
作者&投稿:昌茅 (若有异议请与网页底部的电邮联系)

(Jane and Sarah are talking about the fashion show in Xidan Shopping Center in Beijing.)
Jane:Hi,Sarah!Did you watch the fashion show in Xidan Shopping Center last month?
Sarah:No ,but Kangkang said he watched it.and he said it was wonderful.
Jane:There's going to be another one there tomorrow.Many famous models will be there to model the clothes.Would you like to go with me?
Sarah:sure.Do you know when it'll start?
Jane:The poster says it will start at 7:30 p.m.
Sarah:Let's go and watch it.

High fashion HauteCouture is according to the needs of customer, cutting the garment according to the figure , hand-made fashion. It throws into the ability and energy of the designer and producer, has reflected the personal styles of the designer and persons who dress, it is supreme form and realm of the fashion. Advanced ready-made clothe (Pro-ta-Porter) whether industrialization according to ready-made clothe fashion that standard produce, is it simplify product of production after to make to high fashion, lead , design the apex in style, but they are not the high fashion.

I have a busy day . It's Saturday . On Saturday , I eat breakfast at six o'clock.For breakfast , I have milk , bread , eggs and apples. I go to school at seven o'clock .I'm student.I'm in the middle school . I learn English very well. I'm a class monitor.All teacher very like me,because I study very well.But I only 12 years old . I eat lunch at 12 o'clock . I do my homework from one o'clock to four o'clock .I eat dinner at six o'clock . After dinner , I watch TV from 6:30 to 8:30.I go to bed at nine o'clock.This is my busy day.


豆:短暂的时装表演结束了。请记住,我们的服装尽显绿色!裴:请记住,我们的服装充满环保!合:赶快行动起来吧,亲爱的同学 ——保护环境,爱护家园,从我们做起!【篇二】时装走秀主持人台词开头及结尾 下面呈现给您的是一台富有创意、别具一格的“时装秀”--这里将要为大家展示的每一套服装都是由废弃...



帮你找了两篇参考文章: 一、《教师的一天》时装表演解说词 (一个背景朗诵员,一个教师代表,共同演绎) 教师:在无数平凡和不平凡的职业中,我拥有宝石般闪亮的职业,我骄傲,我是一个老师!在无数奉献和进取的篇章中,我拥有金子般闪亮的一页,我骄傲,我是一个老师! 朗诵员: 有人说,教师...


看到这个题目是不是觉得很有趣,这却实是一场很特别表演,时装秀作文。 这场表演是我们在英语夏令营中一个游戏。晚上,李老师带着我们来到NJ03班,外教老师在我们班选了两位同学当模特,另外一班选了一位,老师分别给她们做了三顶帽子、三件衣服、三条裤子,你能猜出这些服装是用什么材料做的吗?...

时尚 长久以来,巴黎一直是时尚的首都,而且依然如此。风靡世界的克里斯蒂昂·迪奥时装店坐落在蒙泰涅大街。郎万时装店及其他数十家时装店地处福布尔·圣-奥诺雷大街。所有的女性都爱观看时装表演,尤其是迪奥的时装表演。但是人们只是去挂 个眼科。迪奥和郎万的东西太贵了!但现在的时尚是如此地,并且特别...



请看苗苗班带来的环保时装。 八、《蓓、蕾、芽、大合唱》 今天我们聚集在这里,共同带来欢声笑语,今天我们相会在这里,欣赏了精彩无比的演出;我们为今天...幼儿时装表演走秀串词 篇2 这里没有宽广的T型舞台,但能够带给你前所未有的惊喜;这里没有专业的模特,但能够带给你高超的表演水准;这里没有华丽的服饰,但足以...

五河县13782123689: 一篇关于看时装表演的英语作文假如你是李敏,写一封八十字左右的E - mail给Maria 邀请他和你一起去看时装表演.1、在6月28号在新世纪购物中心有一场时... -
重郎脚癣:[答案] I have a busy day . It's Saturday . On Saturday , I eat breakfast at six o'clock.For breakfast , I have milk , bread , eggs and apples. I go to school at seven o'clock .I'm student.I'm in the middle school . I learn English very well. I'm a class monitor.All teacher ...

五河县13782123689: 一篇关于看时装表演的英语作文 -
重郎脚癣: I have a busy day . It's Saturday . On Saturday , I eat breakfast at six o'clock.For breakfast , I have milk , bread , eggs and apples. I go to school at seven o'clock .I'm student.I'm in the middle school . I learn English very well. I'm a class monitor.All ...

五河县13782123689: 英语作文:假设上周六晚上,你和朋友在百盛购物中心看了一场时装表演.根据所给提示写一篇70词左右的英语短文,描述这次时装表演的情况,并谈谈你将... -
重郎脚癣:[答案] 看到这个题目是不是觉得很有趣,这却实是一场很特别表演,时装秀作文. 这场表演是我们在英语夏令营中一个游戏.晚上,李老师带着我们来到NJ03班,外教老师在我们班选了两位同学当模特,另外一班选了一位,老师分别给她们做了三顶帽子、三...

五河县13782123689: 英语作文假定上周三你们学校举行了一场时装表演,你是其中的一名模特,请你根据下列提示写一篇有关时装表演的短文,80词左右.(go to the fashion show... -
重郎脚癣:[答案] 一、Our school is having the fashion show tonight. We finished class earlier than usual today in order to do&n...

五河县13782123689: 观看一场时装表演英语日记 -
重郎脚癣: today, i experienced the most impressive fashion show in my life. i love it very much. not the colorful world but the amazing ideas, and the express power of the models. i wish one day i were the model to show my own ideas on fashion. fashion is not ...

五河县13782123689: 观看一场时装表演英语日记 -
重郎脚癣:[答案] today,i experienced the most impressive fashion show in my life.i love it very much.not the colorful world but the amazing ideas,and the express power of the models.i wish one day i were the model to show my own ideas on fashion.fashion is not only a ...

五河县13782123689: the. fashion. show为题,写一篇英语作文 -
重郎脚癣: Time: on May 2, on Wednesday, fine. 时间:五月二日,星期三,好的. Morning to go shopping, and li hua in a supermarket around the door of the many people, are very busy. Originally there are having a fashion show, many model is show ...

五河县13782123689: 假如周六你和朋友一起去看了一场时装秀.请根据下面所给信息写一篇英语日记,描述一下这场时装秀,70词.Date:April 11thTime:9:00a.m---9:30a.mPlace:... -
重郎脚癣:[答案] 题主我不是很确定你说的 mdfels 是什么意思,我想应该是Models.My friend and I went to a fashion show last Saturday, it was definitely a memorable experience for me. The fashion shou was held at WenHua S...

五河县13782123689: 关于时装秀的英语作文,又初一水平 -
重郎脚癣: High fashion HauteCouture is according to the needs of customer, cutting the garment according to the figure , hand-made fashion. It throws into the ability and energy of the designer and producer, has reflected the personal styles of the designer ...

五河县13782123689: fashion show 60字左右的英语作文就一般现在时,急啊 -
重郎脚癣: 一、Our school is having the fashion show tonight. We finished class earlier than usual today in order to do the show. I am one of the models that appear on the runway. My dress is an elegant gown styled from the 1980s but I am wearing my hair in a ...

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