
作者&投稿:寇京 (若有异议请与网页底部的电邮联系)

She told us that she wanted to buy these books.

He said that he had just finished work.

He said that he had broken the plate.

She said to Mr. Smith that Mr. Jones would see him then.

The teacher told me that I could go then.

The teacher told the students not to waste their time.

She asked whether that book was mine or his.
The teacher asked how I had repaired it.
The mother asked Tom to get up early.
The teacher told the students not to waste their time.
The teacher said that the earth goes around the sun. (客观真理时态不变)
My father said that practice makes perfect.
The boy told us that he usually got up at six every day.
He said that they were still students.
He told me that he had been born in 1978. (由于受具体时间限定,这里的过去完成时也可以用一般过去时was born代替,born为bear的过去分词,但是用过去完成时是比较正式的说法)
He asked whether I knew where she lived. (这里直接引语本身就有从句,变成间接引语时就变成了一句复合从句,即从句中还有从句,从句的从句的时态仍然按时态的一致原则做变化)
He asked his mother how she had found it.
She told us she would come back the next day.
The young man asked Karen where her chemistry teacher lived.
The physics teacher told the boys and girls that light travels faster than sound.
The old man asked my brother what he had done there the day before.
Mary asked me whether I would go to the concert with her this evening.
He asked Lucy whether she was interested in that.

1 She asked whether that book was mine or his.
2 The teacher asked how I had repaired it.
3 The mother asked Tom to get up early.
4 The teacher told the students not to waste their time.
5 The teacher said that the earth goes around the sun.
6 My father said that practice makes perfect.
7 The boy told us that he usually got up at six every day.
8 He said that they were still students.
9 He told me that he had been born in 1978.
10 He asked whether I knew where she lived.
11 He asked his mother how she had found it.
12 She told us she would come back the next day.
13 The young man asked Karen where her chemistry teacher lived.
14 The physics teacher told the boys and girls that light travels faster than sound.
15 The old man asked my brother what he had done there the day before.
16 Mary asked me whether I would go to the concert with her this evening.
17 He asked Lucy whether she was interested in that.



1. My mother asked me ,"You have finished your homework,haven't you?"My mother asked me if I have finished my homework.2.Dick asked,"How much did you pay for the bike?"Dick asked how much I paid for the bike.3."Does the moon go round the earth?" the student asked ...

小学语文里,怎么把直接引语改成间接引语 修改人称,把第一人称改为第二或第三人称 91浏览2017-10-04 小学语文如何把直接引语改成间接引语 小学语文复习---直接引语改写成间接引语 直述句改为转述句,从其外在形式上讲,有两个显著的特征,那就是标点符号的变化和代词(还有个别趋向动词情况)的变化...

2.当转述内容涉及其他人称时的改法 。 如:姐姐对我说:“ 你说得对,我就这样做。”改:姐姐告诉我,我说得对,她就这样做 。 上面的例句中涉及了第二人称,在改为转述句时就应改为 第一人称。还应注意,冒号和引号前的内容不变。 3.间接引语改为直接引语,第三人称“ 他 ” 或 “ 她 ...

英语 直接引语怎么改间接引语
需要说明的是,若引号里是两句话,改为间接引语后,第二句前也要用that连接起来。"He was here a few weeks ago, and he came again yesterday." she said.She said that he had been there a few weeks before, and that he had come again the day before.2、若直接引语为一般疑问句(原...

1.Ann said (that)she moved to pairs in 1956 2.He said (that)he Have been here about ten times 3.Mary said(that) she has sold her house in London 4.The man said (that)smoking is strictly forbidden here 5.Mr.Black said (that)they started learning Chinese last ...

关于直接引语改为间接引语怎么改如下:引述某人的话一般采用两种形式:一种是直接引语(Direct Speech),即原封不动地引用原话,把它放在引号内;另一种是间接引语(Indirect Speech),即用自己的话加以转述,被转述的内容不放在引号内。间接引语在大多数情况下构成宾语从句。人称变化;直接引语转换为间接引语...

