
作者&投稿:宋彬 (若有异议请与网页底部的电邮联系)

1.Are you____ getting on well___with your classmates?
2.There are____more than____three thousand students in our school.
3.He bought all these things on____exception_____.
4.Why don't you__ask__your parents__for__help.
5.Mike always____gets a part-time job____to pay for his tuition


1.The boy is very (p )to the old.(根据首字母提示填空)



please don't follow me all around.

3.你们知道去汽车站的路吗?(the way to)
do you know the way to the bus station?

4.老师叫我们不要在街上玩(ask sb.not to do sth)
the teacher asks us not to play in the street.

5.我们应该注意不要在公共场合大声说话(take care)
we should take care not to speak too loudly in the public.

Don't follow me around.
Do you know the way to the bus-stop?
The teacher asked us don't to play in the street.
We should take care that do not to talk loudly in public (place).这里的place可加可不加.


2.Please don't follow me around everywhere.
3.Do you know the way to the bus station?
4.Our teacher asked us not to play in the streets.

5.We should take care not to speak loudly in the public.

plese dont follw me around anywhere!
do you know the way to the bus station?
teacher asked us not to play in the street.
we should take care dont speak aloudly in the public.

开门见山 鹦鹉学舌---(人云亦云) 2.愚公的家---(开门见山)3.半夜报警---(一鸣惊人) 4.埋下的地雷--(一触即发 )5.两人对歌---(一唱一和 )

to encourage me to work hard in my life. It is a lesson for me now and ever.5. I think police is the most dangerous job. They have to face zillions of dangerous situations including fire danger, not to mention other physical and mental fights with criminals.(以上是原创)...

1.excellent 2.B 3.get down to 4.used,to 5.do favour 6.charm away,disease 7.usedn't 8.collection 9.elect him compereof the charity perfaomance 10.searched for

5.(1)A (2)真纯(或“纯真”、“天真”、“单纯”等)成熟(或“世故”、“庸俗”、“圆滑”、“虚假”等)(3)我总想通过音乐来证明自己属于一个时髦的阶层,总怕因没有音乐感觉而被这个阶层遗弃。“高雅”是反语,具有讽刺意味。6.例如:“童年并非一个行色匆匆的过客,在我们身上小住几日,...

得意忘形 因为符合"得意忘形"的第一个解释。 释义 (一) 形,形体。「得意忘形」指因心意志趣获得满足而物我两忘。语本《晋书.卷四九.阮籍列传》。形容人高兴过头,举止失去常态。 (二) 形,形式。「得意忘形」指文学艺术创作上,取其精神而舍其形式。语本宋.欧阳修〈李邕书〉。 典源 (一) ...

2009—2010 学年度第一学期高三年级抽样测试\\r\\n语文参考答案\\r\\n一、(本大题共5小题,每小题3分,共15分)\\r\\n1.C 2.A 3.B 4.D 5.D\\r\\n二、(本大题共4小题,每小题3分,共12分)\\r\\n6.B 7.A 8.C 9.C\\r\\n三、本大题共 4 小题,共 ...

so easy 绝:1穷尽(绝处逢生)。2,很,极端的(绝对)把:1,拿,抓住(把玩)。2,量词(一把伞)。3,控制,掌控(把握)。4,把守,看守(把守,把风)。该处应该读[bà]5,手推车自行车等的柄(把手,把柄)。

1、也。“池”字去点“水”,“地”字去掉“土”2、3、因。里面一个“大”字,外面一个方框“口”4、5、梦。“林”字下面,加“多”的一半“夕”,即为“梦”字 不好意思,暂时只能想到这些,希望能给予你一些帮助。同时也希望其他的好心人能尽快帮你解决难题。

Uint4 how do you get yo school?重点短语 (1) get to...到达=arrive in+大地点\/arrive at+小地点=reach...(2) a quick breakfast匆忙的早餐 (3)how far...多远(对距离提问)(4)leave for...动身去...(5)take a\/the bus\/subway\/trian\/plane\/boat to...go to... by bus\/s...

语文小问题,答完可拿财富悬赏:5 。

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坚牲德巴: 1 There are two dogs,they are running.Dog A runs faster than dog B,when they arive the finally place ,which dog has more sweat? Answer:Dog hasn't sweat. (两狗赛跑,A跑得比B快,当它们到终点时,哪只狗流汗更多? 答案:狗不会流汗.)...

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坚牲德巴: 一,用括号中所给单词的适当形式填空,使句子完整,通顺. 1.——What about swimming in the sea this after—noon? ——That _sounds______ (sound) good. 2.Don't _waste____(waste) water. It's our duty to save it. 3.Do you know the trees _...

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坚牲德巴: 1. swims, better, than does 2. Though, but ,looks ,strong3.自我介绍应该有逻辑性 有幽默感 比如1、 以星座为话题作自我介绍I'm an Aries. Arians are supposed to be courageous leaders but troub...

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坚牲德巴: 1.take a lesson from sb. 2.swim in the river 3.直译为没有任何事烦我 4.做梦比睡觉重要.意为生活要有梦想,不要昏昏度日. 5.前者:让工作中的外宾停下来和你说话是很不礼貌的. 后者:你应该让他或她继续他(她)的工作.

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