诊,一是有明显的上吐下泻,且次数多,精神差;二是一起吃饭的人都出现同样症状;三是进食后2~3小时内出现症状的人,因为“发病时间越短,说明病情越重”。)</SPAN></SPAN></SPAN></SPAN></SPAN></SPAN></p>

什么意思 是搜英语对话吗

这儿呢!绝无抄袭部分!希望对你有帮助!what kind of food do you like the most?你最喜欢哪种食物?I like fruit\/vegetable\/meat\/western food.我 喜欢 水果\/蔬菜\/肉食\/西餐 why do you like it?你为什么喜欢它?because it's healthy and delicious.因为它很健康而且很好吃。What food do you...

英语口语四人对话关于(1、问路 2、交朋友 3、开生日会 4、关于吃饭)
麦克拉:不,汤姆。不要带你的狗来。它将吃掉所有的食物!汤姆 :噢,好的。那么我能做什么?麦克拉:我们需要一些盘子和杯子。汤姆 :宝利有一些。我会向她借的。4 服务员 Hello, may I help you?您好,点餐吗?林涛 A Spicy Chicken Combo and two pineapple pies, please.一个麦辣鸡腿套餐...


抱怨食物的英语对话阅读|抱怨 英语对话
初中口语对话翻译:杰森:六点了,我们去吃东西吧。咪咪:好。杰森:你想吃什么?咪咪:我不是很在乎,看你吧。杰森:你想吃什么嘛?咪咪:无所谓,我厌恶这里的食物,所以真的无所谓。杰森:为什么你总是埋怨这里的食品?咪咪:开什么玩笑,美国食物太难吃了 杰森:不难吃啊,有各式各样的决定。你就...

求一部关于美食的电视剧 主人公好像可以和食物对话 可别人都不相信他...
《伙头智多星》里面张卫健和萝卜番茄说话= =

关于喜爱食物的2人英语对话 互相询问对方喜欢吃什么
what would you like?

求一篇英文口语对话 内容包括今天早餐吃的什么, 对什么食物过敏,如果...
which food do you allergies ? What did you eat for breakfast today? if you were mayor,how do you resolve the urban traffic. (呵呵 ,水平不高,错了 请严厉指正。)

询问对方喜欢与不喜欢的食物的英语对话;Would you like ……(食物)或者Do you like ……(食物)回答:Yes,I would Yes,I likeNo,thanks. No,I dont like



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