
作者&投稿:巢沿 (若有异议请与网页底部的电邮联系)

According to the descriptive information give from the passage, we always hope that things would go the way we wanted, yet we tend to ignore the nature cycles and personal interests. The humans and turtles are different in a unique way. The humans have an active mind that the turtles cannot obtain even throughout the hardest work and effort. The humans react differently from the way turtles react to the outer world. The humans would give more thought and the turtles would react more dully. The way of education is especially important to determine one's life because it impcats deeply on the way a person would behave in the future. A good way of education can speed up the process of learning and the amount you can learn. If you want the Turtle to extend it's claw and head more, you would need a more proper educational system

个人意见, 你要把文章一起发一下,我翻译时根本不知道你在写啥玩意, 按照我来看,你这文章跑题了,很多地方都不通, 比如教育乌龟。。。听说过对牛弹琴吗? 再好的琴牛也听不懂。我有些地方帮你改了一下,英文的语法和词汇和中文不一样, 所以有些你写的句子不通。 就这点了

看的我头晕~~ = =


欢迎到我们俱乐部来: Welcome to our club.

你哥哥真的不喜欢运动吗?: Is that real your brother don't like aports?

a little = 一点

play with = 和。。。玩

那个摇滚乐队需要3名擅长音乐的人: That rock band needs three member who are good at music.

你知道他的名字是什么吗?: Do you know what is his name?

苹果是我妈妈最喜欢的水果: Apple is my mother's favorite fruit.

What club do you want to join?

Can Linda play volleyball?

Jerry doesn't get up at seven o'clock.

What time is it now?

Mary does her homework at 7:30 pm.

Can I play the piano?

His aunt cannot swim.

What can your uncle do?

听他说话: Listen to him.

加入篮球俱乐部: Join the basketball club.

他经常乘五路车去上班: He always take the No.5 bus to work.

林欣和他姐姐都在美术俱乐部: Linxin and his sister are both in the art club.

老亨利喜欢看早间节目: Old henry likes to watch morning TV show.

现在都十点了,该起床了: It is 10 o'clock now, it's time to get up.

你们什么时候上历史课: When do you have history class?



雪花 【读音】xuě huā 【英文】snow flake 死耨(nou) 弗雷克


snow flake
斯诺 富雷颗

snow 斯喏

Sonw思呢偶 思NO

关于天气状态的英语单词有rain 雨、snow 雪、sun\/sunshine 阳光、wind 风、cloud 云、storm 暴雨、thunderstorm 雷雨 、thundershower 雷阵雨、lightning 闪电、snowstorm 暴风雪、rainstorm 暴风雨、frost 霜、snow 雪、thunder 雷、wind 风、cloud 云、haze 霾、rain 雨、land wind 陆风、hail 冰雹等。...

Snowflakes = 雪花 Sunny = 阳光 Sunny \/ Wind = 晴时有风 Sunny Day = 晴天 Windy = 有风 meteorology 气象学 atmosphere 大气 climate 气候 elements 自然力量(风 、雨)temperature 气温 to be warm, to be hot 天气热 to be cold 天气冷 season 季节 spring 春 summer 夏 autumn 秋 (美作...

35. Humidity - 潮湿 36. Freeze - 冰冻 37. Snowflake - 雪花 38. Snowfall - 降雪 39. Waterspout - 水龙卷 40. Dead calm - 风平浪静 41. Indian summer - 小阳春 42. Drought - 干旱 这些单词涵盖了从气象学到各种天气现象的术语。了解这些词汇有助于更好地描述和理解天气情况。

Mix=冰雨夹雪 Snow and Fog=雾夹雪 Snow Shower=阵雪 Snowflakes=雪花 Sunny \/ Wind=晴时有风 Sunny Day=晴天 Thunder=雷鸣 Thunder in the Vicinity=周围有雷雨 T-Storms Early=早有持续雷雨 T-Storms Late=晚有持续雷雨 Windy \/ Snowy=有风\/有雪 Windy Rain=刮风下雨 Wintry Mix=雨雪混合 ...

cyclone 旋风 typhoon 台风 whirlwind 龙卷风 gale 季节风 gust of wind 阵风 breeze 微风 fog 浓雾 dew 露水 humidity 潮湿 freeze 冰冻 snowflake 雪花 snowfall 降雪 waterspout 水龙卷 dead calm 风平浪静 Indian summer 小阳春 drought 干旱 ...