人称的变化直接引语中的代词变为间接引语时,要根据句意情景进行变化。变化规则如下表所示:直接引语间接引语第一人称第三人称或第一人称第二人称第三人称或第一人称第三人称第三人称e.g.I said,“I won’t lose heart.”→I said that 1 wouldn’t lose heart.我说我不会灰心的。(第一人称I不...

把直接引语改成间接引语 1.周瑜长叹一声说诸葛亮神机妙算,他真是比不了。2.山姆握着珊迪的手说他会永远照顾珊迪的。3.张林告诉我要是星期日下雨我们就不去看电影。4.妈妈对我说她上班去了,我中午在家自己温习功课。5.小红对陈赓说她还要等她的同伴呢!直接引语:直接引用说话人的原话。间接引语...

德格县13762505033: 将下列直接引语改为间接引语(在线等!)1.She asked,“Is this book yours or his?”2.The teacher asked,“How did you repair it?”3.The mother said,“Tom,... -
豆卢放龙威:[答案] She asked whether that book was mine or his. The teacher asked how I had repaired it. The mother asked Tom to get up early.... He asked whether I knew where she lived. (这里直接引语本身就有从句,变成间接引语时就变成了一句复合从句,即从句中...

德格县13762505033: 老师,请问把直接引语改成间接引语怎么改? -
豆卢放龙威:[答案] 直接引语:直接引用说话人的原话. 间接引语:将说话人的话 转述给第三者听. 例如:妈妈对我说:“我上班去了,你中午在家自己温习功课.”这个就是直接引语 改成间接引语就是妈妈对我说她上班去了,我中午在家自己温习功课.在这里去掉了双引...

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豆卢放龙威:[答案] 把直接引语改成间接引语1.我和同伙紧张地对向导说他得想想办法.2.我终于忍不住了,让妈妈给我买包山楂片.3.欧立希坚定地表示,他们必须用神奇的子弹去消灭那些微小病菌.这个你写错了吧?应该是:把间接引语改成直接引语...

德格县13762505033: 将下列含有直接引语的句子改为间接引语.1.He said,"I live in Beijing." 2.She said,"I am interested in physics."3.He said to me,"I am going to have a ... -
豆卢放龙威:[答案] 1.He said,he lives in Beijing.2.She said,she interested in physics.3.He said to me,he is going to have a birthday party for my mother.4.He said to his mother,he will fly to New York tomorrow.5.Mise Ga...

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豆卢放龙威:[答案] 1 "Don't do that again,boys"said the old man. the old man told the boys not to do that again. 2 "Let's have a cup of milk."said the young man The young man suggested having a cup of milk with us. 3 He said to the old woman,"Don't worry.I'll take ...

德格县13762505033: 『求』把下列句子从直接引语变成间接引语
豆卢放龙威: my teacher told me to finish my homework earlier. a man asked me if i have a room for the weekend

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豆卢放龙威:[答案] 1、小可一脸疑惑地望着妈妈问他(自己)是不是石头缝里蹦出来的. 2、父亲问爱迪生蹲在鸡窝里干什么.

德格县13762505033: 把下列直接引语改为间接引语.1.He said,"Did you see him yesterday?" 2.He said,''The moon moves around the sun".3.She said," I'm coming this ... -
豆卢放龙威:[答案] he asked whether i saw him yesterdayhe said the the moon moves around the sunshe said she was coming that afternoonhe said he liked it very muchshe said that she had seen the film and it was goodemily...

德格县13762505033: 将所给直接引语变为间接引语请将下面的直接引语变成间接引语:1.He said,“I've left my book in my room.”2.She said,“He will be busy.”3.She said to ... -
豆卢放龙威:[答案] 1.He said that he had left his book in his room.2.She said that he would be busy.3.She asked Tom if he could help her.4.She asked whether this book was yours or his.5.The teacher asked how you re...

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