
作者&投稿:抄临 (若有异议请与网页底部的电邮联系)

Holiday Beach is a major recreational resort in the west of Haikou City, in Hainan Province. The beach, some six kms (about 3.7 miles) long, enjoys a wonderful climate (average temperature of 75.2 F), with sparkling waters, waving coconut trees, and plenty of sunshine and blue skies.
The resort has four zones:此地有四个区域
Sea Sports: Here, one can enjoy swimming, sail-boarding, kayaking, or just lazing on the beach. Just whatever takes your fancy.
Food and Culture: the Guanjingtai Plaza provides excellent sightseeing and a wide variety of restaurants and bars to satisfy every palate. The International Fishing Club offers high-tech fishing tools and makes you enjoy the happiness of fishing.
The Fun Section: this offers a wide range of family entertainment: the Music Square, a roller-skating course, a Children's Movement Center, the Kingdom of Butterflies, and much more. Especially popular is the World above Water with its water ballet and diving presentations.
Relaxation: Holiday Beach provides accommodation in a relaxing environment: everything from villas and chalets to tents and hammocks is comfortable, clean and safe.
An unusual feature of the Holiday Beach Resort is the 'kissing fish'. These fish can live happily in 104 F water, and they will nibble at your body to provide delightful underwater skin-cleansing care. So weird!
So welcome to Holiday Beach, just off Binhai Road, Haikou City. It awaits you!

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Dear Mr. / MS XXX
We sincerely invite you to us will be held in XXXXXXX in XX year X month X day English Salon guests, please with us experience from the joy of learning English.
Invitation: 13, battalion four (1) class
XX years XX months XX days

Holiday Beach is a major recreational resort in the west of Haikou City, in Hainan Province. The beach, some six kms (about 3.7 miles) long, enjoys a wonderful climate (average temperature of 75.2 F), with sparkling waters, waving coconut trees, and plenty of sunshine and blue skies.
The resort has four zones:此地有四个区域
Sea Sports: Here, one can enjoy swimming, sail-boarding, kayaking, or just lazing on the beach. Just whatever takes your fancy.
Food and Culture: the Guanjingtai Plaza provides excellent sightseeing and a wide variety of restaurants and bars to satisfy every palate. The International Fishing Club offers high-tech fishing tools and makes you enjoy the happiness of fishing.
The Fun Section: this offers a wide range of family entertainment: the Music Square, a roller-skating course, a Children's Movement Center, the Kingdom of Butterflies, and much more. Especially popular is the World above Water with its water ballet and diving presentations.
Relaxation: Holiday Beach provides accommodation in a relaxing environment: everything from villas and chalets to tents and hammocks is comfortable, clean and safe.
An unusual feature of the Holiday Beach Resort is the 'kissing fish'. These fish can live happily in 104 F water, and they will nibble at your body to provide delightful underwater skin-cleansing care. So weird!
So welcome to Holiday Beach, just off Binhai Road, Haikou City. It awaits you!

小朋友,你们也去假日海滩玩吧,保证让你流连忘返。篇二:去假日海滩游泳 今天下午,我和爷爷、奶奶来到海南岛的假日海滩游泳。我和爷爷一起到楼下去坐28路公交车。开始我们等了3辆车,都不去假日海滩,开车的`司机叔叔说:“要去假日海滩的车,也要等到4点钟以后了”。然后我和爷爷决定坐50路...

中午:在海口市区内品尝当地特色美食,如海南粉、清补凉、椰子饭等。下午:前往海口市的标志性景点——五公祠参观,感受海南的历史文化底蕴。随后可以逛逛海口的老街区,体验当地的生活气息。晚上:在海口市区内的海边餐厅享用海鲜大餐,品尝新鲜的热带水果。第二天:假日海滩一日游 早上:早餐后,前往假日...


棋子湾海湾呈现S形状,湾长20多公里。海湾水面平静,海水清澈见底,海沙细软且洁白如银;海岸奇峰林立,怪石嶙峋。棋子湾是海南唯一保留着原始、天然景观的旅游度假区,不仅景奇景美,而且流传着许多美丽传说的地方。Haikou | Holiday Beach 海口 | 假日海滩 假日海滩位于海口市西部的滨海大道旁,长达6公里...

2. 交通方式:从海口市区可以乘坐公交车或出租车直达假日海滩。如果自驾,可以通过导航软件找到最佳路线。3. 住宿选择:假日海滩附近有许多酒店和民宿供游客选择,可以根据自己的预算和需求选择合适的住宿。4. 餐饮推荐:假日海滩附近有许多海鲜餐厅和小吃摊,可以品尝到新鲜的海鲜和地道的海南美食。5. 活动...





假日海海滩的“假日”可谓名副其实,是海口市内大型的天然海水浴场,度假、烧烤、露营、下海游泳,在这里都可以一站式体验,是海南最好玩的的沙滩之一,也是来到海口的必打卡景点之一。5、天涯海角 天涯海角以美丽迷人的热带自然海滨风光,悠久独特的历史文化和浓郁多彩的民族风情驰名海内外,依山傍海,碧海...

山海关区15986769444: 用初中英语介绍海南省(200词内附中文翻译) -
程志参芍: Welcome to Hainan island,and wish you enjoy you holiday.In Hainan,you must go to the beach watching the sea and hearing the sea wind,wowowowowowowowowowowowowowowowowowowowowowowowowowowowowowowowowowowowowo!!!!!!!!

山海关区15986769444: 去海南旅游英文语六十字带翻译 -
程志参芍: hai nan is a very good place . have warm climate all year around.beacuase it is very close to the ocean . the ocean current going to bring the warm wind all around it. becuase of the warm climate a lot of animals live right there.i think the best thing to ...

山海关区15986769444: 英语作文 海南旅游景点 -
程志参芍: 海南-天涯海角英文介绍-天涯海角英语导游词 Fellow friends: Welcome everybody to arrive motherland most South End city Sanya to go sightseeing the traveling. First asks everybody to turn on the glass to feel, the Hainan pure non- pollution air, the ...

山海关区15986769444: 海南气候宜人,一年到头阳光明媚、海水清澈、沙滩美丽、空气清新的英语怎么写 -
程志参芍: the climate in Hannan is pleasent. the sunshine is beautiful, the sea water is clear, the beach is charming and the air is fresh all the year.

山海关区15986769444: 英语作文啊~
程志参芍: Haikou is the capital city of Hainan Province. There is a huge number of population in Haikou. It's about 1.5 millions people there. There is no winter in Haikou. The weather there is sunny and cool. It seems like the four seasons are all summer. Many ...

山海关区15986769444: 假如你是一名导游,用英文向游客们介绍一下海口 -
程志参芍: haikou is in the northeastern of hainan .the population is one milion and fivty thousand . there is no winter and the wheather is fine . there is blue sky and blue sea, the air is fresh,it attracts regional tourist .there are many scenic spot,such as, Holiday beach, Wan Lvyuan and so on!才疏学浅,只能翻译成这样,惭愧,惭愧!

山海关区15986769444: 根据材料写海南的介绍用英语1.海南是中国的第二大岛,气候温暖,空气新鲜,有海滩,高达的椰子树等.2.在这儿可以进行许多水上运动(如:冲浪潜水等)... -
程志参芍:[答案] 1.Hainan is the second largest island of China.The weather here is warm and the air is clean.There are beaches and tall coconut trees in the island .2.You can do many sports in the sea,such as surf an...

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