
作者&投稿:班供 (若有异议请与网页底部的电邮联系)
如何珍惜时间英语作文 初中生考试的 说明~


 Time flies like an arrow before we realize it .It is known that nothing is more precious than time. The good old proverb "time is money" reminds us that time is valuable. When time goes by, it will never return. However, it is a pity that some people don't make full use of their time .They spend a lot of time in sleeping, chatting playing computer games or other unmeaning matters. . They don't realize that wasting time is actually equal to killing themselves. They always regret not having made great achievements. One of the reasons may be they do not make good use of time. Therefore, in order to be successful, they should first get into the habit of being on time. It’s a sign of cherishing time. Don't put off what can be done today until tomorrow. Being lazy will eventually lead to failure. Don't wait, because you don't know how long it will take when you put off your plan.
  The more we are aware of the significance of this famous saying, the more benefits we will get in study or job.

Time is not money, not any of the material can be found again. Once you have lost it easily, it is always with you, merciless, respectively.
Time is not money, the most terrible thing is: when you leave it, but also from your body to steal the most valuable asset - their youth and life
Life is short, death is of course with a time of birth is far lower than if these do not make good use of time, it can be said that life is very short
Grasp the reality of a second better than to imagine a year in January

Sincc I entered juniorschool I have felt a great pressure in my mind and I just want to relax. So do my classmates. We enjoy playing games and are very skillful at it. We seldom work on our lessons unless there is an examination. I know it is not good, but what I lack is self control. Many of us know it is a problem, and it is time we did something about it.
As a students , we are in thetime of study. We should make good use of our golden time. The teachers take pains to teach us every day so that we can get more knowledge. We should not fail their expectations. The road is long. The modern age needs the well educated. The future world is highly competitive. From now on I will concentrate all my energy on my studies as to qualify myself as a talent in the 21st century. Time and tide wait for no man. I should value my time. What about you, my friend?

我们应该珍惜时间,去迎来属于自己的春天。 时间不待人。一日之计在于晨,一年之计在于春。切莫浪费时间,用自身的满腔热情去迎接属于自己的春天。 以惜时为话题的初中作文篇2 “少壮不努力,老大徒伤悲”是的,时间来去匆匆,不知不觉就溜走了,不留一点儿痕迹。 记得去年国庆假期,老师布置了许多作业,要是认真写,两天...

从小学到初中、再到高中、大学,我们可要读十几年的书呢,这十几年是我们的一个学习、掌握知识的时间,也是我们人生过程中的一个重要阶段,这个时间看似很漫长,但一愰就会过去,如果我们不充分的利用这个阶段,珍惜时间抓紧学习,我们就会失去这一掌握知识的机会,那时后悔。 也来不及,有的同学没有把学习当回事儿,上课...

珍惜亲情,珍惜青春,珍惜一切的美好的事物,生命的步伐在欢快地舞蹈,舞过鲜艳的百花,舞过荡漾的荷塘,舞过飘落的枫叶,舞过纯洁的飞雪,舞向美丽的天堂。 描写最珍贵的时间的初中作文3 时间是一只啄木鸟,为人们工作着;时间是一个火把,为人们照亮着;时间是一棵大树,为人们奉献着!时间让人琢磨不透,可是今天你和我都会...

珍惜时间600字初中作文(篇1) 总是感叹时间过得太快,纯真的童年时光还历历在目,转眼间却已成为一个十四五岁的小伙子。有时看着白发苍苍的爷爷奶奶,会感怀自己哪一天也会垂垂老去。但人生不能只由伤怀组成,我们应该微笑。正因为人生短暂,我们才更应珍惜每一个美好的瞬间和每一丝真诚的感动。 珍惜亲情,它让我们的...


【珍惜时间作文】 人人都说:一寸光阴一寸金,寸金难买寸光阴。在我二年级的两次事情后,我才知道了时间的宝贵。一次,晚上,我正在做老师布置的家庭作业,做完后,我的眼睛感到很疲劳,于是,我就休息了一会。我又在小房间里跳上跳下地玩。妈妈看见了,走过来对我说:“婷婷,老师不是常说...

时间,像一匹骏马。在你的不经意间,它悄悄的跑过。珍惜时间的人,能够在短时间内做许多的事情,这就要靠你自我去争取了。一起来看看珍惜时间把握 青春 演讲稿 中学生,欢迎查阅! 珍惜时间把握青春演讲稿1 培根有句格言:“书籍是时代波涛中航行的理想之舟,它小心翼翼地把货物送给一代又一代。”是啊,书,这个缤纷...