1-(竖) SNOWFLAKE (雪花)1-(横) SKIS (滑雪板)2- (横) IGLOO ( 冰屋)2- (竖) ICICLE (冰棱)3- (竖) DEER (鹿)3-(横) RICEFEEDER (某谷物喂食器) 这个是猜的 4 - (竖)(横) 都不认识。。。图片也不认识,也猜不出词~~~

and Fog=雾夹雪 Snow Shower=阵雪 Snowflakes=雪花 Sunny=阳光 Sunny \/ Wind=晴时有风 Sunny Day=晴天 Thunder=雷鸣 Thunder in the Vicinity=周围有雷雨 T-Storms=雷雨 T-Storms Early=早有持续雷雨 T-Storms Late=晚有持续雷雨 Windy=有风 Windy \/ Snowy=有风\/有雪 Windy Rain=刮风下雨 ...

关于天气的英语单词有:1、动词:rain 下雨;snow 下雪;shine 照耀;blow 刮风;thunder 打雷 2、形容词:rainy 下雨的;sunny 晴朗的;windy 有风的;foggy 有雾的;stormy 暴风雨的snowy 下雪的;cloudy 阴天的 3、名词:rain 雨;snow 雪;sun 太阳;wind 风;cloud 云;storm 暴雨 ;haze 霾...

关于天气的英语单词具体如下:晴 fine\/fair\/sunny 多云 cloudy 阴 overcast 毛毛雨 drizzle 小雨 light rain 中雨 moderate rain 大雨 heavy rain 阵雨 shower 雷阵雨 thundershower 雨夹雪 sleet 有雪 snowy 霜冻 frosty 冰雹 hail 有风 windy 台风 typhoon 有雾 foggy 晴到多云 fair to cloudy 多云...


榕城区18426752670: 雪花的英文单词 -
夹竿炎立: snowflake

榕城区18426752670: '雪花'英语单词(悬赏100分)
夹竿炎立: Sonw思呢偶 思NO Snow

榕城区18426752670: 雪花用英语怎么说 -
夹竿炎立: 一般的话用snowflake,这个指的是那种飘下来的雪花

榕城区18426752670: 雪花英语怎么说? -
夹竿炎立: snowflake 雪花 noun a flake of snow, especially a feathery ice crystal, typically displaying delicate sixfold symmetry

榕城区18426752670: 请问雪花的英文怎么拼? -

榕城区18426752670: 雪花用英文怎么读? -
夹竿炎立: snow ,读法是(si nou) 谢谢,希望可以帮助到你

榕城区18426752670: 下雪的英文 -
夹竿炎立: 一、下雪的英文是snow,音标英 [snəʊ]、美 [snoʊ]. 二、释义: 1、n.积雪;雪,雪花;雪季 例句:The snow covered up the fields with a white cloak. 积雪给田野盖上了一件白色的外衣. 2、vt.下雪;使纷纷落下;使变白;被雪覆盖,被雪阻...

榕城区18426752670: 关于雪的英语词汇 -
夹竿炎立: 打雪仗:have snowball fights 堆雪人:make snowmen 暴风雪blizzard 雪松:cedar 白雪公主:Snow White 雪花:snowflake 雪豹:snow leopard 雪暴:snowstorm 雪崩:snowslide; avalanche 雪堆:snow drift 雪纺绸:chiffon 雪恨:wreak ...

榕城区18426752670: "雪花"的英文缩写是什么? -
夹竿炎立: 雪花的正确说法是snowflake 没有缩写形式.

榕城区18426752670: 英文里snow是什么意思 -
夹竿炎立: snow是“雪”的意思.不过,关于英文单词,如果不是太高深的话,建议LZ买本英文字典吧.字典肯定会比在这里问方便啊!加油!

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