珍惜时间作文素材篇1 时间如流水,一点也不能挽留它。你捧起一些水,水便会从你的指缝中流过,时间也是如此,时间匆匆,我们又如何才能珍惜时间呢?想想已经过了16载,人生只不过七八十载,建树之时也不过数十载。唯有从现在努力,珍惜时间,不妄为人世。 进入初一是,因为初中三年是挺难熬得,可是时间催人,两年的时间一晃...

珍惜时间的优秀作文1 “时间就是生命”,这已经是人们听得耳膜都起了老茧的话了。在家中,有父母的叮咛;到学校,有老师的教诲。可是,有多少人真正引起重视,去自觉珍惜,像对待生命一样对待时间呢? 君不见:校园里,某君患感冒,心急如焚,不顾课业冲向医务室。大包小包的“良”药被他吞下。为什么?他很珍惜生命。可是...

延安市13864709312: 关于珍惜时间的英语作文带翻译50字
浑皆心通: Time is precious, the past no longer come back, we should do more meaningful things, not a waste of time, read more, learn more, contribute more for the society, so that society can become more and more prosperous 时间很珍贵,过去了就不再回来,我们应该多做一些有意义的事情,不能浪费时间,多看书,多学习,多为社会做贡献,这样社会才能越来越繁荣

延安市13864709312: 一篇初中的关于珍惜时间的英语作文80词左右的例文? -
浑皆心通: Take your time For thousands of years, animals have trodden a slow path, their spirits together with the body. But our human being's transportation is too fast. The body moves but the soul is left behind. We try to free ourselves in convenience, but ...

延安市13864709312: 以珍惜时间为题的初中英语作文 -
浑皆心通: Time is not money, not any of the material can be found again. Once you have lost it easily, it is always with you, merciless, respectively.时间不是任何可以失而复得的物质.你一旦把它轻易失去,它就永远同你无情的分别.Time is not money, the ...

延安市13864709312: 初中生英语作文:珍惜时间
浑皆心通: 提供短语 你必须自己组织才能进步 treasure our time as time goes by it's important to don't delay 事例 WISE bed to sleep three-legged WISE childhood ambition, love of reading. His secondary school, in order to gain more time to study, specifically ...

延安市13864709312: 珍惜时间一30字左右英语作文及翻译 -
浑皆心通:[答案] Time waits for no one.If it flows away,it will never come to us again.We can't take charge of our time but we should know the importance of time and cherish time.时间不等人.如果它流逝了,它就永远不会再...

延安市13864709312: 谁能帮我找一篇关于珍惜时间的英语作文啊?简单一点的就可以啊`SOS`~ -
浑皆心通:[答案] Value Your Time Sincc I entered college I have felt a great burden off my mind and I just want to relax.So do my classmates.... 21st century.Time and tide wait for no man.I should value my time.What about you,my friend? 珍惜时间 进入大学以来,我感到...

延安市13864709312: 关于“不要浪费时间”的初中英语作文,80字左右用“Don't waste time"做标题 -
浑皆心通:[答案] Since I entered juniorschool I have felt a great pressure in my mind and I just want to relax.So do my classmates.We enjoy playing games and are very skillful at it.We seldom work on our lessons unles...

延安市13864709312: 以The value of time为题的英语作文?120词内容:1时间比金钱更重要,宝贵,要珍惜时间2时间对于每个人来说是有限的,应该充分利用打好时光为国效力3... -
浑皆心通:[答案] There goes a proverb, “Time is money”. Now I want to say, time is more precious than money, because when money is spent, we can earn some more again. However, when time is gone or lost, never will it return. Time goes without being noticed. ...

延安市13864709312: 英语作文 大家帮帮忙请以the value of time为题目写一篇短文.提示:(1)时间就是生命,它比金钱更重要,更宝贵,我们要珍惜时间.(2)时间对每个人来... -
浑皆心通:[答案] The Value of Time Time is precious. A famous Chinese saying goes like this, "Time can not be purchased with gold." Time is so valuable that nothing can buy it. So it's a big pity if we waste time. T...

延安市13864709312: 初三英语作文 关于珍惜时间 -
浑皆心通: Sincc I entered juniorschool I have felt a great pressure in my mind and I just want to relax. So do my classmates. We enjoy playing games and are very skillful at it. We seldom work on our lessons unless there is an examination. I know it is not good,...

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